Entries with no category
I am so close to that Skyrim Platinum trophy. I am two levels away. Yesterday I made One-Handed Legendary, and Light Armor is at 98 or 99. One-Handed is already back in the thirties, and Sneak (which I made legendary in a previous entry) is back up in the sixties. No other skill is anywhere close to 100 right now. I think Archery is somewhere in the sixties, but I really haven't been shooting from afar lately. I'd much rather sneak up behind someone and slit their throat. I did ...
I posted on Facebook my announcement that I will one day soon be me4lingual. But along with that, I also said that I will also become me5lingual. That's because yesterday I was bored. And in my boredom I went to a textbook publishing website. From there, I made a list of books I would want. Because I wasn't going to $50+ per book, I took the list and went amazon.com. From there, I scored a series of Japanese textbooks (with the accompanying workbooks) for less than $10. I used my cashback ...
It has been very hot these last few days. And believe it or not, the best refuge from the heat is outside. The wind has not been blowing through the window at all. Not like it did much good anyway, since with the air conditioner in the window there is only three inches of opening left. I turn the air conditioner on at 8pm last night instead of my usual 9pm. It was a good thing in more ways than one. Not only did it cool the room, but it also gave me a way to not deal with Joey as much. He ...
...guess not. Anyway, this will probably be a shorter entry. It rained off and on. When it rained, it was nice and cool. When it was dry, it humid and miserable. Finally it came time for Carma and Joey to leave, and I got to turn the air conditioner on. I really don't see the reasoning behind the rule where I can only have it on at night. When I turn it on, it runs for a few hours nonstop. When it finally kicks off, it will only be off for a few minutes before turning back on again. Wouldn't ...
I am inching closer and closer to getting the remaining trophies in Skyrim. I say inching, because I spent the majority of the day playing Limboand Pokémon X. I also played some of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, and tried getting Fez to play as well. It will get to the intro screen (where it says who made it and whatnot), but then shut my PS3 off. It has done this every time I tried to play it. I will probably just have to get a PS Vita to play it, since the download came with a Vita version ...