Entries with no category
So, my 10-year high school reunion was last night. I didn't go. I didn't even know we had one until this morning. I found out about it on Facebook, because my cousin tagged me in a post about it. She lives in Florida, and couldn't make it. But she tagged everyone in our class to congratulate us. I don't really understand why. Anyway, so I commented on the post saying "Really? We had one? I had no idea!" Now, one would assume that in this day and age where technology ...
Hmm... I say that I will try and post more. But then when I go to type an entry, the words don't reach my fingers. It's like the get lost along the way from my brain to my hands. And then when I do start typing, the Internet is so slow that the letters don't all get put on the screen at once, and I have to go back and spellcheck everything. For example: "Once upon a time there was princess who couldn't stnd sleeping on anyhin other ta featherbeds." ...
Since the last entry, I worked some more. None for Larry, but I did tutor Iris some more. Now that Carma is off vacation, I have Joey at night. That means I can't be working until late at night with Larry. That is actually the only bad thing to happen now that Autumn is gone. Oh well. Iris is doing well in her math class now. Her test last week was a 93.9%, and the one yesterday was a 94.something. She has her final exam in May, so we will be working toward it next. ...
I have been quite the busy bee this week, and the busy-ness will continue tomorrow. Here's a breakdown of my week, and earnings of each task (if I remember the amount): Saturday, April 11, 2015: Work with Larry Sunday, April 12, 2015: Mowing at Messenger Monday, April 13, 2015: Tutoring with Iris - $10 Tuesday, April 14, 2015: Work with Larry Wednesday, April 15, 2015: Tutoring with Iris - $20, Work with Larry - $75 (paid for Tuesday/Wednesday) ...
In my attempt at making more money for my journey to Florida, it seems I may be making it harder for me to actually go there. There were some places looking to hire when I was delivering papers on Thursday. So after I was finished with my route, I went to the office and used the computer to access my Email. There, I made a couple copies of my resume I had in my important stuff folder. Then I rode to the first place, a diner in need of a dish washer. The girl I talked to is the owner's daughter, ...