Entries with no category
Today was my final day at work, starting Monday I'm starting a new course at uni, which means I won't be able to keep my shifts. Someone said they would try and find out if they could swap their Sunday shift with one of my weekday ones, but nothing really came of it. I'll miss the money but I won't miss the workload, that's for sure. Because the course I'm wanting to take (Graphic Design) and the course I took last year (Computer Science) share some papers, I've technically passed half ...
I read quite a bit about the new MSG last night, and so i ended up having a really weird dream about it. I can't remember much but one part that I do remember was that Snake (might have been Raiden) was smoking a cigarette with a robot arm and then the title of the game was "Metal Gear Solid V: Revengance". I woke up thinking 'what a stupid title' but now I think that would be a really awesome name to call something Oh yeah, in other news: I've been accepted (back) into ...
I've had to cover a few people's shifts over the past two weeks so today I decided to buy a bunch of stuff off my favourite place to splurge: eebaaay. Trademe, NZ's version of buy and sell can be pretty slack when it comes to stuff that I'm looking for, and sites like Mightyape or Fishpond rarely have what I'm looking for either, so I usually to turn to the sometimes foreigner hating (no international shipping, my arse) ebay to buy my junk. On top of my list is Final Fantasy ...
I have a lot of time to kill at work. I'm mostly busy, but when you're washing dishes for six and a half hours with only a wall to stare at, your mind tends to wonder a bit. I've been creating these characters and stories in my head for the past few years, take a guess at what they might be, and while I'm on my shift I've had plenty of time to think stuff over. I've probably made enough characters and storylines to actually do something but I always struggle getting them from my head ...
Is breaking boxes down for recycling. When I got to work today there weren't any dishes to deal with, the place was pretty much dead. The manager came into the kitchen and asked if I could sort out the boxes in the basements. Yes there were two of them. So with craft-knife in hand I spent a good hour and a half cutting down and folding piles and piles of cardboard boxes, and it was the most fun I've had at work in all the time I've been there. I seriously considered running away and ...