Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Faq/Walkthrough by Matthew "bluemax" Barney Version 1.11 This version of the Faq is for the NA release of FFCC. The majority of the information was compiled while playing the Japanese release of the game, however I have tried to correct the names of things to reflect their English translations. The official Nintendo Power Guide was consulted for the item lists and to clarify the magic combos and a few other minor details. The majority of the work though was done by myself or with assitance from other members of the gamefaqs FFCC board. Contents: I. Story II. Controls III. Races IV. Getting Started V. Gameplay/Walkthrough (If you're looking for a specific level just copy the numbers before it and do a control-f to find it.) V.a A note on Dungeon Cycles (Hope this helps alleviate questions!) 5.1 Year One 5.1.1 River Belle Path 5.1.2 Mushroom Forest 5.1.3 Mines of Cathuriges 5.2 Year Two 5.2.1 Goblin Wall 5.2.2 Moschet Manor 5.2.3 Tida Village 5.3 Year Three 5.3.1 Veo Lu Sluice 5.3.2 Daemon's Court 5.3.3 Selepation Cave 5.4 Year Four 5.4.1 Conall Curach 5.4.2 Rebena Te Ra 5.4.3 Kilanda 5.5 Year Five 5.5.1 Lynali Desert 5.5.2 Mt. Vellenge VI. Items VII. Weapons and Armor VIII. Complete Materials list IX. Artifacts X. Bonus Goals XI. Magic and Magic Combos XII. Minigames XIII. Letter Writing XIV. General Info and Tips XV. Thanks and contact info XVI. Stuff that is still needed. XVII. Links XVIII. Legal stuff Sections to come: Boss Strategies Bestiary Version History Friday August 8th 2003 Intial version, sections are outlined, basic info is filled in. Monday August 11th 2003 Actually played the game, more information is filled in. August 12-13th 2003 Completed year 1 of the game. Figured out the upgrade system for equipment. Worked on magic combos. Got information on artifacts, filled out the rest of the sections of the faq, submitted to gamefaqs. August 17th-19th 2003 Completed year 2 of the walkthrough. Did some more work on artifacts sections, added a few things to items sections (still need to figure out what all those bags are, I think theyre just for forging items), got info on bonus goals from rstar02, added some more equipment to the weapon and armor sections (need to find out what the number 3 upgrade scroll is called, unless Im confused and the one I think is number 4 is really number 3...). Added the starting stats for each race to the characters section, I think people will appreciate this bit of info. Faq was also linked by Penny Arcade, w00t! August 20th-26th Completed year 3 of the walkthrough. Added a complete list of artifacts along with translations. Added some more weapons and armor. Begun to formulate some ideas on the letter writing (my single player save has a very good relationship with his family). Ill probably experiment more with this after I finish the game. September 3rd-9th Was out of town for awhile. Decided to change version number system. Version will now correspond to the year Im on and the number of mana drops I have, thus this is version .5. New things to this version include: walktrhough complete for the first four years, moogle house locations added to some of the previous level walkthroughs, more weapons and armor, a few minor corrections here and there. I would like to thank Maniac Matt this time around for providing me with a link to a Japanese website that has maps. These maps have been invaluable in finding the moogle houses. Once I complete the main walktrhough I will finish finding all the moogle houses. I've begun to consider a faq section, mostly to clear up common questions. I already have a prerelease faq I did, so this shouldnt be to hard to tack on... September 18th I've been rather unmotivated to proceed on this faq as there just doesn't seem to be anyone playing the game. Nevertheless I updated the walkthrough with probably the most confusing dungeon in the game: Lynari Desert. Hopefully this ends the topics on the board about it. One new weapon scroll has been added to the item section. As there is only one level left to do a walkthrough for I probably won't add that for awhile. I'm attempting to make a list of forge items and what creatures drop them. The moogle house list is nearing completion and if I feel up to it Ill finish it by the weekend. Since I start classes a week from yesterday, the updates are probably going to get even more infrequent. Also new to this version of the faq is some information on how to get the ultimate weapons. Sunday February 8th 2004 Fixed item names to reflect English translations, fixed dungeon names as well. Updated walkthrough to show list of enemies in each dungeon. Removed hotspot section because it seemed pointless. Updated bonus goals, combo magic, and sidequest sections. Changed story to reflect the English translation of the story. Added some more info about each race to the characters section. Other minor changes. Friday February 13th 2004 Added the complete list of armor. Added the scrolls list for body armor, still need to add the secondary armor and accessory scrolls lists, but I'm too lazy to type them today. Added a complete list of artifacts. Added the forge materials list. Updated sidequests with several new sidequests. A few other minor changes. Saturday February 14th 2004 Added letter writing section. Monday February 15th 2004 Due to an excessive amount of emails I updated my strategies for the Zombie Dragon and Lich bosses to indicate how much easier they are with holy. Please stop emailing me about this now people. Wednesday February 18th 2004 Redid the Rebena Te Ra walkthrough to make it a bit easier to understand (sorry about the confusion on the element/magic panels guys). Hopefully this will ease the problems people were having. ------------ I. The Story ------------ Seek the water of life. Long ago, miasma swallowed the world. Its very touch was fatal, and it claimed many lives. But we have since discovered a way to hold it at bay. Crystals protect us from miasma. Smaller crystals now guard the villages of the world, while greater ones guard the cities. We all live our lives within the embrace of the crystals' blessing. The power of the crystals is not limitless, however; it gradually diminishes over time. We must rekindle the crystals' radiance each year by purifying them with myrrh. In turn, they protect us from the miasma for another year. But myrrh cannot be found just anywhere. We must seek it in the dank depths of dungeons, across forbidding mountains, even beyond the sea. This task falls to groups of young men and women sent off each year by every town the world over. It is their duty to collect myrrh and bring it home. They are known as the crystal caravans. This is the tale of one such caravan and its adventures. (Taken from the official Square Enix website ------------ II. Controls ------------ Menus: A: Confirm B: Cancel D-Pad/Control Stick: Navigate World Map: A: Confirm/Select B: Bring up options menu D-Pad/Control Stick: Press in the direction you want to travel. In levels: A: Attack/Cast Spell/Use Item (Hold to charge) B: Pick things up Select: Switch to GBA Start: Pause R/L Pad's: Cycle through attack, defend, magic, and item (depending upon what you have set on your command list) D-Pad/Control Stick: Move around level/target enemy GCN Controller Only: Y: Menu X: Commands Moogle to pick up cage. Z: Does nothing C Stick: Does nothing On GBA: A: Select B: Cancel/Go Back Select: Switch to GCN Start: Pause R/L Pad's: Cycle through different screens D-Pad: Navigate menus ------------ III. Races ------------ Clavat's: Human like in appearance and nature. Well balanced with slight leanings toward magic. Clavats have some of the best armor in the game, and will almost always have the highest defense. Third highest offense, highest defense, second highest magic. Starting Stats: Attack:21 Defense: 24 Magic: 13 Selkie's: Also somewhat humanlike in nature although they are distinguished by their blue and purple hair. Selkies have Tend to be a bit stronger than Clavat's but with less magic power. They have the quickest and most powerful focus attacks of all the races. Second highest offense, third highest defense, third highest magic. Starting Stats: Attack:22 Defense: 21 Magic: 12 Yuke's: Lanky and mysterious as their faces are covered by helmets. The Yuke are slightly better at magic than Clavat's with a little less attack power. Yukes specialty is quicker magic charge and higher magic damage. Highest magic, lowest defense, lowest attack. Starting Stats: Attack:20 Defense: 20 Magic: 15 Lilty's: Dimunitive in stature, what they lack in size they make up for in strength. Higher attack power than Selkies but lower magical strength. Lilties have the highest overall attack power and can get the strongest weapon in the game in the Longinus. Second highest Defense, highest offense, lowest magic. Starting Stats: Attack:23 Defense: 23 Magic: 10 There is no statistical difference between genders. In case you're curious here are the max stats(with all artifacts) for each race contributed by Selkies Max stats Strength:57 Defens:41 Magic:87 Max with Ultimate Equipment Strength:92 Defense:90 Magic:87 Lilties max stats(They have one fewer secondary armor, but one more weapon) Str:58 Defense:43 Magic:85 Max with Ultimate Equipment Strength:98 Defense:92 Magic:85 Clavats Max Stats Strength:56 Defense:42 Magic:88 Max with Ultimate Equipment Strength:91 Defense:97 Magic:88 Yukes max stats Strength:55 Defense:40 Magic:90 Max with Ultimate Equipment Strength:90 Defense:89 Magic:93 ------------ IV. Getting Started ------------ On the main screen choose the top option to begin a new game. You will then see a picture of a female Clavat with a moogle or a party of four characters. The first is for single player the second is for multiplayer. You can not select multiplayer unless you have at least two GBA plugged in and turned on. You will now enjoy the opening movie sequence and the theme song. You will now have the option to name your home town. Once you complete this you will be at the options menu. Press over until the Caravan is selected (its the one with the blue blobby creature and the wagon). You will now be able to name your character. Next choose your gender, the next menu is race, the top is Clavat, second is Lilty, third is Yuke, fourth is Selkie. After that you choose your characters appearance. The final menu is for your parents occupation. They are as follows (in order): Blacksmith : can make you Weapons and Armors Taylor : Can make Accessories Farmer (field) : Makes Grain (if you give Grain Seeds) Rancher: Can make meat. Miller : Makes Flour from Grain Fisherman : Can make fish. Merchant : Buy/sell items, eventually sells rare items. Alchemist : Make item formula scrolls ------------ V. Walkthrough ------------ V.a - A brief note on Dungeon cycles (hopefully this is a good explanation, there seems to be a lot of questions on this facet of the game) A few notes before I start the walkthrough. From what I understand this game can be played an inifinite number of years, up until you fight the final boss. You simply proceed from year to year, collecting mana water and powering up. A year ends when you collect three drops of mana water. Around year 4 area's you beat in year 1 will begin opening up meaning you can collect myrrh from them again. Each dungeon has three "cycles" to it. To advance a dungeon to a new "cycle" you must repeat the dungeon and collect a drop of myrrh. Completing a dungeon multiple times in the same year does not advance the cycle. If the myrrh tree icon is grayed out before you enter a stage you can not advance it to the next cycle that year. Advancing dungeon cycles is the only way to obtain the rarest artifacts and items. As dungeon cycles advance the bosses learn new attacks and new monsters appear. So for example, say you beat Rebena Te Ra in year 5. It will now be on "cycle 2", go back there in year 7 and you should be able to collect myrrh again. The dungeon will now be on a "cycle 3" and when you replay it from then on you'll be able to get the best artifacts and such. 5.1 Year 1: After you finish talking to all your family members you will see their names and some other information, just hit A to continue. On the world map hit up to move forward, here your first event will occur. You will meet Stiltzkin and he will take you to the beach for a training session. The first option will instruct you on the crystal chalice and hot spots. The second on fighting and charging attacks. The third on magic and magic combos. The fourth option talks about using your moogle in single player, and how you can hit X to have him hold the cage, etc. Choose the last option and then the top option to return to the world map. On the world map go to the right to enter the first level. 