Blog Comments

  1. DragonHeart's Avatar
    We'll see what happens, I guess. From what little I've gathered he doesn't have much, if any family support. He does have a girlfriend though--in fact, he lives with her and her parents. But I don't know how well he's treated by them, either. Many, many question marks in this particular case.

    But by now the entire management staff knows and it's basically going to be a team effort to keep an eye on him, try to get him talking, etc. Ultimately though, you can reach out to someone but you can't make them take your hand. So far from what my boss has said he's rebuffed offers to go out for a beer and talk with my boss, so he's not really receptive to it right now. And I suppose he's probably not going to tell me anything else. I'm not going to apologize for giving a damn, though.

    What he chooses to do from here is not caused by my actions--that, I understand. But I'll be damned if I do nothing and see his face in the paper, you know? He's not an easy person to get along with, but he's still part of the crew.
  2. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    Oh. I forgot. I have an ex-boyfriend who -did- kill himself later on.

    He was my brother's best friend that I'd known since I was a baby. He was 10-ish yrs older than me and why I thought it was a good idea to hook up with him, I have no idea. Like 99% of the people in my hometown, he got hooked on drugs, lost his left arm in a drunk driving accident (wrapped his car around a tree), and was addicted to methadone/heroine/idk wtf...

    He got sent to court-mandated rehab up in Wisconsin shortly after we started "dating". I had plans for school and after he left it hit me what a really bad idea it was to be with him. He was my big brother's best friend and everyone knew his problems, so yeah. I broke it off. He was talking about getting married and all this crap and I was only 20. -Anyway-. His mother died while he was in rehab .. She was all the family he had. Period. He left rehab, started dating a girl down in Georgia, and moved in with her.

    She dumped him. He went into the garage, got in the car, & started the engine with the garage door closed. He died from the poisoning of the exhaust.

    Sure, it's sickening to think about. I often wonder what would've happened had I stayed and been there for him. I just stopped talking to him altogether and this was someone who'd been in my life since I was tiny. Not that we'd kept in touch during my adolescent years or anything, but it's something I feel extremely guilty about every now and then. But in the end, I tried doing what was best for -me-. I remember the day I called my brother when he told me. I'd been up for a few days (tweaked out). He had to repeat himself several times before I could understand him. He was in his truck somewhere in Cali or Texas, IDK. He was so upset about it and I had no clue what to say. -He- didn't even know that I'd dated him for that short month or two. It was bad.
  3. DragonHeart's Avatar
    At least half a foot! Glad you didn't have popcorn...
  4. Cloud Strife 11's Avatar
    I didn't jump thaaaaaat high
  5. Incognitus's Avatar
    From what little experience I have with suicidal individuals, you did the right thing by telling someone. Often an individual tells someone else so they can get the help they feel they can't otherwise get by themselves. It's like a subconscious plea for help. That may not be the case here, but the procedure is still the same: tell someone and don't ever ignore a comment like that. The fact that it was brought up so suddenly is probably a red flag in this situation. I hope he can get some help---at the very least, see some specialists.

    One of my roommates in college was diagnosed manic depressive and went through bouts of suicide-obsessive thoughts. It was a rough year for her and at one point insinuated that she tried committing suicide, so we told someone. We had to keep tabs on her during the low swings. She got through the year, at least (although I lost contact with her for some very specific reasons). I also know of three classmates from elementary/middle school who ultimately killed themselves during my college years---one of the many depressing things I learned through that Facebook grapevine---including a guy that was an old elementary school friend. His path in life diverged from mine and we ceased being friends after the fifth grade. Was a good guy at one point, but... things happen. I never did learn why he killed himself. I heard there was a note. However, I was so far removed from his immediate family that I doubt they would remember me if I had asked. Not that I would.

    And noxious.sunshine is absolutely right---there's only so much you can do in these types of situations. Telling someone else who is in a greater position to help is about the best you can hope for here.
  6. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    Oooooh. He's one of -those-...

    I went through that phase for a little while. My close friend Matt finally got fed up with me and was just like "don't talk to me again until you can be Fun Happy Jamie that I fell in love with 7 yrs ago".. It hurt. I left him alone, but then I realized he was right. There really was a lot going on at that time and I really don't talk about my issues to people.. He just happened to be available so he got the full brunt of it all.

    But it all goes back to what we both said - it's mind over matter.

    My dad is the same way, actually, but he's a d*ck about it.. He's depressed because he had to retire from truck driving. He & my mom have been retired for a year now. He'd planned on pretty much dying behind the wheel of their truck. Now, all he does is lay on the couch, watch t.v., drink Budweiser, and stay hopped up on Xanax. .. And bitch about what's wrong with the 3 of us kids. Or well.. Me, to be specific. He complains that he hurts all the time, but he can't go to a doctor 'cuz they can't afford it & don't have insurance. He stays grumpy 27 hrs a day.. And when my sister and I have made suggestions, he makes up excuses. I suggested he try planting a small garden behind their RV this Spring/Summer and grow his tomatoes that he loves so much and maybe a couple of other vegetables. He -could- go work in the truck shop if he really wanted to. He's the only good mechanic around and he loves stuff like that, but he just says his brain doesn't work like it used to
  7. DragonHeart's Avatar
    I know, it's just one of those things. I'm not at all equipped to handle this sort of thing because while yes, I've been depressed over things now and again, I tend to be realistic and recognize that nothing will change about it until I do something. The one thing I have observed that seems to be a common trait of the more depressive types is that, either because of their depression or as a cause of it, they are all very passive.

