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  1. I love my friends.

    Time for another journal entry. I'm going to put everything I can think of, so forgive me if it looks disorganized.

    But where to begin? I guess I should update you all on my progress on FFVIII. Well, here it is. I passed it. Watched the ending. Loved it. It's funny how much trouble Ultimecia gave me on my first file, which is why I made the second one. Finding rare magic does make a difference, I didn't even use Squall. Unlike most people, I just use the first party I'm given and ...

    Updated 11-19-2012 at 11:31 AM by Leon

  2. Will I meet her?

    Hiya all. I just wanted to post something real quick.

    Looking through my phone today, I noticed I still have my ex's phone. We're friends and all, but.....I don't know, suddenly started feeling down again. It's been over 8 months since we broke up. And when we dated we only made it til six months. I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess it's just how the memories roll in because I feel fine now. I certainly am a better person than I was 8 months ago.

    Which brings ...
  3. Birthday post. Huzzah!

    Hello everyone. Just got a few things to say.

    It's my birthday, for starters. Turning 22 feels good. Today has been okay, it was nice knowing that Obama won the election during the middle of my shift at work, so it was nice. I would usually go out to eat with my family somewhere but it seems it's not gonna happen today. I was by myself the time I wrote this, and I probably am just gonna take a shower and call it a day. And begin another shift at work. Oh goodie.

    I was ...
  4. Where to begin?

    Hello, peeps! Just wanted to start off with this. Considering I got my settings right, all future blog entries, starting with this one, will be under Journal. All entries concerning my life and all. My works will be under their respective categories. Also, my birthday is tomorrow. Yay!

    I also urge all of you, if you can, try to go out and vote. Some states allow Election Day Registration. If what they say is true, then Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, ...

    Updated 11-06-2012 at 09:42 AM by Leon

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