Blog Comments

  1. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    oh, my skype name is themanofvelcro lol

    Still on dial up, so IMing shall suffice :V
  2. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    To quote Pink Floyd "Showing feelings of an almost human nature;
    This will not do."

    If you really want, I could add you to skype, but I probably wont talk about my feelings and stuff, but I can do an ask me anything or something...just try not to be too disturbed by the answers <.<
  3. Yoko's Avatar
    Okay okay. So, it seems like 2013 hasn't been good for you either. If you ever do feel like opening up at all, I'm here.

    I can relate to 90% of what was said. I myself have had a tough 2 weeks compared to the last 2 years. If you can't trust anyone, try looking to yourself? You spend all day with yourself and your thoughts, try taming those unruly things before trusting others. Does that make sense?

    Secondly, do what you need to do to look after yourself. I totally understand the no money issue. I spent my whole 2nd year without a job. I honestly don't know how I survived. At one point I was living off crackers, water, and adrenaline. As tough as it is, you will get through this.

    I can't think of much else to say. We members of the forum treat each other like family. I'm sure I'm not the first to say this, but if you ever need to talk to someone, someone around here is always willing to lend an ear.

  4. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    It's not even just was part of the whole ****ing reason I joined the program...
  5. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    That sucks about your assistance. Especially since there are millions of households abusing the exact same government system across the country who have never worked a day in their lives! They put every person possible on their application and receive hundreds of dollars each month. And where does that money go? Some people buy food for a drug dealer just to get their next fix. Others squander it on junk food and soda in the first week, and then complain that they don't receive enough.

    Personally, I hate having to get assistance. When my parents first went to prison, I scrimped and saved every penny I earned until my savings was gone just so I could avoid having to get food stamps. I managed to live off what I earned delivering papers (then $25 and later $50 per week) for nearly a year that way. But when my siblings and I had literally nothing in our cupboards, I agreed to apply.

    Then when I got my promotion a couple months ago, I reported the raise to Job services (like people are instructed to). I thought that it would lower our amount, or better yet, push us over the line and declare that we make too much. No, because of my brother moving back, our amount went up another $142.

    I realize that last bit can be seen as a kick in the face to your situation. I don't mean it to be. I just want to show how screwed up the system is. Another example is with my grandmother. She applied for assistance back before my grandfather died (about 15 years ago). They were only going to give her $14 each month. Why? Because my grandfather earned too much with his disability and social security. And yet the couple in front of her (who Grandma overheard their office meeting) were to receive nearly $300 each month and they both did side jobs (the woman a babysitter, the man mowed yards). In the end, Grandma refused the meager amount, and made do with what her and my grandfather received for putting in to the social security system.

    When two able-bodied people choose to live off government handouts instead of actually trying to work, while someone who is physically unable to work anymore gets the shaft, it sickens me.
  6. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    ffffuuuuu...yup, I'll have to ask santa for some weed and vodka it seems >.>
  7. ziroth's Avatar
    Most first paychecks come within 3 weeks of starting, hope yours is different or youll be getting trashed on something else
  8. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    I couldn't help but laugh when I read that. Well, good luck. One of my brother's friends worked at the one in Peebles and after two or three years of working there, she was accused of stealing. When the video tapes proved that it was someone else, they apologized and offered her job back to her. Needless to say, she refused.

    They're thinking of building one in Sinking Spring within the next 2-3 years.

    Anyway, the reason I asked was because I was going to try to get you to maybe talk whoever runs the place in to advertising. But...1st Stop doesn't run ads because they throw all their advertising dollars at that Red Barn Convention Center they have in Seaman (I think that's where it is). Just a place to put that Cantrell singing group that can't get a gig anywhere else, if you ask me.
  9. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    1st stop xD damn the cantrell's...
  10. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    Congrats on the employment! Is it a family-run gas station, or one of those 1st Stops that have been popping up all over our area lately?
  11. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    It's not really replaceable and meh, not an addiction I like to talk all >_>
    thanks for the offer though, it's nice to receive lol

    Actually, I take that back, when I have stuff to booze or weed they usually suppress it quit well. Hell, if I have something to do during the day it can help...but nothing to be found.
  12. Yoko's Avatar
    Depends on the addiction. I have a lot of experience with this. I've kicked a few addictions in my time. Time is the best medicine. If you want to talk about it, send over a PM .
  13. Rowan's Avatar
    have you tried substituting this addiction with another addiction that isnt as bad? It can work.
  14. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    I like the cold weather myself, though snow can be annoying, 4 wheel drive makes it win. Right after a good snow when the ground is covered and's just poetic, such perfect beauty. I get sad because I think of other people having good times together while I'm alone drunk again >_>

    As for food...whatever's cheapest, this month I'm going to go for some brown rice and beans to preserve my funds a bit. I cut out soda as well, so that should save a few bucks.
  15. Rowan's Avatar
    Well the time of year im most depressed is during the winter months, which is june, july and august. If you're in the USA then it would start getting cold now for you, yes? I tend to believe the whether has a great impact on how we feel. Im 7 weeks away from finishing up and having the big 6 week summer break. Its gonna be great fun. Although christmas is coming... again... Ugh. I made a thread about how i feel about christmas ages ago. What food will you buy?
  16. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    Zombies don't breathe <_< they're...dead
    Updated 10-14-2012 at 11:59 PM by Lacquer Head
  17. Cyanist's Avatar
    Oh well, I guess you might be able to suffocate them with it...?
  18. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    I never have weapons...I usually have a brick that seems to be softer than a's usually chase dreams
  19. Cyanist's Avatar
    That sounds awesome! I wish I could have zombie dreams, alls I get are alien ones. At least I still get to shoot em. lol If you make a story out of it, lemme know, I'll buy the book/movie when it comes out
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