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Thread: Sisters of Tella (Original RP)

  1. #1
    This is my sin... Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Lucid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Silent Hill

    Sisters of Tella (Original RP OOC)

    This is my first RP, so please be gentle. ^^;
    If you have any questons, please ask me here, or PM and I will answer them in this thread.
    Also, if anyone wants to add their own customs for a certain race then feel free to do so.
    I wanted to leave a little open so people could customize things a bit more.
    If you'd like to be another type of race, then please PM and ask before posting your profile.

    Disclaimer: I've also decided to rate this RP as 16+, because of the violence and adult themes/sensitive subject matter.

    Link to the actual RP thread - Sisters of Tella (Original)

    ~ Story ~

    The twin goddesses are the goddesses of creation and rulers of the sky. Ishtara is the golden-winged goddess of the sun, and Ashtara is the iridescent-winged goddess of the moon. They created the world of Tella, but soon Ishtara wanted something more and so she created many different beings in which to inhabit the world.

    Ishtar loved the people of Tella, but refused to step in everytime they needed help, so instead, she gave the people an object to be used in order to protect the land. The object served the people well for hundreds of years, but soon the people began to realize what power the object held and wanted to possess it for themselves. The people fought over the object amongst themselves and with the people from other lands and in the end they were destroyed by it.

    Ishtara was saddened by the actions of the people and blamed herself for what had happened, but her sister Ashtara was apalled by what the humans had done to the world that she and her sister had created. However, Ishtara still thought that the people of Tella should learn to handle their own problems, so instead she gave her blessing to a noblewoman so that only she had the power to use the object. With the power of the object, she helped to restore peace to the world and lead the people to prosperity. Ishtara was so impressed with the woman that she decreed that the firstborn child of her lineage would also be blessed, and would continue with her's child's first child and so on.

    Ashtara was so disgusted that Ishtara had given these beings another chance that she took things into her own hands. She created her own creatures in which to bother the beings which Ishtara loved so much and began taking pleasure in destroying the living things that Ishtara created. This made Ishtara upset so she banished Ashtara to the far side of Tella where she would spend the rest of her days apart from her sister. Ishtara thought that it was the best things she could do, but it only made things much worse between the two. Everything Ishtara did, Ashtara did the opposite, opposing her sister's every move. This battle continued to wage on through the years, catching all of Tella in it's path.

    Ishtara finally had enough of Ashtara's behavior, so she decided to do something drastic in order to change her sister's mind. She believed that the people no longer needed the gods fighting about them and causing more trouble, so she sealed away their powers, forcing them to be reincarnated on Tella so that Ashtara could learn to live among the beings Ishtara had created. She hoped that after a thousand years, they would meet again and Ashtara would have a change of heart.

    Hundreds of years later, a creature known as a Devourer appeared and threatened to consume all life on Tella. Ishtara was sure that her sister had something to do with this, but couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. With the help of his allies, the Elves, Dwarves and Beastman, the current Blessed One defeated the demon and sealed it away. While the demon had been safely sealed, its dark power had already settled in began to affect all of Tella. The corruption was so slow that no one even noticed it until it was too late, causing anyone or anything that came in close contact with this power to become corrupted or changed into some hideous monster.

    The Blessed One attempted to cleanse the land, but became corrupted instead and attacked his own people with the object, forcing them to kill him. This incident weighed heavily on the minds of the people and so they began to wonder if the object was even safe in the hands of just the one person who could use its power. The question was raised, debated on, fought over and eventually resulted in a bloody war over who would claim the power of the next Blessed One, splitting the country of Atarylis apart.

    The mess was eventually settled when a council of Fae was formed in order to watch the Blessed One to make sure that they didn't abuse their power. The council helped to resolved some of the issues that the people had worried about, but in the end, they only raised more question as to what kind of power the council now had.

    500 years later, the delicate balance of Tella is still protected by the council and the Blessed One, but there is still much tension in the land over this. The Blessed One only wants to protect Tella, but some of the people believe that the Blessed One now only does what the council tells them. Despite this talk, things are peaceful enough for the most part.

