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  1. Stuff stuff stuffington

    by , 12-08-2012 at 02:31 PM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    So, last blog I mentioned relapsing. I seemed to have gotten back on track for a bit...but I fell back into it hard, and well...can't stop \o/ but I'm working on it again. I need to get a life...might help since I have nothing at all to do during the day.

    Speaking of which, on an awesome note, it looks like your humble narrator is employed...unless something bad happens...increased paranoia sure sucks \o/

    Gonna work at a gas station, aww yeah.
  2. Ramblin' On

    by , 11-28-2012 at 10:51 AM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    I know I say this a lot, but I SHOULD have a job lined up~ I have an interview monday for a gas station. My sister works at the same family of stations, but not the same one. She does know the woman interviewing me, though. So as long as I nail it, it should be good. Best news of all...the don't drug test!!!

    In unrelated news, the first $30 I get that doesn't go to gas is going towards this baby: ...
  3. Relapse

    by , 11-21-2012 at 02:18 PM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    Yay, I relapsed into an old addiction last night. Gotta love it. You can never truly kick an addiction once it takes hold, it's always there. Every time I think it's gone, every damn time I think I'm over it... Meh...anyway, other than that, not much to report on my end, still just as bland and boring as always.
  4. Up in smoke

    by , 11-07-2012 at 04:16 PM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    Election day is over, which finally means NO MORE REPUBLICAN CALLS! Thank ****ing God. If I ever find Mitt Romney's house phone number, I'm going to call him twice an hour, asking for his party affiliation. Anyway, though I don't expect anything special or unique to come of the election, there was one rather large step forward, the legalization of Marijuana in Colorado and Washington.

    I know that there's still a long road ahead, and I know the Federal Government is going to try to ...
  5. The start of the holiday season

    by , 10-31-2012 at 04:20 PM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    It's that time of the year again...I have a love hate relationship with holidays. Though I really love the idea, this time of the year tends to leave me depressed. I've never really had a chance to celebrate some of my more favorite days, so it just makes them sucky. Halloween always was one of my favorites...bleh.

    So what's everyone else doing and shit? I'm just waiting for tomorrow so that I can finally get some food and possibly smokeables.
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