5.1.1 River Belle Path Enemies: Cycle 1 Goblin Goblin Chieftain Hedgehog Pie Mu Cycle 2 Goblin Goblin Chieftain Hedgehog Pie Mu Goblin Spear Goblin Mage Griffin Stone Hedgehog Cycle 3 Dark Hedgehog Goblin Goblin Mace Goblin Spear Goblin Mage Goblin Chieftain Griffin Mu Stone Hedgehog The narrator will narrate a letter to her(your) mother. After she finishes you will see the name of the dungeon. In multiplayer everyone will have to press select and then A to indicate that they are ready to start the level, on single player just press A (unless you are using the GBA). Once youre ready proceed up and to the right. Place the crystal chalice on one of the pressure pads and stand on the other yourself to lower half of the bridge. Now return to the fork and head left. You will encounter a Goblin, simply slash at him until he is dead. He will mostly likely drop a spell which is automatically equipped. The next enemy is a hedgehog pie, again just attack unless you got an attack spell which you can use. Head to the right at the path and you will encounter another Goblin, kill him and he almost always drops a fish. Now proceed right past the hot spot and down to the beach, smash the chest for what is almost always another spell. By this point I almost always had fire and cure. If youre playing single player you want to use fire as it will kill most enemies in this level in one hit. Head back up the path to the hot spot. Drop the cage on it and choose the bottom option (the top will teleport you out of the level). Continue to the left and dispatch of the goblin. He will drop a stone block which you put on the pedestal to open the gate. Dont pass through the gate yet but instead go to the left, and head up the path. Kill the hedgehog pie and then return to the gate and cross the bridge. In this area you will encounter a larger goblin than what you have faced so far, and two small goblins. Your best bet is to blast the large one once with fire, run a little, and blast him again. Two hits of fire and he will be dead. If you do find yourself running low on HP just run until they stop chasing and heal. One of the small goblins (usually the first) drops a stone block to place on the pedestal and open the gate. Go ahead and place this but do not go through. Instead go back down and to the right where you will find a chest, smash it and take the contents. Now go left and look for a path down to the beach. Follow this path to the right and up hill. Kill the hedgehog pie to your right and then place the cage on the hotspot. You can continue left and finish lowering the bridge if you want but its not neccessary. Instead head right and up where you will encounter a small goblin, kill him and pick up the gold. Further up the path and to the left you will fight a hedgehog pie and a nu, they also drop gold. Smash the chest for an artifact and then search the norther part of this area for a moogle house. Return to that last gate that we opened. Immediately through the gate you will be attacked by a nu, kill it and continue up to fight two more nu's. As you proceed upward veer to the left off the broken bridge and take the bridge to the end. Then head up the shore to take the chest. Now return across the bridge and go up some more. You will be jumped by another large goblin so be ready, kill him and take the chest he guards. Then go up a little more, fight a small goblin and take the chest he guards. Return to the broken bridge head across it and this time go to the lower shoreline, follow this to the left and back up the hill. To the left and down is another nu who drops gold and a stone tablet, place the tablet and then proceed upwards. You will now be in a large open area with two small goblins and one large goblin, kill them all in any way possible (if you die you can just head left and up from the start through the gate we just opened to get back). Eventually you will reach the top and there will be a sign, go left first and get the chest, double back to the right and cross the bridge. Place the cage on the hot spot and choose the bottom option again. Pick the cage up and head right to visit a moogle house. Talk to the moogles then go back to the left and proceed upward to the boss area. Boss Fight Avoid the purple lightning (youll know its coming because he charges) and the slow moving blob (which casts slow) and just continue to pound the guy with either fire or physical attacks. When he loses enough HP he will lose some of his armor and his claw. You should probably cure up everytime you get down to 2 hearts. Other than that just keep weaving and attacking, I find you get hurt less if you use magic. After the level you will receive a letter from your family as delivered by Stiltzkin. There are two responses you can send, I havent translated these yet but I usually pick the top one which says thanks. You can then choose to send an item or some gil to your family. Do whichever you want and then you will be back to your list of letters, press be until you are on the main screen. Finally press A and your character will sit down. Bonus points are then added up and you can pick from one of 8 artifacts. See the artifacts section for more info. After this you will be returned to the world map. Head left twice and enter the small house area. Theres nothing you can do here at the moment so just take either path and return to the world map. Go right and then up and enter the forest. You will be in a misty purple forest. Stiltzkin is here but he doesn't seem to do much. Go straight through and you will be in another section of the world map. Head up twice and enter the town. Walk straight ahead until you come to a fork in the path. To your left is the armor smith, to your right is the weapon smith and item shop. Check your inventory and make sure you have to following scrolls: Bronze Armor Iron Shield (only if playing as a Clavat) Bronze Gloves (only if playing as a Lilty) Bronze Belt (only if playing as a Selkie) Bronze Sallet (only if playing as a Yuke) Novice's Weapon (good for all races) If you are lacking money go back to the River Belle Path and fight in that one area where all the monsters drop money (they always drop money). If you need more bronze it can also be found back in that level. If you need iron it can be found early on in the next level (I'll indicate where in a moment). Once youre significantly upgraded, exit the town to the south, go south once on the world map and then west into the Fungi Forest. 5.1.2 The Mushroom forest Enemies: Cycle 1 Ahriman Gremlin Hedgehog Pie Hell Plant Tiny Worm Cycle 2 Ahriman Gremlin Hedgehog Pie Hell Plant Tiny Worm Ice Ahriman Ochu Stone Plant Cycle 3 Ahriman Gremlin Hedgehog Pie Hell Plant Tiny Worm Ice Ahriman Ochu Stone Plant Carrion Worm Dark Hedgehog Stone Hedgehog After the narration head left, kill the Tiny Worm and take the chest. Keep going left at the fork and go up when that path ends. Fight the Hell Plant and continue upward, youll have to fight some more enemies (a Tiny Worm, Hell Plant and then a Gremlin). Just past the Gremlin you should see a mushroom above you that you can walk on to. The mushroom will spring you upward to a platform with a chest and an Ahriman, kill the Ahriman for some iron and take the chest for an artifact. Head south (fighting the enemies as you go) to the hot spot. If you need to teleport out and forge some better equipment, then work your way back here. Going right you will see another spring mushroom, ignore this as it just takes you back to the begining. You will be attacked by a hedgehog pie and another plant, kill them head south and keep to the left. Going right youll fight a caterpillar and another ahriman. Kill them and open the chest for another artifact. Going right some more is another plant and hedghog pie, then an ahriman and hedgehog pie. Get the chest and place the Cage on the hot spot. Follow the path up and to the left to fight another hell plant, then continue into a clearing. Go to the upper part of the clearing and take the spring mushroom to a chest. Search the northern portion of this area for a moogle house. Head back to the clearing and head left killing the plant, then a hedgehog pie and another hell plant. You will enter another clearing with a gremlin, then you can head northward where youll be accosted by two more hell plants. Kill them and enter the arch for a boss fight. Boss Fight: Marlboro Marlboro is flanked by two plants, dispatch of them quickly if youd like or ignore them altogether. The key to this fight is to avoid their attacks and the vines that sprout from the ground while you attack Marlboro. I suggest blasting him once or twice with fire then retreating to the front of the area, curing and repeating. When you retreat he will often use a wind attack to pull you back so make sure you cure quickly. Head right, then up to the town. Go into town and do any upgrades you may need, you should be able to upgrade your weapon a third time by now. Leave town and head up then right to the next dungeon. 5.1.3 The Mines of Cathuriges Enemies: Cycle 1 Bomb Ogre Orc Orc Mage Cycle 2 Bomb Ogre Orc Orc Mage Bat Cockatrice Ice Bomb Orc Mace Orc Spear Thunder Bomb Wraith Cycle 3 Same as Cycle 2 Hit the mine cart with your weapon, it will go right, you go to the left. Youll be attacked by an Orc. Kill him and proceed to the left. youll come to a round room with a bomb, and an orc. Be careful when fighting the bombs as they can cast fire, they will also explode when you kill them. Place the cage on the hotspot, then pick it back up. Return to the right, you will be attacked by an orc. Kill him and then hit the mine cart, it will smash through some boxes into a new area. There will be two pressure plates. Step on the top one once and hit the mine cart with your weapon, the cart should go upward. Kill all the orcs and take the treasure chest in the upper right of the room. Hit the mine cart one more time and it will crash through some more boxes. Follow it. Hit it twice more and you will be in a large open room. To your right are two more orcs, kill them and take the chest. To the north is another large enemy, not sure what its called but kill it for an artifact. Back to your left youll see two more pressure plates, step on the top one and hit the cart to smash through some boxes. Keep going left and downward and youll find a side path. Youll fight another bomb and then continue into a large open room. Kill the bomb below you and go left to a hot spot. Do the usual then head up the stairs, kill the orc then go right and down. Go through the tunnel kill another orc and bomb. Back track to the large room where you left the mine cart. Hit it up once more and continue to the next room. Head right kill the orc and go up to get a chest, go left kill another orc for and get a chest, go down and get another chest. Go back up and through the small tunnel. Kill the monster for a stone key block, pick this up and continue upwards and place this on the block. Go through the door. The only way to go right now is straight, watch out for the orc on your left. Youll come to an oval shaped area with two orcs, kill them and get the chest on the right. Keep going upward, the path will snake slightly, kill the orc and keep following the path until you reach another oval area. There are two more orcs, kill them and take the left path. Hit the b button when prompted and choose the top option to enter a moogle house. Talking to the moogle will get you a stamp on your postcard. If you are playing single player you will also be able to customize your moogle. The first option is red paint, then green, then blue. The light blue option washes him, and the White option cuts his fur. When you are done press b and exit to the left. Follow the path upward and around to another open area. Kill the three orcs and take the chest in the upper right. Head upwards and prepare for a boss fight. Orc King: This guy likes to charge his left fist and attack with that. Its pretty easy to know when hes about to release his attack so keep moving and attacking him. If you stay close to him for too long he will spin and knock you back. Try to get behind him and just pound him with physical attacks. There's not a lot to this guy you should be able to beat him with no problem. After the boss you will receive another drop of mana water. This will fill your cage completely. The color of the crystal at the top of your cage will now be red. Stiltzkin will show up with another letter, respond and send something back to your family. Bonus points will be tallied and you will now get to select an artifact. After this you will see the end of the year ceremony. When you get tired of the dancing, press start to continue. You will see a message, then a map of the world will show you how the myst gates have changed. End of Year 1 Walkthrough. 