    The peace is soon broken, however, when numerous earthquakes and other strange events began to occur throughout the lands, sending people to seek out the Blessed One for answers, only to find that he has fallen ill. The news sends a wave of panic throughout the land and raises the question of whether of not the events are possibly connected and soon results in an investigation into the speculations.

    Meanwhile, news of the Blessed One's illness is good news to some who think that now is a good time to attack the council and claim the Blessed One for themselves, thinking that they alone should have the power of judgement...

    Though there are people of different races from different lands, the recent events have set the wheels of change into motion, forcing them to go beyond the borders of their homes in order to uncover the truth behind the ancient secrets of Tella.

    Many paths may cross, and though some will join together in this journey, others have their own goals to accomplish and will fight anyone who stands in their way.

    Only time will tell what the fate of Tella will be...

    ~ Races ~

    Human - Beings that were considered to be an experimental creation. They are the most curious and progressive of all the races, but have rather short lifespans, not usually living past 70 or 80 years of age. They are able to use many type of weapons proficiently, but have trouble using magic.
    *Leadership - Various

    Elf - Mystic and agile beings that are of the protectors of the forest. They are shorter than a normal adult human, but they have a longer life span than those of other races. Their pointed ears allow them to hear some distance away and they can easily hide themselves in the forest. They have a strong bond with the Earth and find it easy to use magic. Larna is the homeland of the elves and most make their homes at the base or within the branches Great Tree Teras.
    *General - Elves, both male and female, consider their hair a symbol of strength and beauty so it is never cut, unless one is convicted of a crime or deemed a disgrace to the tribe.
    *Leadership - King Tristan, Queen Lara
    This is what the elves sort of look, height and feature wise. This is the height of an adult elf.

    Twilelf - Twilight elves. These elves were once one of the five great elf families, but have been poisoned by dark magic. Their skin darkened, their hair became white and many were driven mad by it's effects. They left Larna from shame and most were never seen again. Only one Twilelf ever returned to Larna, but she appeared to have completely lost her mind. Most Twilelf live underground or in caves, only appearing in the cover of darkness in order to hide their appearance from the rest of the world.
    Energy Leech [Racial Ability] - Ability to drain the energy from a target and transform the energy into a dark weapon of their choice(sword, dagger, bow, etc). The more powerful and expirienced the user is, the more energy he's able to drain out the victim.
    *Leadership - None

    Dwarf - Short, but powerful race of beings of the earth who are skilled in the ways of the forge and metal-working. They normally live undergound, deep in mountains in order to mine the precious ores they need to produce their lovingly crafted works. The have the ability to see in the dark and, although somewhat slow in speed, they have incredible strength and can wield weapons much heavier than what others can normally use. The dwarves live within and around the mountains range of Frostmount.
    *General - Length of beards signify age and rank.
    Young women wear their hair lose or in many braids. Married women wear their hair in one braid or on top of their head.
    *Marriage - The male proposes with the gift of jewelry that is made by him, usually using something that has great meaning to him, in order to show his love.
    *Death - Dwarves are placed in elaborate stone tombs which tells the story of the Dwarf's life. The tombs lie in vast chambers deep beneath the mountains.
    *Leadership - Queen Ruby Steelforge

    Beastman - A race of animal-like humanoids. They spend most of their lives in the safety of their villages, mostly because they had been hunted for sport at one time so they find it hard to trust humans. The main types of beastmen are cat, bear and wolf. They live on the grasslands of Shero.
    *Coming of Age - When a boy reaches the age of 15, he is sent into the wilderness alone, for 5 days in which the boy must learn to survive or perish. When the boy returns after those 5 days, there is a great celebration and the boy has thus earned his place as a man in the clan.
    *Death - The body of the deceased is burned, and the head or the eldest member of the family then takes the ashes and go on a journey to the sea where they release the ashes. The journey is a way for the family member to cope with the loss of their loved one.
    *Leadership - Chieftain Kevek, Princess Naliah

