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  1. So this happened

    It was my results day on the 15th, and I meant to make this post sooner but I got busy and then went on holiday for a week (just got back yesterday).

    Results day was one of the best days of my life, legitimately. I didn't sleep the night before because I was so nervous, but it didn't dampen the day at all. I had a text from Exeter University at about 8am telling me I'd gotten in, so I knew I'd gotten at least the grades I needed, so I was obviously already well excited. Then Kris ...
  2. **** me, it's nearly August

    This summer is going by waaaay too fast. Which on one hand is a good thing because I can't wait for September to roll round when I'll hopefully be moving to Exeter, but at the same time it's like, holy shit, time needs to slow down because I might be moving to Exeter. And I'm not really prepared for that.

    I also feel like I've wasted this summer. I waste most summers but this one feels especially wasteful. Maybe because it's like my last one as a proper kid before I move onto adult ...
  3. G'day you little shits

    So I'm sat here a-waiting for some clothes to dry at 8:30am, and I haven't been to sleep yet unfortunately but hey, that's what happens when most of your courses finish at school and your sleeping pattern gets ****ed. I'm going to get my first tattoo today, aahhhh. Nervous. My appointment is at 11 so I'm just trying to pass time until then. Kris is coming in with me, thank ****. I have no idea what to expect, I'm a wee bit frightened of needles. But it'll be alright, I can do this! Lol.
  4. Yikes

    So I'll be making my way down to London tomorrow for my audition at Central School of Speech and Drama on Monday. I'm really, really, really nervous but at the same time I'm telling myself I'm not nervous. I feel so under-prepared. I have to perform two Shakespeare monologues and one contemporary. I'm performing the contemporary one with a Southern drawl which is fun. I also have to sing two songs, one from a musical and one of any choosing. I'm not really worried about the singing part, though. ...
  5. What else does one do to pass the time when on the toilet but sing?

    So I finally caught a cold/cough, unfortunately. I was doing so well! It'd been the longest I'd not caught a cold over Winter in ages but alas, it was keen to snatch me up. The most depressing part is not being able to sing, I sing every goddamn day. What else does one do to pass the time when on the toilet but sing?? More annoyingly, I have an audition/interview/workshop at University of Exeter tomorrow and the day after. Luckily I don't have to sing or prepare a monologue so that's cool. The audition ...
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