5.2 Year 2: Talk to your family before leaving town and they will give you some gil. When you are ready, leave town, the old man will talk to you some more. After this you will be back on the world map. Head up a couple times and then go right to the Goblin Wall. 5.2.1 Goblin Wall Enemies: Cycle 1 Bat Electric Jellyfish Flan Goblin Goblin Chieftain Goblin Mage Cycle 2 Bat Electric Jellyfish Flan Goblin Goblin Chieftain Goblin Mage Cerberus Ghost Goblin Mace Goblin Spear Cycle 3 Sames as Cycle 2 This is a fairly straightfoward level, it just has a lot of backtracking, if you want to collect all the items. Head straight up and engage the first goblin, kill him, take whatever he drops and go right. Youll come to a table guarded by a bat and goblin, kill them, take their drops and go left. As you head up hill youll encounter a flan and a goblin. Once youre up the incline go to the right, kill the goblin and then hit the skull switch. Go right a little more, kill another goblin and hit the other skull switch. Continue going upward. Youll fight two goblins and a flan. To your right is the first hotspot and a bat. Dispatch of the bat and place the cage on the hotspot to activate it. Hit the skull switch, go right, kill the bat and goblin and head down the slope. Now backtrack to hotspot and go left, kill the goblin and hit both skull switches. Follow the incline up and kill the bat. Hit the skull switch. Make sure you veer of to the left on your way down to get the other skull switch. Backtrack to the first floor picking up all the chests along the way. Return to the hot spot, go right and down the path, go through the tunnel on this level. Go forward kill the two enemies then go back down a little and take the path upward. Kill the enemies, hit the skull switch and continue left. Smack all the skull switches and kill any enemies that get in your way. Return to the right once you get all the switches. Go down and get the two chests, proceed through the left tunnel. There will be another chest here and some enemies. Take care of them and then hit the two switches to the south. Go left and down, defeating enemies as you go. When you reach the bottom go through the tunnel and to the area with the hot spot. Deal with the enemies and activate the hotspot. Go back to the left as far as you can, and head upward. Keep to the left to ensure that you go as far up as possible. When you reach the top go right. Kill all the enemies and hit the last skull switch here. Backtrack and get the chest, then return here. Place the stone key in the pedestal and proceed through the door for a boss fight. Goblin King: First thing you have to do is dispatch of the two goblins and get the stone keys. Once the gates are opened you can fight the Shaman. He has a tendency to teleport and to stun you. If youre playing multiplayer its best to dedicate 1-2 players to curing and the other two to attacking. One of the two attackers should fend off the goblins that show up every now and then. Keep moving and healing and you should eventually do him in. Try to stay spaced out so that his spells cant hit multiple people and stun/kill them. This fight shouldnt pose too much of a problem if youve upgraded your weapons and armor at least once. After youve finished the post level stuff, go through the mist forest to the next section of the world map. Stop at the fungi forest and change your crystal power to blue. Now proceed northward to the next mist forest. You will now be in a new area with three possible places to go. In the upper right and lower left are dungeons and in the middle is a town. Visit the town if you need items or to forge anything, and then proceed to the dungeon in the lower left. 5.2.2 Moschet Manor Enemies: Cycle 1 Coeurl Gargoyle Gremlin Tonberry Chef Cycle 2 Same as cycle 1 Cycle 3 Same as before but Ochu's now appear as well Welcome to Jack Moschet's mansion. This level is pretty short but it can be a bit annoying. The basic premise is that you need to clear all the rooms of the enemies, however the Tonberries in some of the rooms have a nasty tendency of hiding, which can make it difficult to kill them. Some good general advice is to use the scouter (paint the moogle green) function on the GBA to find out if there are any enemies still alive in the room. You might also want the monster map (paint the moogle red). From the start of the level run out to the middle and dispatch of the two cats and the gargoyles. This can be brutal in singleplayer if youre underpowered/underequipped. Try to keep moving so you dont get paralyzed and make sure you have a phoenix down equipped. Once you've finished them off head back to the starting point and go right, take the chest and go directly left for another chest. Step on the large green button and enter the room. Youll be in a room with a Lamia that Im assuming is Jack's wife. Activate the hotspot and take the chest then leave. Proceed northward to the next green button and enter the next room. You will be in a room with a table a fireplace and a bed. Kill any tonberries in here and search the left hand side (near the bed) for another moogle house. Exit back to the main part of the level. Once again step on the next most northern pressure plate and enter the door to your left. Youll now be in the library. Kill the tonberries and take the chest. You can go up the stairs and read books on the shelves, but this is not neccessary. Exit the room the way you came in and go right. Go through the large doors into the dining room. Proceed clockwise around the room, killing gargoyles and tonberries. There are no treasure chests so exit when youre done. Go to the right again in the main hall and enter the top most room on the right. This appears to be Jack's bedroom. Activate the hotspot and get the chest. Go in the next room to the south. This is the kitchen, the tonberries in here sometimes try to hide behind stuff so make sure you do a good sweep through the area and get them all before exiting through the south door. Back in the main area proceed south once more and enter the final room. Kill the enemies and take the chest, return to the main chamber. At this point you should hear the boss intro music, if you do not reexamine all the rooms for missed enemies. The most commonly missed one is the Tonberry behind the bed in Jack Mosschet's room. Gigas Lord: This guy is big and slow, and he likes to jump. After you hit him once the Lamia will come out and join the battle. She likes to cast slow on you, and occasionally she will cure Jack. Hit her a few times and she'll leave. Jack has three main attacks, his jump, a sweeping punch, and a breath attack. The jump (he bends his knees a little and moves his arms)and breath (he arches his back) are pretty easy to spot and dodge, but the punch might catch you off gaurd every now and then. Try to stay behind him to prevent getting punched. Just keep laying into him with physical attacks and magic and he will fall in no time. Afterwards Jack runs off and you get another drop of mana water. Send your letter and return to the world map. Once on the world map head to the upper right of the current area for the next dungeon (you may want to go to town first and sell off any unneeded items of course). 5.2.3 Tida Village Enemies: Cycle 1 Bomb Carrion Worm Gremlin Hell Plant Skeleton Mage Cycle 2 Bomb Carrion Worm Gremlin Hell Plant Skeleton Mage Abaddon Magic Plant Skeleton Skeleton Mace Skeleton Spear Stone Plant Cycle 3 Same as Cycle 2 This dungeon is long and annoying. Its dark and full of cobwebs, which youll need to burn away with fire. There are also plenty of obnoxious enemies. That being said, from the beginning go left and get the chest. Go back to the right and up the first path, kill the enemy and activate the hotspot. Get the chest and head back down, now take the right path. Dispatch of the imp and the larger version of the caterpillars. One thing to look out for in this level is the large number of enemies that can paralyze you. Any time you see the lightning appear under you, move! Continue following the path up and then to the left. Eventually youll go down an incline to a more open area, kill the enemies here, one of which should drop a stone key. Use fire on the cob webs surrounding the pillar and place the key. Go through the gate into a small cul de sac. Kill the enemies back here and get the two chests. Head back to the wide open area you were just in and go south. You should find a yellow hotspot, to the right of this is another chest. Activate the hotspot and take the chest and the double back and go north. Kill the enemies to get another stone key, open the gate but do not go through yet, instead take the path to the right. Dispatch of any enemies and proceed until you get the chest, return to the gate. Walk through the gate now to the next area. To your right is another hot spot, activate it and go west. Burn the cobweb gate to proceed (note if you need fire, smack the thing next to the cobweb gate and it will eventually drop fire). Keep heading left and up and youll come to a dead end with a chest, take it and return to the hotspot. The middle path is just a cul de sac with a caterpillar go through it and kill him then return. Head right, then down, then right again. Kill the enemies, burn the cobwebs from the pillar and place the stone key. Now head through the gate. Take care of the enemies here and get the two chests, then proceed back to the open area you were just at. Head left, and up and you should be back to the start of this particular section. Kill the puppet, and go up and to the right, burn the cobwebs kill another puppet and burn the next set of cobwebs. Head to the north, then left and left again. Youll be in a wide open area, make your way to the northwest for another chest. You can now either head northward to fight the boss or return to the right and fight some more enemies. There is one chest back to the right, and it did contain an artifact so you may want to go back, just keep heading right and youll find it. Once you have it return to the left cross the bridge and kill the enemies. Take the stone key, open the gate and pass through, boss fight time. Armstrong: This guy has two main attacks, he shoots needles (ala Cactuars) and he blows steam out of the Chimney. Theyre both pretty easy to dodge, as is his punch. Just keep moving and stay behind him. Watch out for his mist which will poison you and when he summons the little guys to help him kill them before they can paralyze you. Year 2 now ends, its the exact same as year one, press start when youre done and dont forget to talk to your family before you go. End of Year two walkthrough. 5.3 Year 3: Return to the last area of the world map you were on and go through the left mist forest. Head to the dungeon to your south. 5.3.1 Veo Lu Sluice Enemies: Cycles 1, 2 and 3 Gigan Toad Griffin Ice Bomb Lizard Mage Lizardman Lizardman Spear Water Flan This is one of my favorite levels, it looks cool, the monsters arent too hard, and its pretty straightforward. From the entrance go straight left youll find a small building with a chest, get the chest. Go down and right to fight a couple monsters, ignore the stairs and go back right and down the southern path. Follow the path as it heads left, in the clearing go to the south and fight the two monsters. You can now either follow the northwest path, or proceed left, either way takes you to the same spot, an area with a fountain a pressure pad and two enemies. Kill the enemies and then if youre in single player mode place the cage on the wooden pressure pad (in multiplayer just have someone stand on it). A spigot of water will shoot a stone key up, run over and grab it quickly, if you drop it because you got hurt dont worry, as long as you got it off the water spigot you can now pick it up any time, so go back and get the cage. Return to the gate (its south and to your right), place the key and proceed. Youll come to another clearing, kill the monsters and take the path on the right. Get the chest and return to the clearing, explore the left hand side of the clearing for another chest and then go south. Ignore the stairs and continue to the left for another gate. This time the pressure pad and spigot are right there, do the same thing as last time to unlock the gate. Before you go through the gate go south a little ways and take the stairs, follow the path to the right for some more monsters and a chest. Return to the main path and go left to fight a couple more monsters. Theres another gate and spigot near by, do the same as before and proceed through the gate and to the north. Youll come to a fork, just keep heading up as the right path is the way you came from. Another clearing, more monsters a chest and a spigot. Simple enough to take care of. Do not go through the gate yet, instead continue to the north. Follow the path around to an area with some monsters, kill them and one will drop an artifact. Also, at the end of the main path here, a short ways to the right of the monsters, you should find another moogle house. After talking to the moogle return to gate I told you to ignore and go through it to fight the boss. Boss Fight: Golem Ah yes, the big scary Iron Golem from the trailers. Dispatch of the flans quickly as they like to cast slow, which can become annoying.The Golem has four main attacks, two laser attacks from his eyes, rocket punch arms, and a mist thing that causes slow. His eyes will glow before he shoots the laser's, simply side step when you seem the light up blue to dodge this. If they turn purple run backwards as he will spin once with purple lasers from his eyes. He always backs up two steps before he rocket punches, to avoid this attack just line yourself up with the middle of his body and the fists will miss you. He also throws in some normal punches for good measure every now and then. Overall this guy is pretty simple and will fall in a hurry if you just continue to pummel him with normal attacks. You get another mana drop and an artifact of your choosing for your trouble. You may want to visit the nearby town afterwards and forge some accessories, thats up to you. Im not really sure which ones are good (too much kanji) buy some of the cheaper scrolls and if you have the material forge them I suppose. There is also a moogle house with another GBA minigame that can be played here. After youre down return to the map area with Marle town, and the fungi forest. Head to the location near the river (its the docks).Talk to the Lilty on the dock twice to cross (itll cost 50gil a head). You'll now be in a new area with three locations to go to. Left and up one is a town, you can buy fruits and what not there, and there is a betting game with some pigs I think. For now we will continue with the dungeons. From the dock head left twice and up once to enter the Daemon Court. 