    Vyerna - A race of reptile-like humanoids who claim to be the descendants of dragons. Most make their home in the desert, but some have been know to live in the swamps or lakes of distant lands. They are extremely cunning and love treasure. Many of them spend their lives hunting for it, only to hoard it afterwards. They live in the desert county of Xenya.
    *Leadership - King Garun

    Fae - A race of ancient winged beings who are highly sought after because they are said to posses great clairvoyant powers, referred to as the "visions of the gods". The Fae were the first beings created by Ishtara and were made closer to her image. They have a long life span and age much slower than even the elves, but many of them were wiped out when the Devourer ravaged Tella. They are usually described as having a beautiful and exotic look.
    *General - They believe that they were once birds, but were punished by the goddess who changed them into human form. For this reason the Fae elders wear masks and feathers.
    *Birth - Twins are said to have greater powers of clairvoyance and can also feel each other's thoughts and pains, even from great distances. Their births, whether male or female, symbolize the twin goddesses Ishtara and Ashtara, and so they are celebrated and honored.
    *Death - The Fae believe in reincarnation. When one dies, there is a funeral ceremony and their body is burned in order to release their souls to the sky where they will be reborn as a bird.
    *Leadership - 6 Elders, 3 representing Ishtara and 3 representing Ashtara.

    ~ Classes ~

    +Warrior - A class skilled in using many different types of weapons.

    +Paladin - A holy swordsman with the ability to use holy magic as well as proficiently fight.
    Lesser Heal - Able to heal light wounds, such as shallow cuts, fatigue, 1st degree burns and lesser infections.

    Holy Spark [Holy] - A small blast of white fire that inflicts minor damage to the target Shadow creatures or undead and also has a small chance to blind them.
    +Cleric - They are the people of the church. Wise and kind, they always use their powers to help those in need. Not only do they heal, but they also have supportive powers which will protect those in need from harm altogether. They can use a staff, which they use to channel their magic, or mace type weapons. Clerics also have some resistance to dark magic and minor status effects such as lesser poison.
    Heal - Able to heal more serious wounds, such as deeper cuts, injured muscles, fractures, 2nd degree burns, moderate infections and minor physical ailments.

    Holy Light [Holy] - Gives the user the ability to light dark areas with their staff. This spell can also blind some weaker Shadow creatures and undead.

    Holy Spark [Holy] - A small blast of white fire that inflicts minor damage to the target Shadow creatures or undead and also has a small chance to blind them.

    Protect - Casts a protective barrier which lowers magical damage for a short time.
    +Exorcist - Exorcists are a form of Holy Warriors who are proficient in fighting creatures both of undead and darkness. They use spells which can destroy or bind the creatures of darkness as well as draw them out of people who have been possessed. Their main weapon is a blessed mace. They have the higher resistance to dark magic than Clerics, but their healing ability is much weaker.
    Lesser Heal - Able to heal light wounds, such as shallow cuts, fatigue, 1st degree burns and lesser infections.

    Exorcise [Holy] - Gives the ability to draw Shadow spirits out of people, animals, monsters and items which have been possessed. The success rate is based on the user's experience.

    Divine Flame [Holy] - A blast of white fire that inflicts moderate damage to the target Shadow creatures or undead and also has a chance to blind them.

    Deathwatch - Gives the user the ability to sense the presence of the dead and undead in a certain radius around them.

    Darkwatch - Gives the user the ability to sense the presence of demons, Shadow creatures and people of dark affinity in a certain radius around them.
    +Arcanist - These people have a strong hold over the magical elemental powers in their realm. Arcanists use a staff or tome in which to channel their magic, but they can also use daggers. Arcanists also have the ability to detect magic properties in items.
    Fire Ball [Fire] - A spell which causes a small ball of fire to strike the target, causing minor damage.

    Frost Arrow [Water] - A spell which causes a small spears of ice to strike the target, causing minor damage and also has a low chance to freeze the target.

    Bolt [Wind] - A spell which causes a small bolt of lightning to strike the target, causing minor damage and also has a low chance to paralyze the target.

