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  1. Officially a snob...

    a coffee snob, that is.

    Ever since I stumbled across r/coffee, I've massively upgraded my coffee experience. I have a French Press, an Aeropress, a Hario Mini Mill grinder and I've been buy locally roasted whole bean coffee.

    For all that, I wasn't really noticing a difference in taste between that and the regular store brand ground stuff I used to buy.

    Until this morning.

    I ran out of my whole bean and haven't received my next bag yet so ...
  2. Distant Worlds ~ Boston

    Just saw the post on Facebook, Distant Worlds is going to be back in Boston this October. So psyched! It was fantastic the last time, and it'll be even better this year. Why? Because Nobuo will be there. <3

    If there was one song I wish they would play, it's The Darkness of Eternity, aka Kuja's Trance battle theme. Boston Symphony Hall has one of those mad old giant organs, it would be so epic. I don't know if they've gotten permission/licensing for it though. Sigh. Probably stuck ...
  3. Cats are Assholes

    Not all the time, but every cat is one at least some of the time.

    Case in point, Connor, who's having issues with a mouth infection, has been very grumpy lately. He was sitting with me earlier today while I wasn't even doing anything, just browsing like usual. All of a sudden he flips out and smacks me in the face with his paw. Claws out. Got me right in the corner of the eye, right above my eyelid.

    That shit hurts, man. And bleeds. A lot. It's been hours and it's still ...
  4. This totally could have happened.

    Setting: Desert Palace, Kuja's...Study?

    [Kuja and Zidane are speaking.]
    Kuja: What do you say? Isn't it a simple task? I'll even send you on my luxury cruise ship, so you won't have to worry about transportation.
    [Pause, thinking.]
    Kuja: Perhaps it's too much for you. I'd better send you with three of your friends just to be safe. Besides, nobody likes to fight against himself.
    Zidane: ???
    Kuja: Heheh, nevermind. Speak their names when you've chosen ...
  5. Memoria Lane

    As you can guess by the title, yes I have decided to replay one of, if not my favorite Final Fantasy games.

    Currently on Disc 1, just left Lindblum, made friends with Choco and allied with the useless blob we all know and love as Quina. Every damn time I forget to equip it and it dies in the first random encounter we run into. Sigh. So back to town to rest and restock. Also get some better equipment cause I forgot about the synth shop.

    I've also been playing way more ...
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