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  1. Blahhhhhhh

    Still have yet to do any touristy New York things 'cuz we've been tight on money (and the weather and my boyfriend's car was like literally frozen to the ground for awhile)...

    He and the roommate paid some Mexicans to dig it out last weekend though and we went to Queens Mall and Target.. That was interesting to say the least. 2 floor Target. lol- I'm still fascinated with it.

    And sadly, my mom's incredibly sweet precious poodle Gidget passed away right after I got ...
  2. February 8.

    I'll be in NYC! Flight is booked, I'm finally back in TN with my Dad, etc.

    We're getting him moved into his new RV.. It's absolutely beautiful, though it lacks a metric shit ton of storage space compared to the old one.

    I'm pretty sure my sister doesn't know that my dad's about to unload like 4 or 5 huge boxes stuffed full of book work and pictures and things on her. And that makes me smile a lot. Just imagining her having a meltdown and getting stressed over having ...
  3. Makes Me Wanna Die

    I'm still in Texas.

    BF bought me a plane ticket to fly from DFW to LaGuardia for last weekend, but he's not very bright and booked a 5 a.m. flight. -__-; And because my Dad is partially paralyzed on the left side, he can't drive by himself.. We couldn't find anyone to go with us to help him drive, so I had to miss the flight altogether.. The airline wouldn't transfer my ticket even with my situation (and telling them that I found a flight out of Nashville for even cheaper than the ...
  4. merry late giftmas

    My moms sister passed away on Monday from stage 4 lung cancer
  5. So This Is It.

    My brother is leaving here in a couple of hours to go pick up a load and get back to work.

    And it'll just be me and my dad. I'm a nervous wreck. I know how my dad can be. He likes to insult me and talk shit constantly about how much of a f*ck up I am even though I'm the only one that bothers calling on a regular basis and I'm the only one willing and able to come and stay with him. My sister has to go back to her job & her life & my brother has to do the same while I have ...
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