5.3.2 Daemon's Court Enemies: Cycle 1,2,3 Bomb Coeurl Killer Bee Lizard Skirmisher Lizard Skirmisher Gold Lizard Soldier Lizard Warrior Lizard Wizard This level isnt particularly long but it can be rather hard due to the monsters. There are a lot of monsters capable of stunning you or at least disrupting charge attacks. If you're soloing the key is to keep moving and run any time you get weak. Multiplayer it shouldnt be too bad, just make sure one person is healing the fighters. From the entrance go left, youll pass by a gate that needs two stone keys, this is the boss entrance, ignore it for the time being and keep going left. Fight off the bug and the cat enemy and head for the stairs against the wall. Head northward and fight off the lizards, watch out for the larger ones as their maces can stun you. Some of the lizards can stun you with lightning as well, watch out for circles below you as you attack. Get the chest and go back down the stairs. Proceed now to the north wall killing anything in your path. Note if you get one of the stone tablet keys feel free to take it to the pillars, just dont proceed through the gate until I tell you to. When you reach the northwall watch out for the ghost, hit it with holy if you have the appropriate spells, other wise attack it with what youve got until it dies. Follow the north wall to the right until youre prompted to press b, youll enter a moogle house. Get the stamp then exit. Head just south from the moogle house and up the stairs. Take the southern fork on the stairs first for a chest. Go back to the north, up on to the wall and head left. Kill the monsters for another chest then double back to the right. This is the area where I probably died the most while soloing this level (especially as a Yuke). Try to get rid of the smaller enemies first, run away any time you get weak, heal and return. Eventually youll rid yourself of all the enemies and you can take the chest. Continue to the right and down the steps. Make your way south, fighting off enemies (ignore the bomb on the bridge unless its hurting you too much to ignore). Head up the stairs at the south of this path, go south on the wall at the top and dispatch of the enemies. Take the chest and go north along the wall. Repeat the process here. Take the stairs back down and cross the bridge to your left. Head north and make your way to the northwest corner of this path for another chest. Back to the south a little is another set of stairs, go up and follow the path for another chest. Return to the ground and start making your way back towards the entrance of the level. From here you can go to the right and get another chest with a spell or you can go left to the boss, its up to you. When you're ready proceed through the mouth opened by the stone keys to fight the boss. Boss Fight: Lizardman King This guy can be tough if you're ill prepared but there are a few tricks. As always dispatch of his minions ASAP. Now head for the read pressure button in the northwest, stepping on this will activate some saw blades that travel around the room. If youre lucky these will hit him and take off some of his hp. The lizard guy has three main attacks, a sweeping punch with his right fist, purple arrows from his right fist, and a spike jab from his left hand. He will raise his right arm and aim before he shoots the arrows, just run to your right to avoid them. The sweep punch can be spotted by him leaning forward and raising his right arm when youre in close. Its pretty hard to dodge, but its also his least damaging attack, so stand your ground and keep wailing on him. The spike jab is generally signaled by him shifting in your direction and reaching up his left arm in a rather slow exaggerated fashion. Most of the time he will hit you with his fist and if you move quickly youll avoid the spike, if not prepare to take some major damage. Every now and then he will cross his arms to block, use this oppurtunity to get behind him and lay into him. Eventually he will fall and it will be mana drop time. Send your letter and pick your artifact and you should be back on the main map. If you were lucky then you should have picked up at least two piece of mithril (3 if you were really lucky). Return to the mainland and head to Marle town. By any necessary scrolls and forge as much mithril equipment as you can. If you are playing multiplayer I suggest replaying Daemon's Court until every character has a full compliment of Mithril equipment. When youre ready return back across the river for the next dungeon. Head left once and down to enter the Selepation Cave. 5.3.3 Selepation Cave: Enemies: Cycle 1 Blazer Beetle Cockatrice Electric Jellyfish Gigas Killer Bee Lizard Captain Lizard Mage Lizardman Sahagin Cycle 2 Blazer Beetle Cockatrice Electric Jellyfish Gigas Killer Bee Lizard Captain Lizard Mage Lizardman Sahagin Lizardman Spear Cycle 3 Blazer Beetle Cockatrice Electric Jellyfish Gigas Killer Bee Lizard Captain Lizard Mage Lizardman Sahagin Lizardman Spear Lizardman Mace Sonic Bat This dungeon is long, which is why we saved it for the end of the year. It's not quite as challenging as Daemon's Court, but the length can wear on you somewhat. Start out by working your way to the left. You'll come up against a couple new enemies but theyre nothing to worry about. Do watch out for the bug's from Daemon's Court as they can still be annoying, and the Lizards will still stun you. When you reach the end of the path, go up the small stairs and kill the lizard. Take the chest and head back to the gate you passed. See the purple hanging things? In multiplayer you must hit all three at once. In single mode there are only two to hit, hit both at once by swinging at the middle. If youre lucky you should be able to take out the two enemies just through the gate with charged attacks before they can hit you. Proceed left, dispatch the bug and go up the stairs for another chest. Back down the stairs and to the right now and up a little to another music gate. Get rid of the first enemy through the gate and head left. Two more lizards that you should be able to get the drop on await. Now bear right and up. Youll be confronted by two of the beetle creatures, kill them. Do not go through the hole as it leads to the next are which we are not ready to go to yet. Instead return to the beginning of the level and proceed up the path to the right. Take out any enemies along the way and then go through the doorway. In the new area head to the northeast and go up the stairs. Sahagins will pop out of the puddles, eliminate them and keep making your way to the north. Watch out for the birds as they can turn you to stone, remedy this with Clear magic. When you finally reach the north wall there will be a chest. Take it and make your way left, there will be another path to follow a little to the south. Proceeding along this path youll encounter a couple of those stun bugs and a Jack Moscheat look alike. Try to avoid his breath as it will freeze you momentarily. When you've finished with them continue on to the left. Ignore the chime gate and keep going left under some arches. Youll find the hotspot here. Continue on to the left to a wide open area. Kill all the monsters and head to the northeast corner for a chest. Now go back to the south and take the right path when it becomes available. Take out the electro squid and the Gigas. Ignore the stairs to the south west as they just return you to the main area. Instead go right fight another Gigas. Do not go right yet, go south first and follow the path around and back to the main room. Youll come out to face yet another mini JM and electro squid. Kill them and keep along the path taking the first left you come to. Step onto the elevator to go down. Head north and eliminate the enemies to access the chest. Double back to the south and take the elevator back up. Take the south path and follow it along to another elevator, go down. Hit the big guy from behind and then go north. Take out the lizards for another chest, be careful as the big guy can kill you in a hurry. Return to the south, take the elevator back up and go down the other elevator. Head south once you get down, Im not really sure whats down in this area as I died twice before I could check it out and couldnt figure out how to bring the elevators back up. At any rate when youre done down here take the elevator back up and go up the left stairs. Take out the two monsters, get the chests. Before you go north, note the small bridge below the stairs that appears to go nowhere. Follow it to a semi hidden walkway for another moogle house. Make your way back through the northern part to the chime gate. Open the chime gate and proceed through. Boss Fight Cave Worm: The Cave Worm is one ugly customer. Take out the two electro squids and get ready to rumble. This guy has three attacks, a blue bolt that causes slow, a sweeping brown wind breath attack, and a suction wind attack. He doesnt really give off what he's going to do, but most of his attacks are slow enough that you should be able to dodge without getting hurt too much. Just keep your distance on this guy, hitting him with long range charge attacks (Rune Sword, Dragoon Lance) or magic. If you get too close he will flail from side to side and take off some hefty damage on you. He may also jump and send out shockwaves, these have a limited range so just run to the south when you see him jump. When you defeat him he will collapse in a puddle of ooze. Same old end of the dungeon routine, followed by the same old end of the year routine. Once it all finishes talk to your parents for any bonuses, sell off old equipment, forge new stuff if possible and prepare to head out. End of Year three Walkthrough 5.4 Year 4 Make your way to Goblin wall and change the crystal color to Yellow. Now pass through the mist forest. One the other side stop at Fungi forest to change your crystal color to blue. Now go to the docks. You have two options at this point, you can cross the river for two more dungeons, or go further south to the volcano. Pick the top option twice to cross the river for now, as we will do the volcano later. Once across make your way left to the forest and pass through. Head left and down for the first dungeon of this area. 5.4.1 Conall Curach Enemies: Cycle 1,2,3 Abaddon Behemoth Dark Flan Flan Cohal Curach variety Ghost Gigan Toad Cohal Curach variety Ice Bomb Magic Plant Sahagin Sahagin Lord Snow Mu Stone Sahagin Thunder Bomb This place is commonly referred to as "The Swamp" although it really is more of marshy wetlands type of deal than a swap. At any rate this level is long and features some rather powerful enemies. From the entrace take the left path upward, youll see a stone, head towards and dispatch of the mu that pops out of the ground. Read the stone by pressing b. Make your way to the right for another chest. Watch out for Sahagins as they pop out of the water every now and then. Return left slightly and take the path to the north. Ignore the north fork