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  1. I'm not dead!

    by , 02-28-2013 at 01:18 AM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    Just haven't had much to talk about. I suppose I have a few things now...well I got fired. 3 strikes policy and all that.

    Strike 1: Accidentally set the gas price to $0.34(9) instead of $3.49(9) because I forgot about the damn extra 9. Lost 11 gallons and I managed to catch it and stop it, as one person was getting gas, but of course I got chewed out with the old "WHAT IF SOME ONE ELSE WASN'T NICE ENOUGH TO COME IN AND TELL YOU, THEN WE'D HAVE PEOPLE LINED AROUND THE BLOCK" ...
  2. Sick and tired

    by , 02-11-2013 at 02:56 AM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    I'm just sick and ****ing tired of getting close to people only to be used or treated as second banana. Sick of being left behind, sick of being treated like shit. I'm so tired of people and I'm just tired of all of this. I don't ****ing need anyone. I can't be a ****ing napkin any longer, give some one my sympathy, help, shoulder.

    Just sick.
  3. The return of stuff

    by , 02-07-2013 at 09:37 PM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    Not much has changed here, in a bit of a better mood, just accepting that stuff is shit and there's not much I can do, so oh well. Anyway, I had saved up $300 over the past two months to buy myself an instrument. Figured I might as well spend it before i need to use it on other things, shit's gonna get tight as **** til March (at least) but oh well, at least I can start playing again. It's an Ibanez SR 506 which is a middle range 6 string bass. Retails for like $700.

  4. No World For Tomorrow

    by , 02-06-2013 at 12:26 AM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    Sorry about the recent lack of activity...I've just not been in the mood for life seems to be spiraling straight to hell...

    Since we've last talked, my job had been going pretty well, I've saved up a few bucks and so on. But 2013 hasn't been kind to your old friend Lacquer Head. To start it off, my hours have been decimated, and accidentally selling gas for $0.35 a gallon sure didn't help things...My manager wont allow me to close, which is also destroying my hours. ...
  5. Shit...

    by , 01-11-2013 at 01:10 AM (The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky)
    Been awhile since my last update. I've been a bit of a psychological mess lately...some heavy shit has went down, one of the main components being that the girl I had a crush on is in a relationship... I've just been feeling incredibly lonely lately, and that was the nail in the coffin. I've realized I really have no one to talk to, my social life basically consists of small bits of small talk. Nothing of meaning...but that's more or less been my whole life. It just seems to be getting harder to ...
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