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Posts about the general things going on in my life. School, work, the adventures of Connor the Curmudgeon Cat, etc.

  1. Three Things

    That's my productivity threshold. Completing three tasks as early as possible is what gives me the forward momentum to lead a productive day. The days when I ignore my alarm, sleep in and start the day in front of the computer are the days I am least likely to get anything done because of the failure to reach that threshold in a timely fashion.

    That's what I've discovered from my current system so far. Still making adjustments and having a hard time with the whole morning routine ...
    Tags: productivity
  2. Baking Season

    The weather's turned, more or less, and fall is settling in for its relatively short stay before winter's frigid grasp. Which means it's officially the start of baking season. Not that there's ever a bad time for baking, but something about doing it when the temperatures are near 100F is just not appealing.

    And for once I'm actually excited about it, because within the past year I've discovered that I enjoy baking. So far I only do bread and cookies but hey, it's bread and cookies. ...
  3. Cookie of the Week: Cinnamon Cookies

    Like snickerdoodles, only better. If such a thing is even possible...

    Recipe here.

    I haven't finished making them yet--currently on the refrigerating the dough stage. Honestly I didn't think I would actually get around to making any this week. Been pretty busy. But I took a long weekend since my brother's wedding was last night and I figured it would be dumb to work just Saturday morning. So instead of catching up on schoolwork I'm making cookies.

  4. It's Official

    Now that TFF's main site has been relaunched, I suppose I can now officially state that I am a content writer for the site. Not that it was any big secret or anything. Just seemed silly to say it and then have nothing to actually show for it. Two of the rotating articles on the home page are mine. But of course, if you'd read them you would know that. /shrug. Jus' sayin'.

    If you have anything you would like to see more of feel free to let me know. We are hoping to launch more community-interactive ...
    Life , Blog
  5. Cookie of the Week: Spiced Apple Drops

    That's what I'm making today. Got my last two batches in the oven as I type, in fact. The weather has definitely turned toward autumn, which means it's chilly and the sky is kind of broody, cloudy and just glum. So I wanted to look for a cookie version of a classic comfort food, apple pie. Cause pie is messy and not as fun to bring to work.

    These certainly smell delicious; they legit smell exactly like apple pie. I am making a modification to the recipe; as is, it calls for an icing ...
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