as it leads nowhere and continue to the left. The wood plank path is one way with no way to deviate so continue along it until you come to a clearing. Make your way south west for a chest, then west a little more for another chest. Go northeast for another chest, then head west a bit for another stone you can read then head northwest to the next section. Go across the first plank and then go left. Follow the path to the northeast, taking out Sahagins as they come. Youll come to a small clearing with two frog creatures and a flan. Eliminate them and read the stone. Double back to the start of this area and go to the right. Follow the path to a fork, take the left path and dispatch of the enemy, then go back and take the right. Shortly along this path there will be a widesection in the plank. This section will sink into the water and you will be damaged once you touch the water. Getting hurt here will cause you to drop the crystal cage from time to time. In singleplayer you can just run across but in multiplayer, its best to send one person across at a time, and to leave the cage in the middle of the plank for the last person to pick up. At any rate, take the right path and follow it around for a chest, return to the sinking plank and go north. The path remains pretty linear until you get into a marshy region, you will then have a choice of going east or south. Take the south path first and follow it to a small island, kill the frog and proceed for another sinking platform. Past the sinking platform will be a large island. Youll have to go through a corridor before you get to a wide open area. Make you way to the southwest for a chest with an artifact. You can now return to the fork and head east. Almost immediately you will be presented with three directions. Go south a short ways for a chest then return to the intersection. Take the north path, youll come to another fork thats blocked by two frog type enemies, kill them and head north again. Kill the two Sahagin and take the chest, now return to the fork. Go right for another chest, head back left slightly and go south. Youll come to another fork, go back left for two chests, then return go right and down to a slightly wider area. Take the lower left path and follow it downward. Take the left at the fork for a chest, then go right and follow the path further south. Youll have to cross another sinking plank before you arrive on dry land again. Once you finally hit dry land, youll see a large bug man enemy. Take advantage of him not spotting you to get in a couple quick licks. After you defeat him keep going south, youll see another of these guys, take him out. A few steps away youll face yet another one of these guys. Finally just past him is another chest with an artifact. Watch out for the Sahagin that tries to jump you as you take it. Now return to that wide plank area we came from, and go right to the next area. Just across the plank is an open area, youll see an ominous purple tail not to far off. Try to take out the two smaller enemies without alerting the Behemoth. When you're ready hit the behemoth with all you've got. Stay close and hit him in the head and you should get away with taking minimal damage. Head north and read the stone tablet, then head west and start on the plank. Take the first left, kill the ghost and take the chest, now head north. Kill the two stone Sahagins and go east. Get rid of the Stone Sahagin and Purple Flan, ignore the south path as it takes you back, and head north. Take the first left, get the chest and then follow the path to the north a bit. Kill the enemy and return to the main path. Go north along the main path. Head right, now youll have to fight a couple ghosts on a series of sinking platforms, shouldnt be too bad just keep your health up and watch the cage. Eventually youll come to dry land, and another Behemoth. Kill him and head to the northwest for another behemoth. If you want to run past this guy, and to the south to a small plank. The Behemoth cant get onto the plank so youll be able to wail on him pretty easily. At any rate head south and get the chest, and then return to the north. Youll face yet another Behemoth here and two purple flans. Go right now and take the chest, then go back to the south a little and right to another wide area with yet another Behemoth and flan combo. Eliminate them and take the chest, then return to where you got the last chest. Make your way across the plank to another piece of land. Keep going north until you come to a sinking platform. Head right for a chest and follow the path around to the left and go north when you have the chance. Time for a boss fight. Boss fight: Zombie Dragon Due to the large number of emails I've received about this, I'm updating this section. The Zombie Dragon is susceptible to holy just like every other undead/ghost monster in the game. Simply cast holy on him and he will become visible. In this visible state he will take far more damage. Try to attack him with long range focus attacks or just keep casting holy for best results. In multiplayer having someone with cure, clear and life will make your life easier. Also use gravity on the stone sahagins to take them out quicker. After the usual post dungeon routine, you may want to head back to town to forge/sell things. Then return here and cross the river for the next dungeon. 5.4.2 Rebena Te Ra Enemies: Cycle 1,2,3 Cerberus Gargoyle Ghost Nightmare Skeleton Skeleton Mace Skeleton Spear (cycles 2 and 3 only) Skeleton Mage (Rebena Te Ra variety) Skeleton Fire Mage Skeleton Ice Mage Skeleton Thunder Mage Vampire Bat Wraith This is also referred to by some as the aztec temple level. I would like to mention this is my least favorite single player level. It feature's two puzzles that are next to impossible to complete with less than two people (I spent close to three hour's on this level). As you enter youll see two treasure chests. The one on the right is a mimic, and the one on the left generally contains the life spell. Kill the mimic if you want, get the spell and go left. Past a skeleton will be two more chests. Once again the right one is a mimic and the left is a spell. Continue to the left until you see some stairs to the north you can go down. Head down them into the courtyardish area. Make your way counterclockwise around this are area killing the bats. One of them will drop a stone key. Take the key and proceed back to the beginning of the level. Keep going right now to the area all the way on the right. Fight your way north and place the stone key to pass through a gate. head left and follow the path around to where you'll find another chest and another stone key. Take the chest and the stone key, and return to where you got the first stone key and unlock the gate. Proceed through the gate you unlocked to a point with two pressure pads. In single player you have to put the crystal cage on one while you stand on the other. This can be a bit tricky, but you should get it eventually. Proceed through where the forcefield was to the two chests. Once again the one on the right is a mimic and the left is a spell. Work your way aroundthe wall to the left. Fight your way through the monsters to the north. There's now a fork of either continuing north or heading right up some stairs. Go north into the next area. There will be a gargoyle to dispatch of, then head to the left a bit. See the funny glowing thing? Cast blizzard on it then wack it with your weapon and the gate should open. Kill the ghost in the next area and continue upward. Cast fire on the shining thing this time and hit it with your weapon. Make your way up and to the right. Watch out for the Cerberus (he's a push over honestly). And youll be presented with three more glowing light orbs. From left to right cast ice, fire and thunder and then hit them with your weapons to open two more gates. Note to open the upper gate you have to destroy both the colored posts before they have a chance to regenerate, this can be annoying difficult on single player. One suggestion I've received is to paint your moogle red or blue prior to entering this level, this will enable him to cast fire or blizzard. Now at the area have the moogle drop the cage, then target the orb corresponding to his spell color. Have him cast the spell, then quickly switch to the other spell and cast it on the other orb. I have been informed that it might be impossible to do this when soloing as a male Lilty, if anyone can confirm this please email me. If you have problems with this area, I wouldn't worry too much about it as there is very little of value back there. Get the chest to the north and then proceed north through the next gate. In the area to the left is four chests. Three of them are mimics and one is an actual chest. Take it and return to the main path. Head right through the gate you opened with thunder, ignore the first gate to the north (but remember it as we will be returning here shortly) and continue to the next one. Kill the cerberus but not the other enemy. Stand on the ground near the gate and it should light up. Let the marionette enemy hit you with his thunder spell, if you are wearing any armor that is strong against thunder unequip it temporarily or else you will not be able to open the gate, the gate will now open. Follow the path north then around to the south and up the stairs on the right. There will now be two more of the magic casting enemies and four glowing spots. You have to stand on each of the spots and get hit with the corresponding spell to the glow of the square. As before make sure you unequip any armor that absorbs spells. Once it's open proceed through and kill the two skeletons. Step on the small switch on the left and the big block will proceed to lower. Now stand on the big block and step on the right switch to go up. Cross on to the wall and stand on the left switch. This will lower the big wall to the right. Now make your way back down Go through to the north and kill the enemies, take the chest and go up the stairs. Youll now be on the wall again. This next part is extremely tricky in single player (and very easy in multiplayer). Stand on the right button on the wall and make the other wall move down. Now once its down position the moogle with the cage above the left switch, move as close to the pillar that lets you jump down as possible and have the moogle drop the cage, jump down from the pillar to you left and run over and jump on the shorter part of the wall before it's too high. If you do it fast enough you'll be able to get to the stone key block. Take the stone key and head south. I suggest pushing the stone key back towards the south as you will drop it every time you get hurt by the miasma. Once you're back on the main ground take the stone key back the gate we ignored earlier. Place the stone key (you do still have it right?) and go through the gate. To your right as you go in this area is a mog house. After you get the mog house go to the northwest corner of this area for a chest. Now head back to the right to the area with the four magic panels. Go south from here to find two more magic panels. Activate both of the magic panels by getting hit and then go through the gate (remember to temporarily unequip absorbant equipment). Fight your way past the Gargoyle's and out of this area (don't forget the chest!). You'll now be on the right hand side of the main part of the level, an area you couldnt get to previously. Go south a little and you should see a fallen pillar that you can cross over to the left. Cross and head to the south. Head up the stairs when they become available, step on the pressure pad to open the doorway to the boss. Now go down the other set of stairs and head north, take the chest and cast lightning on the shining orb to remove the gate. Work your way back down and around to where you entered this area and head to where that gate just was. As you head right look for the path leading to the north, when you spot it take it. You'll be back in the previous portion of the dungeon, but we're only going to be here for a short while. Kill the enemies you encounter and grab the chest just to the left of the entrance you came through. You can continue north if you like there are a few more enemies to fight (which might be a good idea for item drops and bonus points) when you're finished return back the way you came to the first part of the level. Back in the main part of the level make your way south (where the blue glowing gate was)fighting past the gargoyles for another chest. We're finally finished with this level, make your way all the way back to the front of the temple, run up the stairs and brace yourself. Boss fight time. Lich In order to hurt this guy you have to dispel his two orbs. Cast fire, on each of the orbs and they will lose their glow. Note, he will sometimes ressurect the barrier and you'll need to cast a different spell to destroy it. You can now proceed to attack him. Casting holy on him will make him visible (just like the ghosts and Zombie Dragon) this makes him far easier to damage.All of his attacks are magical and thus require charge time. They should be pretty easy to spot. If you get in close he will blast you with gravity, and if you try to hit him from far away he will cast meteor. Stay in close as the gravity attack is pretty weak. Watch out for when he resummons the skeletons as they can lay waste to you in a hurry. Make sure both of his orbs are destroyed, otherwise he will have access to his more powerful spells. Two third's of the way through the year. Head back across the river and through the mist gate. Return to the dock and cross back over. Talk to the dockworker again and pick the middle option, it'll cost you 500 gil per person. The boat will now take you down the river and out to sea, to an island. Our final journey for this year is the volcano on this island. 