    Briar Root [Earth] - A spell which entraps the target in small thorny vines for a short time, causing minor damage and temporarily slowing them down.

    Light - Gives the user the ability to light dark areas with their staff.
    +Sage - People who devote their entire lives to the pursuit of knowledge. They consider intellegence to be the greatest power of the human race and they are incredibly wise. Possessing such intellegence allows them to wield great magical powers and hold sway over magically created beings to do their bidding. Many Sages have a golem to perform manual labor for them as they almost always are too busy with other things.
    Flare [Fire] - Momentarily blinds and does moderate fire damage to the target(s) in a wide radius around the caster.

    Glacier Spike [Water] - A spell which causes a large spears of ice to strike the target, causing damage and also has a high chance to freeze the target.

    Summon Earth Golem [Summon] - Summons an earth golem to fight for you. It has a few basic earth attacks.

    Summon Fire Golem [Summon] - Summons a fire golem to fight for you. It has a few basic fire attacks.
    +Necromancer - Necromancers use dark magic and have the ability to raise the undead and command them to do their bidding. They can also summon demons or other creatures of the darkness.
    Shadow Bolt [Dark] - A spell which causes a single bolt of shadow to strike the target, causing minor damage and also has a low chance to blind the target.

    Affliction [Poison] - Casts a poison on the target which causes minor damage over a period of time.

    Confusion - Confuses the target for a short period of time. The target sees things differently or that are not there.

    Summon Undead [Summon] - Summons an undead creature to fight for you. They have a chance to poison the target when attacking.

    Summon Lesser Demon [Summon] - Summons a lesser demon to fight for you. They have a fire attack and have a chance to blind the target while attacking.
    +Rogue - A class adept at using short blades to pierce the defense of their foes. They constantly are looking for easy money by robbing others, or hunting for treasure. They are excellent pick pockets and they can pick locks incredibly well.

    +Archer - People highly skilled in the art of archery and hunting. They can also use daggers and short swords for close combat, but their sword skills are fairly low.

    +Ranger - They are skilled in the use of bows as well as long swords and are an expert at tracking. A Ranger is often accompanied by a hawk or falcon who helps him track down whatever he is hunting for.

    ~ Locations ~

    Atarylis/New Atarylis - Most humans live in this country. The terrain is very diverse, including part of a snowy mountain range running along the north and western edges and rolling plains to the south.

    Frostmount - This mountainous country is home to the dwarves. It's mostly covered in snow year round, but has little effect on the dwarves since they live deep under the mountain.

    Mayun - Part of the mountain range that makes of Frostmount runs along the coast of this country. The centaur make their homes within the green valley.

    Grahn - Tropical-like country along Lann's eastern coast.

    Shero - This country is covered by grasslands and most beastmen clans make their homes here.

    Quesh - A volcanic island southwest of Lann.

    Halm - An island northeast of Siroca. It's coverd by a strange mist and it said that the ancient Fae live here.

    Xenya - Xenya is an exotic desert country home to the Vyerna.
    It's usually hot and dry climate lasts though all four seasons of the year, receiving only a few inches of rain each year. The capital, Jarla, is home to the largest and most unique marketplaces in the world, offering a wide selection of merchandise from silks and spices to precious metals and jewels.

    Vale - This country is covered by a vast wasteland. It was once said to be part of the elven forest, but was corrupted by dark magic. The Twilelf may have traveled through here at some point.

    Kelton - This country covered in swamp-lands is not really suitable for people to live, but many snake-like creatures make their homes here.

    Larna - This mystical country filled with lush green forests is home to the elves. The forest surrounds and protects their city Faryl and the Great Tree Teras.

    Urvak - A country inhabited mostly by humans. They have been enemies of Lann for many years. The terrain is much like Atarylis.

    ~ Profile Sheet ~

    Birthplace/Hometown (optional):
    Spells (if applicable):




    ~ Map of Tella ~
    Attached Images Attached Images Sisters of Tella (Original RP)-map01c-png 
    Last edited by Lucid; 03-13-2008 at 04:13 PM.

