Blog Comments

  1. Yoko's Avatar
    The kind where people are too lazy to go to home depot. Why go to home depot when you have a plethora of light bulbs at the neighbours house!
  2. Lacquer Head's Avatar kind of neighborhood do you live in where people steal light bulbs?
  3. Cyanist's Avatar
    That would be great if I knew who'd removed the bulb... it wuz proly stolen...
  4. Lacquer Head's Avatar should probably use it when you have potential intruders :v
  5. Cyanist's Avatar
    We have one, but we're trying to cut down on energy bills 'r somethin. lol - that, and I'm cheap.
  6. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    Why in the hell do you not have a porch light? lol
  7. Cyanist's Avatar
    I shall endeavor to do so. Thank you for the concern, I'm still shook up about it
  8. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Oh no! Stay in one piece, please!
  9. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    >_> well that's not the idea I had in mind...but go with that
  10. Cyanist's Avatar
    Whut rhymes with miracy? Piracy? You think I should steal the TV? It's quite heavy really, and I'd need a mask because everyone knows who I am....
    I know I'm desperate, but is crime really the answer?
  11. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    It rhymes with miracy, which isn't a word.
  12. Cyanist's Avatar
    Then I suppose I'll just have to cope. Be advised, tho, that your un-likey actions could have dire consequences: Mainly the increase of patients in the cabbage-excision surgery clinics.
  13. Yoko's Avatar
    What if people like your drawings, but don't click like?
  14. Yoko's Avatar
    I am a silly being and like to post twice in places where I cannot delete my copied post. The one below is accurate. I am looking to move out of my own house and leave my poor sis behind. Lately I have founf that I ant do that to her just yet. Not yet
  15. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
    It's always sad when siblings move out. I feel bad for my brothers when I do within the next year or two. Plus I'll have to find new wingmen and they're not cheap these days.
  16. Dodie16's Avatar
    Coloring... Probably my least favorite part of art, weird as that is to say. So time consuming. But the results are nice. Can't wait to see your new piece if you decide to post it!
  17. Yoko's Avatar

    Lightning! <3

    Ah, I see. You have reached that episode of Death Note. Sad. I think I cried. I can't remember. I haven't seen it in ages.
  18. Cyanist's Avatar
    Who's lightning? I was speaking of Light Yagami. XD
  19. Yoko's Avatar
    When it's back, you'll know.

    If by Light, you mean lightning, she's there. Sheeeeeee's theeeeeeere!
  20. Cyanist's Avatar
    Yay for commenting. Now I can be answered when I ask: "Are you not entertained!?!"
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