5.4.3 Kilanda Enemies: Cycle 1,2,3 Blazer Beetle Coeurl Lamia Lava Ahriman Lava Mu Ogre (Kilanda variety) From the start head immediately left a ways to get a chest. Work your way northeasterly and there will be an area off of the main path. Kill both of the red Ahrimans (gravity works wonders) and the Lamia and take the two chests. Return to the main path and continue to the north until the path forks. Take the left fork and follow it to the south. Fight your way past a red Ahriman and a red Mu for two chests, head back to the fork and go right. All the way to the right is another clearing, kill the red mu and the beetle. Get the chest and then go up behind where it was for another moogle house. You may want to trim the moogle if you havent already, as he can get overheated. Exit back to the level and proceed northwesterly. Eventually you will exit to the next portion of the level. Make you way around the room killing all the monsters for treasure. I suggest going counterclockwise around the room starting in the lower left hand corner. Watch out for the guys with hammers as they take off a lot of damage. You should pick up three artifacts while killing monsters. I also managed to get some really good forge materials. When you're ready proceed north to fight the boss. Boss Fight: Iron Giant This guy has a huge sword, obviously he likes to use it. His two main sword attacks are a sweeping slash, and a large chop. When he does the chop his sword will be stuck in the ground for a bit use this oppurtunity to run behind him and attack. Occasionally he will throw his sword to the side and use his fists. While using his fists he likes to charge them up and bring them down together to pound the ground, this sends out a small shockwave that if it hits you will stun you. When you see his hands raise run behind him and attack. He telegraphs all of his moves so they shouldn't be too hard to avoid. Just stay to his non sword side and try to get behind him when possible. He's quite a bit simpler than the last boss so you should have very little trouble. The level ends as always and so does another year. If you're lucky you will get the fire ring as one of your artifacts (I got it anyhow, I had a score of 137). Repeat the regular routine and return to the world map to start year 5. End of Year 4 5.5 Year 5 As you head up from town an event will occur where you meet a cool looking Lilty in black armor. Im not sure what this is about, but it seems ominous. From here head left twice to the docks. Another event triggers before you reach the dock, you'll see Gadei haggleing with some Yuke's. You then get a couple of choices, picking the top one seems to do more than the bottom one. In the dock area make sure you visit the moogle. Go straight to the right from the start and look for the cave door. Head down to the dock and talk to the dock worker. Pick the second option and then the top option, you will be transported to Ruda village. In the upper left corner of the village is another moogle house make sure to visit before you exit to the world map. There's only one place you can go, Lynari Desert. 5.5.1 Lynari Desert Enemies: Cycle 1 Cactuar Chimera Lamia Sand Sahagin Scorpion Zu Cycle 2 Cactuar Chimera Lamia Sand Sahagin Scorpion Zu Electric Scorpion Rock Scorpion Skeleton Mage Cycle 3 Same as cycle 2 This is one of the most important levels in the game. In order to reach the final level you must complete everything in this level appropriately. In order to make this a bit easier I shall refer to Demonkaze's map on gamefaqs (since the previous map is gone). Start by heading straight north towards object #1 on the map. Watch out for any quick sand pits you may come across. If you start to get sucked in mash the A button and you may get out, otherwise youll get sucked in and find yourself on the right hand side of the map (somewhere between object #2 and object #3). When you spot a large rock, this will indicate that you that you are near the spot. Head up a bit more until you spot two cactai. Cast thunder on the larger one and an event should trigger. A zu and a couple of scorpions will also attack you once do this, use gravity on the Zu if possible to bring it to the ground making it easier to kill. Follow the ridge to the left and down now. You'll come across another Zu right away so be prepared. Eventually you won't be able to go left anymore, head south now. You will pass a hotspot and come to a slope with a lamia. Kill her and keep heading south through the bones, the path will snake around to the left again and come to a dead end. Kill the lamia and scorpion here and head into the small cave(smash the object blocking the entrance). Open the chest back here and proceed back a bit more for the entrance to another moogle house. After you finish here head back out and follow the path back to the hotspot. Head right down the slope and kill the lamias. Just beyond them is a chest, take it and go back to the hotspot again. Check the map, we now want to go to obect #2. It's on the far right of this dungeon in the northeast corner. Note, as you are heading up from the hotspot you should notice another chest to your right. Make sure to pick this up before proceeding. Also if you keep going straight to the right youll find another chest guarded by a Zu, a scorpion and a Cactuar. You will now when you have arrived in the right place to continue as you'll see a small tent guarded by a scorpion, cactuar, and lamia. Cast gravity on the tent and another event will trigger. Head south from here for object #3 on the map. Just past a Zu, on the right hand wall you will come to a spot where pressing b let's you look up at a strange rock. Target this rock with a fire spell to trigger another event. Grab the nearby chest and proceed to the south. Eventually you'll come to a wide area with two chests guarded by a zu, a lamia, and a scorpion. Kill the enemies take the chests and proceed back north to object #4. Remember those rocks we passed on our way to the cactus earlier? That's where we are headed. Cast blizzard once on each of them, starting with the smallest of the three and ending with the biggest. You'll know you did it right because a light will shoot out of the biggest one at the end. Now we want to head back to the south, towards object #5 on the map. You'll know you're approaching the right spot when you pass under some bones. You should see a flower that is glowing. Cast Holy on it to trigger another event. A hotspot will appear, place you cage on the hotspot and the color will change to white. You can now pass through any of the magic gates without having to change your crystals color, you can also pass through the final gate to the last stage now. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR CRYSTALS COLOR, if you do youll have to come back here and do all those things over again. From this hotspot proceed to the sandfalls on the right hand side of the level, near the tent. From the second one (the southernmost of the two) head down and to the right a bit and you'll come to a sand pit. Fall in it to be transported to the next part of the level. Head north and fight your way past the two Sahagins. Go left at the fork, get the chest guarded by a lamia, sahagin, and some odd enemy that I have no idea what is. Follow the path all the way back to the right and go down when it veers that way. You'll come to a dead end with a small cactus. Smash the cactus open for an artifact and head back up and to the left. Again continue along the path past some cactuars and a lamia to another dead end with a cactus and an artifact. Back to the right and down (near the lamia) is another chest get it and now head upward. Ignore the ribcage on the left and keep going north, then left. Youll come across another of those weird things and two lamias. Kill them and go north to the final area. Follow the path around until it veers downward, go down into the center. You'll have to fight a couple sets of enemies, each time the sand level will lower, until the boss comes out. Boss Fight: Antlion Compared to some of the more recent bosses this guy is quite simple. He has two main attacks, a breath attack that he will do when you get far away, and a pincer attack for when you're up close. The breath attack doesn't damage you but it does turn you to stone. The pincers take off a decent amount of damage and negate any charge attack you may be trying to do. I suggest staying to his side and just wailing on him with physical attacks as it's too hard to really get off any magic. Keep moving left and right to cure, clearing the poison is probably not worth the effort itll take. When he gets weak he will pound the ground with his legs to send out mini shockwaves. Keep attacking and he will fall in no time. After the fight you will get the usual moogle letter, and artifact sequence. Return to Ruda village and head to the dock, pick the middle option twice to return to the mainland. The question now becomes, where do I go? Although you have the crystal necessary to visit the final dungeon, you will not be able to cross the river yet. Head north on the world map all the way back to Veo Lo Sluice. Replay this level, casting life on all the dead plants (make sure you get the chests where the water used to be first). Once you have done this you will be able to sale across the river to the final dungeon. In case you forgot its through the forest in the area with Cohal Curach and Rebena Te Ra. You may want to replay some of the other levels first, building up your stats and collecting moogle houses. You may also want to attempt to get the Ultima equipment (although the game is beatable without it. Anywho, when you're ready proceed to the area with the final dungeon... Final Dungeon Walkthrough coming soon. ------------- VI. Items ------------ Food: Food restores HP and gives you a temporary status bonus. The amount of HP restored is relevant to your characters affinity for the food. You can check this on your GBA in multiplayer on in the menus on single player. These items can all be found dropped in dungeons. Cherry Cluster Magic +2 Fish Strength +2 Gourd Potato Defense +2 Meat Strength +2 Rainbow Grapes Magic +2 Star Carrot Defense +2 Striped Apple Magic +2 Other items, most of these can be found dropped by monsters. Some require other methods to get: Phoenix Down: Brings someone back to life Bannock Bread: Restores HP, made by miller. Cactus Flower: 20% discount on ferry rides, found in Lynari Desert. Flour: Used to make bannock bread. Kilanda Sulfur: 20% discount on ferry rides, found on Kilanda Mountain. Mark of Shella: Allows you to enter Shella, the Yuke village. Milk: Restores 1 heart. Spring Water: restores 1 heart. Strange Liquid: Restores 2 hearts. Wheat: Used to make flour. Worn Bandana: ???? ------------ VII. Weapons and Armor ------------ Each character starts with a basic weapon, body armor, and a special piece of armor based upon their race. The special armor is as follows: Clavat's: Shield Selkie's: Belt Yuke's: Helmet Lilty's: Gloves Throughout the levels you will find strange square shaped objects and diamond shaped objects. The first are scrolls that you use to make upgrades, and the diamond objects are the actual materials. When I get the chance I'll type up a complete list of materials (it's long). Note that the common location is not the only place to find a scroll (in most instances) Weapon Upgrade Scrolls: Name:Common Location found/requirements/creates Celestial Weapon: Mt. Kilanda(boss)/Orichalcum(x2) Dragon Fang, Red Eye/Longinus Dark Weapon: Rebena Te Ra/Orichalcum, Cursed Crook, Anciet Sword/Ragnarok Greatest Weapon: Alchemist father/Orichalcum Ultimite/Ultima Weapons Hero's Weapon: Lynari Desert(boss)/Chimera Horn,Dragon Fang/Dragoon's Spear Legendary Weapon:River Belle Path(boss)/Orichalcum, Alloy, Ancient Potion/Excalibur, Gugnir, Mystic