  2. #2
    This is my sin... Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Lucid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Silent Hill
    Name: Solas
    Age: 26 (Human years)
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human/Fae
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 138lbs
    Birthplace/Hometown (optional): Merca, New Atarylis
    Class: Archer
    Weapon: Short Bow/Arrows, Short Sword, Dagger
    Spells (if applicable): N/A

    Appearance: He has dark brown, almost black hair that falls just below his chin, barely even long enough to be tied into a ponytail, so it usually ends up hanging loosely around his face or sweeping into his deep, violet blue eyes. With his slightly athletic build, he's rather capable of handling a short sword, but his strongest point is his agility. His tan complexion gives him somewhat of an exotic appearance, earning him second glances from both women and men, however, what they don't know is that he bears the scar of a brand mark on the right side of his chest, symbolizing that he was once a slave.

    Because of his Fae blood, he ages slower than most humans, so he appears to look much younger than he actually is. He himself doesn't understand exactly why he and his sister age so slowly, but he uses this to his advantage, fooling his enemies into believing that he's young and inexperienced.

    His armor is usually light in order to increase his mobility, usually consisting of a leather chest guard, leather bracers and a special glove to protect his fingers. He also wears a leather belt around his waist that holds his short sword and a small leather pouch with seperate pockets in which to carry various items such as herbs, flint stone, bow strings and coins. He keeps a dagger hidden in his right boot at all times.

    Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses: Solas is extremely cold and cruel. He has no desire to make friends and often tries to avoid any kind of interaction with anyone. He's obedient and does what he's told, but what he does is all for the sake of his sister, the only person he really cares about. Despite his heartless and unforgiving personality, he constantly struggles with the repercussions of his actions. He's rather intelligent when it comes to battle tactics, but he is unable to read or write. Solas also doesn't believe in fate and has no use or need for the gods.

    History: Although he refers to himself as human, Solas and his twin sister Estella were in fact born from a Fae and a human. Fearing for her baby's lives, their injured mother left the two in the care of a slave in the household of a wealthy merchant where they were raised until the two were old enough to be more useful. Their mother died shortly afterward.

    Solas continued to live contentedly as a slave until he found out that Jarin was going to sell Estella to a brothel. Wanting to protect his sister, Solas went to Jarin in an attempt to get him to reconsider. Jarin was firm in his decision, but informed Solas that it was possible to earn his freedom and buy Estella back. This information gave Solas hope and a purpose, but it also started to change him.

    Solas began doing anything and everything he could to please his master, even going as far as betraying the confidence of his fellow slaves in order to gain favor. Lord Jarin was impressed by the boy's determination and dirty tactics that he decided to have him sent to the castle to be trained as a soldier to serve in the king's army. Solas was a fast learner and his willingness to do any of the dirtiest and most dangerous work, no questions asked, allowed him to quickly work his way to the top, but also earned him alot of flak from his peers for who only saw him as being stuck up, but unlike them, Solas wasn't below grovelling in the rain to get attention and respect from his commanding officers.

    Solas didn't care what anyone said about him. Earning his freedom in order to work towards rescuing Estella was his only priority and he didn't care what horrible or unjust the things he had to do in order to accomplish his goal, even if it meant betraying his comrades or slaughtering innocent villagers. He refused to let anything keep him from protecting the only family he had, but the power he felt in the acts he committed made him feel superior and he sometimes lost sight of the reason he was doing them in the first place.

    As the years passed, Solas finally earned his freedom, but continued to serve in the king's army as the general's right hand man in order to save up the money to free his sister.
    Last edited by Lucid; 02-28-2008 at 12:08 AM.

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Victoria's Avatar
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    ~Ashtara's Creature Races~
    Leadership* – Queen Ophelia
    Humans with dark powers and long lifespans. They are born with black translucent wings. The shapes vary between each person. Bird-type wings, dragon-type, bat-type, et al. An insignia had been passed down from generation to generation to lead their nation with Maoh power. The current leader is a woman named Ophelia who has dragon-like wings. Her power assisted her in climbing the ladder and taking over the nation.

