Blog Comments

  1. Rowan's Avatar
    Just letting you know how sorry I am to read that. If you need to talk, we're all here for you.
  2. LocoColt04's Avatar

    There are not words that will make this better.
    I am genuinely sorry for your loss. If you need ears (eyes?), ours are all yours.
  3. loaf's Avatar
    I'm really sorry to hear this. Losing a parent is a bad feeling and I don't like thinking about it, it makes me sad.

    I wish I had better words and advice for you but I don't. Stay strong, we are here for you.
  4. Incognitus's Avatar
    Dear god. I am so sorry for your loss.
  5. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    It's just a test run. If I find a job and I don't totally hate and am not miserable & can work it out w coming home then I'll stick around... For awhile. I'm not staying for no damn 3 yrs tho .. uh uh. I at least plan to save money to get some stuff fixed financially and save for a place of my own here in TN and then I'll come back and we'll just have to take turns flying back and forth.

    But ... As far as leaving TN again, I rly have no choice. It's either stay and be homeless or go and have a roof over my head.
  6. LocoColt04's Avatar
    I thought you weren't leaving Tennessee again?!


    I don't know about it being "way easier" to find a job in New York. I've got friends who spent six months up there looking for work before they finally got it; but, to be fair, it was degree-oriented work and they were having to pick up odd jobs to fill time until they got the jobs they were looking seeking. I assume it's not impossible; minimum wage jobs are probably relatively easy to get up there. I could ask Pete if he's got any insight for you, if he knows anyone who might be hiring, but I don't know who might want to hire someone who would only be in town for a month or so.
  7. LocoColt04's Avatar
    With a title like that, you never know what kind of responses you'll illicit.

    Furthermore... family is family but sometimes you need to take a break. Don't cut all ties, but it's probably not awful to step away for a while.
  8. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    Everyone that -I- know personally is also her family. My best friend and I have always called each other's moms "mom". And aside from my best friend and her mom, I'm not particularly close to anyone else in her family even though I've known them all as long as I've known my best friend (it's a long story)...

    And I mean, I'm not going to hound her. I've added her on FB & she accepted and she has my number. I've tried calling and IMing her on FB, but I'm not going to crowd her like I know everyone else probably is. We've been best friends for almost 20 years, so she knows I'm here when she needs me. It doesn't matter how much time goes by without us speaking - when we -do- get back in touch, it's like no time has gone by at all and we act like 12 year olds again, laughing over stupid sh*t.

    I've been really tempted to post a rap song on her wall that we used to listen to non-stop, 'cuz she'd be the only one to get all of the meaning behind it.. Or well her and probably her older brother, but yeah. I just figure it'd be really insensitive of me to do. I'm not good at stuff like this. I know that if I were to lose someone this close to me, I'd rather just be left alone. I don't know what she needs or wants and I've only seen her 1 time in the last like ... God.. 8 years.

    It's just really difficult in general.
  9. Yoko's Avatar
    Do you know anyone in the area that could visit her then? Even if its for your own peace of mind really.
  10. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    Also: Thanks much. It really means a lot.
  11. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    I've been trying all day long. I've called, texted, harrassed her on FB.. Nothing.

    It's just completely shocking. And she lives like 4 / 5 hours away from me, so it's not like I can just go over there or anything.

    IDK. This just sucks a lot. I can't imagine how heartbroken she is, and it makes -me- feel bad that I can't get in touch with her to save my life.
  12. Yoko's Avatar
    Keep trying, sweetie. I can't imagine what she's feeling, but I can tell you it's not pretty. She needs you more than she knows.

    My condolences to her and her boys, family and friends alike.
  13. OceanEyes28's Avatar
    I know breakups are super difficult, especially if you're living with your significant other, but it sounds like you don't respect him at all. It sounds like he definitely doesn't respect you. If there is no respect, I don't know where this is going. Maybe he can grow up, but it shouldn't be your job to coerce him into doing it. You already have a kid, and she needs solid role models in her life... this dude does not sound like he's it.

    You didn't ask for it, but that's my opinion.
  14. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    oooh since you pointed it out, that's totes quote of the month lmao.

    Thanks though. it's extremely frustrating and he doesn't listen to ny suggestions regardless, so it's not like it makes much difference.
  15. LocoColt04's Avatar
    I liked this entry for this reason:

    It's his life, but if he expects me to stay in it, something's gotta change. I can't stand this whole slacker laziness BS.

    I'm not cheering for a relationship to end, but I am cheering for you to pioneer a new direction for the two of you. You shouldn't have to CHANGE a person - that's the poison in a relationship - but you should try to actually show him why he should want to change for himself.

    Best of luck, little lady.
  16. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    thanks. And he wonders why I'be been in a bad mood lately. He puts shit off and puts it off and puts it off some more and it drives ne insane. We're totally broke until tomorrow and all I have to feed my kid is like some damn rice, chips, and ****ing lucky charms.
  17. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Dang, girl. This is no fun. I don't really have anything helpful to say, but I'm sorry to hear you're stuck going through bullshit again.
  18. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Though I may not personally agree with the choice to abort, I fight for the other side. It's not my right to tell someone else what they should or should not do with their bodies. The choice is not mine to make, so it's not my place to make it for someone.

    You're not horrible. You might feel horrible, perhaps because you held the body in your hands, but that doesn't make you a horrible person.
  19. Unknown Entity's Avatar
    You're not an awful person for having an abortion. Hundreds of people have abortions daily, some for reasons as bad as using it as a form of contraception.

    I can't imagine what pain you must be going through right now. When it's just taking a tablet, there's no second thought, but actually seeing your child? Hun, I'm sorry. I hope you're able to find some peace (if that's even the right thing to say - I'm bad with condolences. Let's just say you have mine).

    I don't know what the story is with your child not living with you, but make sure she's your main focus. By the sounds of things you need her more than she needs you right now. Live for her.
  20. Cyanist's Avatar
    Well, yeah, I didn't wanna say anything... T_T
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