Hammer, Queens Heel Lunar Weapon: Conall Curach (boss)/Orichalcum,Wind Crystal,Desert Fang/Dreamcatcher Master Weapon: Leuda/Mythril, Alloy/Rune blade, Dragon Lance, Mythril Hammer, Butterfly Head Novice Weapon: River Belle Path(Cycles 1 and 2)/Iron/Iron Sword, Wave Hammer, Partisan, Solid Racket Valiant Weapon: Leuda/Bronze x3, Cerberus Fang/Feather Saber,Titan Lance, Goblin Hammer, Elemental Cudgel Victorious Weapon: Leuda/Iron x2, Ogre Fang/Defender, Highwind, Prism Hammer, Prism Bludgeon Warriors Weapon: Tipa(Merchant Father)/Iron, Alloy/Steel Blade, Rune Hammer, Sonic Lance, Dual Shooter Note that the Treasured Weapon's are not forged, but given to you by the Marr Caravan. Weapons are listed in the following manner, Name/attack power/focus attack Swords: Copper Sword attack power 15, Power Slash Treasured Sword attack power 18, Power Slash Iron Sword attack power 20, Piercing Sweep Marr Sword attack power 22, Piercing Sweep Steel Blade attack power 25, Bash Rune Blade attack power 30, Soulshot Defender attack power 31, Bash Feather Saber attack power 31, Power Slash Bastard Sword attack power 32, Piercing Sweep Fathers Sword attack power 32, Piercing Sweep Excalibur attack power 33, Soulshot Ragnarok attack power 35, Shadowblade Ultima Sword attack power 35, Piercing Sweep Lances: Iron Lance attack power 15, Cyclone Slash Treasured Spear attack power 18, Cyclone Slash Partisan attack power 20, Psi Blast Marr Spear attack power 22, Psi Blast Sonic Lance attack power 25, Avalanche Dragon Lance attack power 30, Pulse Thrust High Wind attack power 31, Avalanche Titan Lance attack power 31, Cyclone Slash Halberd attack power 32, Psi Blast Fathers Spear attack power 32, Psi Blast Gugnir attack power 35, Cross Slash Ultima Lance attack power 35, Psi Blast Longinus attack power 40, Bladestorm Hammers: Orc Hammer attack power 15, Power Bomb Treasured Hammer attack power 18, Power Bomb Wave Hammer attack power 20, Wave Bomb Marr Hammer attack power 22, Wave Bomb Rune Hammer attack power 25, Shock Bomb Mythril Hammer attack power 30, Shock Bomb Goblin Hammer attack power 31, Power Bomb Prism Hammer attack power 31, Shock Bomb Fathers Hammer attack power 32, Wave Bomb Sonic Hammer attack power 32, Wave Bomb Mystic Hammer attack power 35, Magic Bomb Ultima Hammer attack power 35, Wave Bomb Racket: Aura Racket attack power 15 Treasured Maul attack power 18 Solid Racket attack power 20 Marr Maul attack power 22 Double Shot attack power 25 Butterfly Head attack power 30 Elemental Cudgel attack power 31 Prism Bludgeon attack power 31 Fathers Maul attack power 32 Steel Cudgel attack power 32 Queens Heel attack power 33 Dreamcatcher attack power 35 Ultima Maul attack power 35 Armor This is only a partial list, I'll update the rest later Body Armor: Travel Clothes defense 10 Bronze Plate defense 13 Iron Plate defense 17 Mithril Plate defense 22 Eternal Mail defense 23 Resist Stasis +1 Blessed Mail defense 23 Resist Poison +1 Saintly Mail defense 23 Resist Curse +1 Time Mail defense 23 Resist Slow +1 Crystal Mail defense 24 Resist Miasma Flame Mail defense 24 Resist Fire +1 Frost Mail defense 24 Resist Ice +1 Gold Mail defense 24 Resist Stone +1 Storm Mail defense 24 Resist Thunder +1 Diamond Plate defense 27 Gaia Plate defense 30 (only equippable by Clavats) Gloves: Gauntlets defense 5 Bronze Gauntlets defense 8 Iron Gauntlets defense 12 Mythril Gauntlets defense 15 Flame Armlets defense 17 Resist Fire +1 Frost Armlets defense 17 Resist Ice +1 Storm Armlets defense 17 Resist Thunder +1 Gold Armlets defense 18 Resist Stone +1 Diamond Armlets defense 22 Helmets: Helm defense 5 Bronze Helm defense 8 Iron Helm defense 12 Mythril Helm defense 15 Flame Helm defense 17 Resist Fire +1 Frost Helm defense 17 Resist Ice +1 Storm Helm defense 17 Resist Thunder +1 Eternal Helm defense 18 Resist Stasis +1 Diamond Helm defense 22 Shields: Makeshift Shield defense 7 Iron Shield defense 10 Mythril Shield defense 15 Flame Shield defense 17 Resist Fire +1 Frost Shield defense 17 Resist Ice +1 Storm Shield defense 17 Resist Thunder +1 Saintly Shield defense 18 Resist Curse +1 Rune Shield defense 18 Spell range +20 Diamond Armlets defense 22 Chocobo Shield defense 25 Belts: Old Belt defense 5 Bronze Belt defense 8 Iron Belt defense 12 Mythril Belt defense 15 Flame Sash defense 17 Resist Fire +1 Frost Sash defense 17 Resist Ice +1 Storm Sash defense 17 Resist Thunder +1 Winged Belt defense 18 Focus attack range +20 Diamond Belt defense 22 Armor scrolls: Name:Common Location found/requirements/creates Bronze Armor:Mushroom Forest/Bronze/Bronze Plate Diamond Armor:Kilanda(cycle 3)/Orichalcum,Hardshell, Diamond Ore/Diamond Plate Earth Armor:Selepation Cave (boss)/Orichalcum(x2),Lords Robe,Kings Scale/Earth Plate Eternal Armor:Conall Curach/Mythril, Toad Oil/Eternal Mail Flame Armor: Kilanda (cycle 2)/Iron(x3) Magma Rock(x2)/Flame Mail Frost Armor:Veo Lu Sluice(cycle 2)/Iron(x3) Chilly Gel(x2)/Frost Mail Gold Armor:Lynari Desert(cycle 2,3)/Mythril, Gold, Shiny Shard/Gold Mail Holy Armor: Conall Curach/Mythril, Heavenly Dust/Saintly Mail Iron Armor:Tipa (alchemist)/Iron/Iron Plate Lightning Armor: Leuda/Iron(x3), Thunderball (x2)/Storm Mail Mythril Armor: Most Merchants/Mythril/Mythril Plate Pure Armor: Conall Curach/Mythril Holy Water/Blessed Mail Radiant Armor: Lynari Desert (cycle 3)/Mythril Tiny Crystal/Crystal Mail Time Armor: Tida (cycle 2)/Mythril Worm Attenna/Time Mail Secondary Armor Scroll List coming soon. The shopkeeper who sells you the item necessary to make weapon upgrade two, moves from Marle Pass (The first town other than your own), to Alfitalia Castle, so it may be prudent to upgrade your weapon(s) twice in year one, unless you want to make the long trek in year 2. Note, he alternates between the two locations every other year. ------------ VIII. Complete Materials List ------------ Name Common Location (can be found other places) Alloy Goblin Wall (Cycles 2 and 3) Ancient Potion Kilanda Ancient Sword River Belle Path (Boss) Angel's Tear Kilanda (Cycle 3) Blue Silk Tida (Cycle 2) Bronze Goblin Wall (Cycle 1) Bronze Shard Tida (Cycle 1) Cerberus's Fang Rebena Te Ra Chilly Gel Tipa (Merchant Lv.2 or 3) Chimera's Horn Lynari Desert Cockatrice Scale Selepation Cave Coeurl's Whisker Daemon's Court Crystal Ball Mushroom Forest Cursed Crook Goblin Wall (Boss) Dark Sphere Tipa (Merchant Lv.3) Desert Fang Lynari Desert (Boss) Devil's Claw Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 3) Diamond Ore Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2) Dragon's Fang Conall Curach (Boss) Dweomer Spore Tida (Boss) Ethereal Orb Mushroom Forest (Boss) Faerie's Tear Mushroom Forest Fiend's Claw Leuda Gear Rebena Te Ra Gigas Claw Selepation Cave Gold Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2) Green Sphere Tida (Boss) Griffin's Wing Veo Lu Sluice Hard Shell Selepation Cave Heavenly Dust Daemon's Court Holy Water Moschet Manor Iron Goblin Wall (Cycles 1 and 2) Iron Shard Cathurige Mine (Cycles 1 and 2) Jade Leuda Jagged Scythe Conall Curach King's Scale Daemon's Court (Boss) Lord's Robe Moschet Manor (Boss) Magma Rock Kilanda Malboro Seed Mushroom Forest (Boss) Mythril River Belle Path (Cycles 2 and 3) Needle Lynari Desert Ogre Fang Kilanda Orc Belt Cathurige Mine (Boss) Orichalcum Conall Curach (Cycle 3) Pressed Flower Conall Curach Red Eye Kilanda (Boss) Remedy Conall Curach Ruby Leuda Shiny Shard Tida (Cycle 1 or 2) Silver Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2) Thunderball Tipa (Merchant Lv.2 or 3) Tiny Crystal Mushroom Forest Toad Oil Conall Curach Ultimite Tipa (Merchant Lv.3) White Silk Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 3) Wind Crystal Selepation Cave (Boss) Worm Antenna Tida Yellow Feather Moschet Monor (Cycle 3) Zu's Beak Lynari Desert Note that some items can be bought, however the time and effort it takes to raise the money is infinetly higher than the time it would take to find a monster to drop the item. Unless you're the merchants child buying materials is a bad idea. ------------ IX. Artifacts ------------ At the conclusion of each level you are given the oppurtunity to pick from one of 8 artifacts. Which artifact you get is dependent upon two things, which cycle the dungeon is in, and your score for your bonus goal. Getting a higher score will net you a better artifact. Stat raising Artifacts: These look like either female torso's or small dragons and they are colored either green, orange, or purple. The colors correspond to the stat they raise: green for defense, orange for attack and purple for magic. Nothing has been determined as to what the difference between the dragons and the female torso's are. Command Slot Artifacts: These appear as either a Moogle statue or a chocobo statue. They give you one more command slot to use (So you can have another spell or item equipped during the level). Life Artifacts: So far I have only seen ones that look like tree's with hearts underneath, there are supposedly two other types which also do the same thing. These artifacts permanently give you one more heart, not sure what the maximum is. Ring Artifacts: Ring artifacts permanently give you a particular spell. They're a bit on the rare side, so try and get a high score! Other things you can win: Occasionally you will get a rare scroll or item for beating a boss, in the earlier years you'll mostly be offered crappy items, but as you progress dungeon cycles you can get better items. STRENGTH RAISING ARTIFACTS Ashura Strength +1 Tida (Cycle 1) Double Axe Strength +1 River Belle Path (Cycle 1) Fang Charm Strength +1 Daemon's Court (Cycle 1) Green Beret Strength +1 Mushroom Forest (Cycle 1) Kaiser Knuckles Strength +1 Tida (Cycle 1) Maneater Strength +1 River Belle Path (Cycle 1) Onion Sword Strength +1 Veo Lu Sluice (Cycle 3) Power Wristband Strength +1 Veo Lu Sluice (Cycle 1) Shuriken Strength +1 River Belle Path (Cycle 1) Engetsurin Strength +2 Daemon's Court (Cycle 1) Flametongue Strength +2 Kilanda (Cycle 1) Loaded Dice Strength +2 Conall Curach (Cycle 1) Ogrekiller Strength +2 Tida (Cycle 1) Twisted Headband Strength +2 Veo Lu Sluice (Cycle 1) Ice Brand Strength +2 Tida (Cycle 1) Heavy Armband Strength +3 Daemon's Court (Cycle 2) Masquerade Strength +3 Daemon's Court (Cycle 2) Mjollnir Strength +3 Selepation Cave (Cycle 2) Sasuke's Blade Strength +3 River Belle Path (Cycle 3) Giant's Glove Strength +3 Kilanda (Cycle 1) Murasame Strength +4 Cathuriges Mine (Boss) Gekkabijin Strength +5 Moschet Manor (Boss) Masamune Strength +5 Kilanda (Boss) MAGIC RAISING ARTIFACTS Book Of Light Magic +1 Veo Lu Sluice (Cycle 1) Candy Ring Magic +1 Tida (Cycle 1) Cat's Bell Magic +1 Selepation Cave (Cycle 1) Dragon's Whisker Magic +1 River Belle Path (Cycle 1) Faerie Ring Magic +1 Tida (Cycle 1) Mage Masher Magic +1 River Belle Path (Cycle 1) Rune Staff Magic +1 Moschet Manor (Cycle 1) Silver Bracer Magic +1 River Belle Path (Cycle 1) Winged Cap Magic +1 Tida (Cycle 1) Kris Magic +3 Veo Lu Sluice (Cycle 1) Red Slippers Magic +3 Conall Curach (Cycle 1) Rune Bell Magic +3 Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 2) Sage's Staff Magic +3 Kilanda (Cycle 1) Wonder Wand Magic +3 Tida (Cycle 1) Gold Hairpin Magic +5 Daemon's Court (Cycle 2) Dark Matter Magic +5 Tida (Cycle 3) Mage's Staff Magic +5 Daemon's Court (Cycle 2 and 3) Noah's Lute Magic +5 Kilanda (Cycle 1) Galatyn Magic +7 Goblin Wall (Boss) Taotie Motif Magic +7 Veo Lu Sluice (Boss) Ribbon Magic +9 Rebena Te Ra (Boss) Tome Of Ultima Magic +10 Conall Corach (Boss) DEFENSE RAISING ARTIFACTS Buckler Defense +1 River Belle Path (Cycle 1) Drill Defense +1 Veo Lu Sluice (Cycle 1) Silver Spectacles Defense +1 River Belle Path (Cycle 1) Sparkling Bracer Defense +1 Tida (Cycle 1) Elven Mantle Defense +2 Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 1) Helm Of Arai Defense +2 Tida (Cycle 1) Main Gauche Defense +2 Veo Lu Sluice (Cycle 1) Black Hood Defense +2 Lynari Desert (Cycle 2) Rat's Tail Defense +2 Veo Lu Sluice (Cycle 2) Teddy Bear Defense +2 Lynari Desert (Cycle 2) Chicken Knife Defense +3 Kilanda (Cycle 2) Wonder Bangle Defense +3 River Belle Path (Cycle 3) Ring Of Protection Defense +4 Selepation Cave (Boss) Save The Queen Defense +4 River Belle Path (Boss) Aegis Defense +5 Daemon's Court (Boss) COMMAND LIST SLOT ADDING ARTIFACTS Chocobo Pocket Command Slot +1 Tida (Cycle 1) Gobbie Pocket Command Slot +1 Lynari Desert (Cycle 1) Moogle Pocket Command Slot +1 River Belle Path (Cycle 1) Ultimate Pocket Command Slot +1 Cathurige Mine (Boss) HEART ADDING ARTIFACTS Earth Pendant Heart +1 River Belle Path (Cycle 1) Moon Pendant Heart +1 Veo Lu Sluice (Cycle 1) Star Pendant Heart +1 Lynari Desert (Cycle 1) Sun Pendant Heart +1 Lynari Desert (Boss) RING ARTIFACTS(permanently gives you spells) Ring Of Blizzard Magic +1, Blizzard Veo Lu Sluice Ring Of Cure Magic +1, Cure Conall Curach Ring of Fire Magic +1, Fire Kilanda Ring Of Life Magic +1, Life