    Voluptuous women with bat wings, a tail and horn on their head. They feed by seducing men and having their way with them.

    Stone beasts that live in the night. They use claws or bladed weapons.

    Zombies/Living Skeletons
    Not much to explain here.

    Fallen Angel – Exclusive to an NPC character of mine.
    A being who used to be a pure angel, but had been reincarnated as a demon as punishment.

    Strong, bulky build and usually smells.

    Beings that wear hooded cloaks and levitate.

    Name: Zealotus
    Age: 862
    Gender: Female
    Race: Asura
    Height: 5'8”
    Weight: 135 lbs.
    Birthplace/Hometown (optional): Vale
    Class: Princess/Fencer
    Weapon: A rapier she stole off of another that wanted her dead after taking her mother's life.
    Spells (if applicable): A dark electrifying sphere. Dark flames.

    Appearance: She has blue eyes and a light tint of pink hair. Her bangs are white. Her chest is wrapped in fudonshi bandage while she wears a tight black vest. She also wears a matching skirt that stops above her knees. Her hairstyle is short and shoulder length.

    Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses: Arrogant/Combat & Sex Appeal/Anything to do with love.

    History: She was born as a princess under the Ophelia household. Her father always taught her about beauty and love, but being an Asura, she didn't quite like those talks or thoughts about it. She always wanted to be the overlord and the most beautiful woman in the world. However, her mother had died while she was away. She returned only to see her county in chaos and tons of Asura duking it out for the spot on the throne. One such Asura spotted her and attempted to stab her in one go, but she stopped him and stole his very weapon and used it against him. She now uses it as her main weapon against the others who try and take her rightful place. She managed to clear the area before she grew tired. She decided to take a nap...
    Last edited by Victoria; 03-07-2008 at 01:51 AM.

  4. #4
    Name: Philip Lufaro
    Age: 27(in human years)
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half Twilelf-Half Human
    Height: 170 cm
    Weight: 64 kg
    Birthplace/Hometown (optional): Vale
    Class: Necromancer
    Weapon: A staff
    Spells (if applicable):
    Racial Ability - Energy Leech – An ability to drain the energy from a target and transform it into a dark weapon of their choice. The more powerful and experienced the user is, the more energy he's able to drain out the victim.

    Confusion - Confuses the target for a short period of time. The target sees things differently or that are not there.

    Summon Lesser Demon - Summons a lesser demon to fight for you. They have a fire attack and have a chance to blind the target while attacking.

    Appearance: Philip's face is a typical, manly shaped with large cheekbones and a smaller, perfectly featured chin. Thick brows and dark, charming, piercing eyes are standing out on his tan face. White, almost silver, silky hair starts from the middle of his forehead and slightly waves to sides. It reaches his eyes level and grows longer from there till his neck. Thin, pale pink lips almost never curling in more then an ironic smile. His skin is dark and smooth but not gentle to the touch.

    Philip is an average built up male. He's not too tall or too masculine yet you can't call him short or chubby. Under his clothes Philip hides many scars that were received during his restless life, memories of his past battles, sign to his surviving abilities. Some of them are larger then the others, but all of them barely noticeable and pale. The only jewel he ever wears is an old fashioned, golden ring with Devourer's blessing engraved on its inner side, a personal gift from the sealed being.

    Inside his inner belt pocket Philip has five colorful balls. They are small enough to carry on and are used for emergency situations. The man is able to discern between them by feeling the glass. Every glass ball has different structure. The small beads contain different kinds of powders (some of them are poisonous) which use will allow the user to escape/buy some time.

    Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses: It's very hard to predict what Philip will do. One moment he can be calm and easy going and the next one screaming in rage, but he usually knows how to control himself in public. He is very smart, observing and sometimes stubborn man, using anything and anyone to achieve his goals, usually by using charisma. Oh, yes, Philip is quite charismatic when he wants to be, but from other side, the man can be brute, rude and sadistic if it'll serve his goals.

