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  1. Fine fine fine.

    My little sis is doing wonderfully fine in her new surroundings. Tho she has admitted that she's been eating too much Mac & Cheese for her own good. She taking classes and, hopefully, will be brilliant as always. :eyeroll:
    Okay, so no one bothered to read my last blog so no one advised me how I should go about claiming the TV from my family. No problemo, I got lucky and everyone left the house. (You're all off the hook)
    My sketch ain't done yet either. Lately, my hands have been ...
  2. Romance film issue

    So, my little sis leaving apparently has more adverse effects than originally perceived. Now, being stuck in house with the anti romance guild which consists of a raucous band of brothers, and a rigid mother, the watching of romance films is practically a crime. Esmeralda (the name of my perfect, cute, little sister) recommended I watch a film with Mel Gibson called "What Women Want" After much embarrassment, I have acquired said film (rental). Now, here's the clincher. I have no time ...
  3. What's happening.

    Well, like I said earlier, my little sis moved out, leaving me with no one to talk to but the boys and mother dearest, neither do I feel comfortable enough to be entirely candid with, but such is life, eh?
    So, being forced to make conversation on the most banal subjects, I'm slowly learning how ordinary people talk. It's like 'My Fair Lady' without the supporting actors and songs (too bad, it woulda been loverly).
    Trained Eliza Cyan: "I do so enjoy the little walks down memory ...
  4. 400 posts!?!

    Yowza! 3 more posts and I'll have made 400. I cannot believe that! Shucks, how time flies. To celebrate, I'd like to do another sketch.
    Meanwhile, I'll just throw up the color version of 'Scavengers' which I finished, and summarily forgot, a while back.

    Hmm. I looked back on that thread and realized I really haven't posted as much art as I thought, but I'm ...
  5. Cyan wuz murdered by her latest sketch

    Okayz. I'm done coloring that requested Cloud + Aerith drawing. Sheesh, Dodie was right. It's tough to color your own stuff. And, because I decided to re-vamp the initial drawing halfway through, I had to do it twice, not to mention that sudden inspiration to add blood on the sword... the blood is mine. (Not really. The picture only figuratively killed me.) By the time I was done with it, I never wanted to see that thing again, let alone scan it four different times. I sincerely hope that anonymous ...
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