    This kid, for example. What little I do know: he went to college, he has a degree. He has all these ideas of projects he wants to do. Writing, making movies, etc. But when pressed he will come up with all of these arbitrary obstacles about why he can't do any of them. He can be extremely frustrating to talk to, which I'd wager is why he often complains about not having any friends. And from what I can tell, he's doing basically nothing to work his way out of this situation, he just mopes about it. All the time.

    I've tried to be encouraging and come up with reasons why he can in fact do all these things he wants to do, but he shoots all of them down with yet more excuses. It gets old fast.
  8. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    It's a tough situation to be in. I've been in your position a couple of times with co-workers.. And my brother ... Whoooo's a crackhead. That's besides the point.

    I've gotten to where it irritates me to no end when people start talking like that. I was borderline-suicidal a couple of times - a loooooong time ago. And I just decided one day that being sad all the time sucks and forced myself to snap out of it. No therapy or anti-depressants.

    So when these people have told me "God I just wanna kill myself. If it weren't for my kids, I would", I'm just like "STFU and get over it. Stop being so selfish". .. But then again, these people seem to run with open arms straight towards disaster/ the exact opposite of what they -should- be doing and I don't have patience for all that. They don't listen to me anyway, so... Yeah.

    I'm kind of heartless when it comes to that situation. -_-;;; I probably helped not at all there. But at least you're attempting to help out in some way. Just remember, there's only so much you can do, and if something -does- happen, you did all you could.
  9. DragonHeart's Avatar
    The friend I went with totally forgot about the raptor in the shed, haha. He jumped so high...I was trying not to laugh. And failing. Still not as good as the popcorn incident, but close!

    They did a pretty good job with the 3D effects. There were a couple spots where it was a bit blurry and the CG hasn't aged as well as the animatronics did, but overall it was excellent. And freakin' loud. If they turned it up any more I would have felt the T-rex walking too.

    Jurassic Park is easily in my top five, though I admit I don't really rate things according to how much I like them. But anyway. Some movies just resonant with someone in a certain way. and that's what happened. I dunno if it was nostalgia or just how awesome it was in the theater or what, but I almost started to tear up during the scene with the triceratops.
  10. loaf's Avatar
    I wanted to see it on April 5th but I didn't. I want this to be my first 3D movie and I'm not even trying to see it.

    Jurassic Park is my 2nd favorite movie, ever.
  11. Odin1199's Avatar
    JP is a good movie. Watched it along with other 2 movies recently, but will see 3D version as well, because I'm a big fan of IMAX 3D shiznits.
  12. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    Jurassic Park: Amazing

    Jurassic Park in 3D: Extremely stressful and I practically begged my bf to give me one of his Clonopins (or however you spell it).. Made me feel old. lol
  13. Andromeda's Avatar
    The awesome thing is that if you steal it successfully and it is also part of the drop, stealing doesn't remove it from being a drop post-battle. So you can totally get 2 in one battle from the same monster. I've done it a few times.
  14. DragonHeart's Avatar
    I've tried regular stealing too, I just seem to have terrible luck lol. It's one of those things I'll probably end up doing slowly, between other things. Too tedious to grind out all at once.
  15. Andromeda's Avatar
    Yeah, stealing by way of the Gold Glim is not a good way, I've found the gold glim to be highly unreliable. I ended up killing things faster and getting more chances than waiting on it. I was able to the alchemy quest farming oddly quickly. I think it about 2 hours total for everything, not using the Gold Glim method.
  16. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Yeah, it's not that it's hard, just takes forever. Which I suppose is difficult in its own way. Right now I'm just getting frustrated doing the stupid alchemy master errand, ugh. Got the kaleidostones no problem (I actually have more than what I need), but those scrolls of truth...brutal. I rarely even see gold honky-tonkers, never mind get a gold glim to make Swaine steal it from them. I actually went back to hunt dragamuffins instead because that's where I got the one scroll I do have, and I at least see those more than once an hour. So annoying.
  17. Andromeda's Avatar
    I'm only counting JRPGs myself. There are a lot of things coming out this year, even to interest you I think.

    But yeah, the familiar and alchemy ones were the most time consuming. They aren't so bad as to focus on the easier parts, but it is still a while.
  18. DragonHeart's Avatar
    I've got just over half of all trophies as of last night, and my game clock is somewhere around the 50 hour mark, I think. I've mostly got the really tedious ones left, like befriend a billion familiars and make one of everything with alchemy. Meh. I'm stubborn enough that I'll do it, but it's definitely going to be a grind.

    I'm just going by the RPGs that appeal to me personally, not necessarily all of them. For instance, I'm not counting handhelds either because I don't have a current gen one. And a lot of Western/first person RPGs just don't appeal to me much most of the time. On the other hand, I'm far enough behind in my game backlog that by time I catch up we'll likely be on PS4 anyway lol.
  19. Andromeda's Avatar
    I think I got the Platinum in around 90 hours if I remember right, maybe less. I completed it a while back. There is definitely a lot of tedious stuff in the post-game.

    Not sure about the few and far between though, this year is set to be a great year for RPGs. I have 3 this year already and if I have my counting right there are 12 more I'm planning to get and I'm not even focusing on the 3DS or Vita, which have their share as well. And the last few years have reliably brought a little under that amount each year.
  20. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Huh. That must be something just on the 360, I never had any problems with the PS3 version. I poked around a little bit and I've seen comments here and there about various freezing issues. The only possible cause I've seen is possibly a corrupt save file and, well, there's only one way to fix that. =/ But that might not be your issue if it's patch related, there's an issue with exiting the game out of a certain menu screen that causes the file corruption, from what little I've gathered.
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