Selepation Cave (Boss) Ring Of Thunder Magic +1, Thunder Selepation Cave ------------ X. Bonus Goals ------------ There are a total of 15 bonus goals. The bonus goals are divided into two types: perform an action or don't perform an action. Bonus goals that require you to perform a specific goal start you with 0 points, and from there you will gain points for performing relevant actions, For the type that tell you not to do something you start the level with 100 points and will lose points for every action you do that's related to your goal. The amount you lose or gain is related to the level you are in. I'll post a complete list of goals and point variations when I have more time. ------------ XI. Magic and Magic Combos ------------ Magic in this game is a bit different from other FF games. Enemies will drop different colored orbs, each representing a spell. You then pick these up, equip them to a command slot and switch to them by pressing either the r or l pad (your currently selected spell is shown below your hearts). You then hold the A button to charge the spell up and a colored targeting circle will appear, move this with the d-pad/control stick and then release the a button to cast the spell. If you are playing two players or more you can combo spells, have one person select a spell, charge and target, the other person does the same and places their targeting circle on top of the first persons, cast the first spell and then immediately afterward cast the second. The timing will take a little getting used to, but the effects are well worth it. In single player when you equip spells on the command list if they can be comboed then you are shown the resulting spell and given two choices. The top choice will allow you to use the spells individually while the bottom option will let you use the comboed spell. The 6 base spells are as follows: There are 5 types of "timing" needed to use certain spells as combo spells. Type A: Everyone releases spells at the same time. Type B: One person casts a spell then two or more people release their spell a second or so later. Type C: Two people cast a spell at the same time, everyone else releases theirs after a slight pause. The pause time varies, but you can listen for a hum or the color change of the targeting circles. Type D: Spells are released one at a time to create a volley effect. This is the most difficult type to pull off. Type E: Similar to type D only with shorter pauses. Yellow Orb: Life, brings ally back to life Green Orb: Cure, restores HP Clear Orb: Clear, erases status effects Light blue Orb: Blizzard, ice magic, sometimes freezes enemy in place. Dark blue Orb: Thunder, thunder magic Red Orb: Fire, Fire magic, can catch enemy on fire. In many levels you will find small jars (similar to the pots from Zelda). If you pick these up and throw them on the ground they will leave color spots. Cast the corresponding attack spell on these spots and they will react, if enemies are standing on these spots then they will take extra damage when you do this. Magic Combos: Type A spells: Fira Fira+1 Fira+2 Blizzara Blizzara+1 Blizzara+2 Thundara Thundara+1 Thundara+2 Curaga Gravity (requires two attack spells) Graviga (requires three attack spells) Clearga Holy (requires life and one attack spell) Holyra+1 (requires life and two attack spells) Type B: Haste (requires life and Cure) Hastega (requires life and two cures) Slow (requires an attack spell and life) Slowga (requires two attack spells and one life) Type C: Gravira (three different attack spells) Holyra (two life spells and one attack spell) Holyra +1 (three life spells and one attack spell) Type D: Firaga Firaga+1 Firaga+2 Blizzaga Blizzaga+1 Blizzaga+2 Thundaga Thundaga+1 Thundaga+2 Type E: Full Life (two life spells) Stop (life and two of the same attack spell) Magic Weapon: Fire/Thunder/Blizzard A Weapon Single Player Combo spells: Fira Firaga Blizara Blizaga Thunder Thundara Thundaga Gravity Holy Haste Slow Stop In multiplayer to do the magic weapon one player charges up their weapon while the other person charges the spell. You then combine the two targeting circles like a normal magic combo. --------- XII. Minigames/Sidequests --------- There are three minigames: Blazing Caravans: This is only available in multiplayer. In certain moogle houses (namely the one Marr) the moogle will offer to transfer a minigame to your gameboy. KCR, is a cart racing game similar to Mario Kart. However, there is no power sliding, and weight is more important than speed. The fruits will affect your speed based upon that chart on your status screen. IE the more you eat a certain fruit the more itll help you in the cart race game. Also there seems to be a tie in with how many mog stamps you get and an effect on the cart race, not sure what yet though. You can unlock it permanently by getting all the moogle stamps. Cow betting: In the Fields of Flum you can bet on cows as they race around the field. It's pretty dull, but I guess if you like to gamble you may enjoy it. Selkie Trampoline: In Leuda Village there is a Selkie who will let you on her net trampoline if you are a Selkie. The more consecutive jumps you do the better your prize. Of course it takes an exhorbitant amount just to get a piece of iron, so its probably not worth the effort. Moogle Stamps: Not a minigame, but a sidequest. In every level and town there is a moogle house hidden. Talking with the moogle in green will net you a stamp on your post card. Collecting three of the same stamp type will do something (although my Japanese is not good enough to know what). If you have anymore info on this please email me. Sidequests: Cecil the Womanizer: On your first trip to Marr's pass there is an old man named Cecil who claims to have been quite the ladies man. After you talk to him make sure you talk to Leu Tipa in the Selkie village of Leuda. After that head to Tida village and search for a lone tree near the beginning of the second section of the dungeon. You will then see the sad conclusion of this story. Discounted Ferry Rides: Giving Tristan the Ferryman a Kilanda Sulfur will net you a 20% discount on ferry rides. Giving him a Cactus flower from Lynari desert will net you a 50% discount. If you manage to get both discounts he will eventually offer you a lifetime pass for 50,000 gil. A royal pain: Search Alfitaria castle for Lord Knocfelna (Lilty with cool armor), he will tell you about the cities princess. Now, the next time you go to Marr's pass make sure you speak with the female Selkie peddler named Te Odow. When you head to Jegon River after completing this you will be to talk to the disguised princess. Collect a drop of Myrrh and head to the Fields of Fum. You'll find Knocfelna and the princess arguing. After this collect another drop of Myrrh and head to Leuda. Talk to the princess and Knocfelna again. Exit Leuda as if you were going to Lynari desert for another sequence. Now return to Alfitaria for the final sequence and your reward of 100,000 gil. Pen Pal: Go to the Yuke village of Shella and look for a Selkie named De Nam. Sometime after speaking to him he will send you letters. After he sends you 9 letters you can get his worn bandanna as a reward from a monster fight in Conall Curach. Moo Cow: Not really a sidequest, but if your parent is a rancher you can buy them a cow in the Fields of Fum. Completing the Bridge: Again not a sidequest but if you kill the bomb in Daemon's Court twice (the bomb who blows up the bridge) it will open a new area in Conall Curach. Not quite Asleep: When you reach Mag Mell you will find one carbuncle who isn't completely asleep. Talking to him on your first visit he will simply make snoring noises. Return once per year for the next 6 years to get some information out of him. --------- XIII. Letter Writing --------- Since this has become something of a commonly asked question I decided to write what I have noticed to be the best things to send your family. I'm still not 100% sure of how this works as people seem to get good results sending different things, but here are my suggestions on what to send your parents based upon their occupation. Alchemist: Materials for making weapons, armors and accessories. IE any of the diamond shaped things or the stuff in bags. Blacksmith: Scrolls for weapons and armor. Some have suggested raw materials as well. Taylor: Scrolls for accessories, the stuff in bags. Merchant: Virtually anything works. I suggest items in bags and other forge materials. Farmer: Seeds (All kinds), flour. Miller: Wheat seeds and wheat. Rancher: Meat, seeds, milk. Make sure to send a cow from the Fields of Fum. Fisherman: Not really sure here, stick with seeds. In general sending money or seeds will work no matter what your parents occupation is. --------- XIV. General Tips and advice --------- Always keep your health up, especially during boss fights. Try to never fall below 2 hearts during boss fights. In single player keep a phoenix down equipped in one command slot. This will bring you back to life automatically when you die. Sell off scrolls for armor you cant equip for extra cash. Also sell off old materials like copper. If youre having problems with a level try upgradeing all your equipment and replaying levels youve cleared to get more artifacts. Dont be afraid to run from monsters. They will only chase you back a short distance and then stop. Run until they arent following, heal and head back to finish them off. Explore everywhere you never know what youll find. -------- XV. Thanks and contact info -------- Thanks go out to OstoXX, benjjjamin, Demonkaze, ndufer, Bebpo, rstar02, Yoshi6400, Maniac Matt, Revolva and the rest of the FFCC forum on gamefaqs(except Senor Coconuts, cause he has yet to do anything positive for the forum), your info and help has been invaluable. Thanks also go out to my siblings for being so kind as to trudge through this game in Japanese with me. And to my parents, without whom I wouldnt be here. If you have anything you would like to contribute or correct or if you feel you have contributed and not been mentioned properly please feel free to email me at, make sure to include FFCC in the subject as I will not read it otherwise. Please do not ask for my AIM or Yahoo names as I no longer have the time to answer questions in this manner. Asking a question the FFCC Game Help board section of gamefaqs is the quickest way to get a response as I don't read my email very often. -------- XVI. Stuff that is still needed. -------- 1. Complete the game walkthrough. I need to finish the final dungeon still 2. A better understanding of the letter system. The common theory seems to be that if you send home items appropriate to your parents occupation youll get a better rating, as well as other bonuses. I plan to put more into this after I finish the game. 3. Make an enemy drop list. 4. Finish Armor list. 5. Add a section for accessories 6. Sidequests/Minigames. 7. A bestiary 8. Better boss strategies, include second and third cycle forms. 9. How are the Prism and Father's weapons obtained? There aren't any scrolls to make them... As always there's probably more, so if you think of something email me to let me know. ---------- XVII. Links ---------- Excellent Japanese resource for FFCC. Not much for english speakers except the maps which can be found starting under the heading: [ダンジョン]. Note that there does not seem to be maps for Goblin Wall and Cida Village, I have no idea why... My personal site for this game. It's pretty mundane htmlwise, but it holds a lot of screen shots I took, and some video clips. Also my faq will be posted here first, always. Saoh's site, one of the longest running FFCC fan sites. If you have a website related to this game and you'd like me to link to it here, please contact me either via email or on gamefaqs, and I'll check it out. ---------- XVIII. Legal Info ---------- This faq is copyright 2003 of Matthew Barney. It can not be reused or reprinted anywhere else without my express written consent. This faq should only be found on, and my personal website. Only faq versions prior to version 1 can be used on, if you see a more recent version of the faq on their website please contact me. If you find it anywhere else please email me. If you paid to see this faq, or were charged in any way for this information, contact me as this is free information that should be available to all. I have no desire to have this faq hosted on any other sites besides gamefaqs. I decided I didn't like having my email as exposed as it has become, so please do not email asking to host it as the answer will be no. Feel free to link to link to gamefaqs though (in the proper method of course). Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Game Designers Studio, Nintendo, Square Enix, Nintendo Gamecube, and Nintendo Gameboy Advance are all owned by their respective companies, etc etc.