Entries with no category
I have been having things go missing lately. First, a bag of candy I had a few weeks ago was stolen. Actually, the candy in the bag was missing, but the bag was still there. The crime scene also my chair brought up against my dresser, as if to use it as a ladder. It turns out Jesse took my candy and ate it all. His Mom spanked him when it was discovered. A blue marker of mine disappeared recently. I found the cap this morning. No sign of the marker though. When I was putting ...
This entry will be what video games I have been playing lately, and as to how I performed in the most recent season of the Trophy Hunters League. Since the end of the season, I have been playing a lot of Tales of Hearts R. It is the one Tales game that I have spent the most time playing ever. I really like the story, and the ability and level up system is easy for me to understand. I don't like a complicated ability system. It puts me off from playing altogether. So far in the ...
Oh my! I have been quite busy lately. First off, an update on the puppies. They are growing up so fast! And Luca looks as if she's given everything of herself to them. She's so thin now. I am trying to fatten her back up, because it won't do to have her so thin in this weather. And Jackson is loving all of this extra attention. He's never had so many lovely girls following him around. And he is a very proud puppy papa. He spends the day playing with his daughters, ...
I am getting really bad at this whole updating thing I think. I click on the Create New Post button every day, sometimes several times each day, but the words won't leave my fingers. Am I getting burnt out on the blog, like the other blogs I've started? Am I running out of things to type? Is there just so little to blog about? One big reason I haven't been posting as often is because Autumn disconnects the Wi-Fi, and instead directly connects the Ethernet cable to the laptop downstairs. ...
I haven't been feeling the healthiest lately. I used some of the money Larry paid me to buy orange juice, and some fruity candy. I am at the stage now where my voice doesn't want to stay in one tone, and I still have a runny nose. Other than that, I feel fine. However, despite my attempts at keeping everyone else healthy by staying in my room and keeping contact at a minimum, everyone seems to be sick. I am thinking that they were all carrying the bug, but only are just now showing signs. ...