    Philip has many faces and none knows which one is real. He is a lonely wolf type and always in control, when he's on his sane side. Philip is passionate man and loves the excitement, the feeling when adrenaline floods his blood.

    He's gambler by his nature and ready to risk whatever he has, even his own life, but luckily fortune is by his side most of the time. Hidden sarcasm can be heard in his speech when Philip lets himself show more of his selfish nature.

    History: Philip was born as a result of a forbidden passion between a Twilelf female named Riann and a human hunter. Blind in their lust, the two met each other secretly for a long period of time. Yet Riann was fast to show her true face, jealous at any female she could see. The woman wanted him to be hers forever but pushed him away by her jealousy seizures. When the hunter got tired of her jealousy and dumped Riann, the offended woman lost the remains of her sanity. Out of revenge, the beauty murdered her lover. She was beautiful, yet crazy even for her own kin and was banished after her pregnancy could be seen. The birth occurred in the middle of the night in a random clearing. Her screams of pain were heard only by wild animals which ran away in fear, and soon the miserable Riann found herself unwanted everywhere with a small baby on her hands. Somehow she managed to survive as she used her dark magic to enslave a random family of farmers she found when she wandered aimlessly.

    After a few years her mental state went downhill, causing her to kill her poor slaves and then chased after her only son in attempt to slay him as well. The terrified child ran from his monstrous mother, his eyes full of tears. He was lucky enough to escape her spells only to find himself in unknown wasteland. In someway he felt free of his cruel mother who didn't hesitate to torture the boy when she felt like it.

    Every attempt of his to come in contact with human beings failed. They betrayed him and tried to use him for their needs time after time. The elves just ignored him and threatened to kill if he came to close. The pain of being not understood and rejected almost took his sanity away. Very soon his hatred against both humans and elves knew no border and he didn't hesitate to use his powers for revenge.

    Lonely and shocked, the boy had to survive in this weird world by himself. He would die in the savage land if servants of deity known as Devourer wouldn’t offer their help. The dark monks felt in this young being so much hate and pain that they could use to their benefit. Philip, terrified and lost, accepted the secret cult’s help, letting the darkness fill his confused heart and was then granted with specific powers in order to serve the cult. As he grew, Philip dedicated his life to serve Devourer, seeing it's goals as his own. But what he failed to understand was that for Devourer, he only a useful tool, a favorite toy.

    Currently Philip is 27 years old (by human counting), has no friends, but is feared by his enemies. He has many contacts in the criminal world, which he earned by his sneaky, bloody ways. He shows no mercy to his victims, but can play the most gentle and good person when he needs it.
    Last edited by Nekoness; 03-08-2008 at 05:23 AM.
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  5. #5
    Lady Succubus Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Victoria's Avatar
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    That's a very nice character, Neko. ^^
    I look forward to seeing where all of our characters could go. I like how your character had communication with Ashtara. That's awesome.

  6. #6
    Professional Klutz. Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Holy Kharlan
    I'd quite like to join...

    Name: Elizabeth (Lizzi) Elkess
    Age: 10
    Gender: Female
    Race: half Fae- half Human.
    Height: 136cm (4.4ft)
    Weight: 25kg (4 stone)
    Birthplace/Hometown (optional): Kelton
    Class: Paladin/ Sage.
    Weapon: At the moment, nothing.
    Spells (if applicable): Mainly basic healing spells. Though, she is in the process of being taught higher level healing and basic offensive spells.

    Appearance: Quick sketch
    She has mousy blonde hair that comes to her shoulders. Her eye's are a dark green which at times appear brown. She wears basic white tunics made by her mother, they are specially suited so that she can wear them with her wings showing. Her wings are the same shade as her hair but have flecks of dark browns and blacks at the tips of each feather. Her frame itself is skinny, but what she does have in weight most of it is muscle due to the harsh life in the swamplands.

    Her facial features are untouched and her skin pale. The length of her nose curves ever so slighty and her lips are a paled crimson. She has a perfect set of teeth except for one which is misplaced and sticks out from her gum above the rest of the teeth. Though, her upper lip covers this from sight. She tends to smile broady squinting whilst she does it.

    Lizzi carries around a small, leather pouch on a belt which can be closed via a 2 piece clip. Inside here she keeps momento's of her mother including her hair pin, which would normally sit in her hair. In her pouch she also keeps notes of all the spell lessons he father has given her, so that she doesn't forget them.

    Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses: A kind-hearted, free spirited girl just like her mother. Or, at least, thats what her father had told her. Dispite her age she has a temper and a fury that can cause damage and has, on occasion. She has been taught in sage-ways since she was very young and so is quite articulate for her age. Despite she knows about many subjects yet gets muddled up and often gets confused even if she thinks she knows a topic well. She is bubbly and chatty when she gets to know somebody but, at first, she is very shy and trys to stay hidden around strangers.

    She is a very fast learner, especially when it comes to spells. She is keen to learn more about her fathers people and their teachings. She often sits for hours listening to her fathers stories and even asks for more before being sent to bed. She practises as hard and long as she can before becoming exhausted and has often been found by her father asleep outside at night, after 'training'. Her wings are developed enough to carry her a fair distance but after a while it takes up alot of her energy just to hold herself up.

    Due to her age, weight and height she isnt much for dealing and hand to hand combat damage. In fact, she is fairly useless in this field even though her father had tried numerous times to teach her how to use short swords; in case she were ever alone in the swamp. Her range of magic is limited so far, but she is trying to learn.

    History: (Confirmed by Lucid as okay)
    Her father was the brother of the disgraced/ crazed Blessed one, over 500 years before. This was part of her fathers reasoning behind moving to the swamplands of Kelton. The other reason being his her grandfathers protest about his son marrying a human sage. They had lived for a long time in peace before teh day when her mother was viciously attacked by the widlife there, mainly an Troll and killed. Since then her father has devoted his life to teaching Lizzi and taking care of her.

    Lizzi had been brought up with a passion for magic. She had always followed her fathers advice in this area, ignoring his warnings about the surrounding area even after her mother was killed.

    At the age of 10 her father took her to see the city of Atarylis, this was was to serve both as a holiday and a way for her to gain more knowledge. Whilst within the city, however, they became seperated and Lizzi wandered away on her own. She tried for only a short amount of time to find her father after which she became calm. She told herself that she would study and work at her magic so that one day, when her and her father wer etogether again, she would make him proud.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 02-28-2008 at 03:23 PM. Reason: Changed history.

  7. #7
    I think I might just join, I have books (the Dragonlance series) that I read that are quite like this. If any of you read them, you'll notice many similar characteristics to one of the main characters...

    Name: Thanus Half-Evlen
    Age: 28 (in Human years)
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half-Elf (Half Elf/ Half Human)
    Height: 5' 10''
    Weight: 180 lbs.
    Birthplace/Hometown (optional): Faryl, Larna
    Class: Ranger
    Weapon: A Longsword and Bow & Arrows
    Spells (if applicable): N/A

    Appearance: Reference Image
    Thanus has long (traditional amoung the elf race) black hair and dark green eyes. His body is slender but still muscular due to his Human blood. Thanus wears a combination of grayish brown hard leather armor and plate armor with a tattered dark green hooded cloak over it. He wears a simple longsword in a waist scabbord on his left side. The leather and wood quiver is slung over his shoulder and on his back, it holds mostly steel tipped arrows and some bolts. Thanus uses a solid oak composite bow.

    Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses: Thanus is a strong hearted and stoic man. He is weathered in battle and seen much in his days as a drifter. Thanus' past and bloodline has segregated him from both the Human and Elf societies, because of this, he is not easily trusting of anyone.

    His Elf and Human blood gives him both strengths and weaknesses. His Elf blood gives him the skill with the bow and tracking. He can fire up to three arrows at any given time at the same speed and accuracy as a single arrow. He can also track almost anything for days. His Human blood grants him the strength no full blood Elf could have.

    Those traits are also mirrored but weaknesses. His Elf blood makes weaker than a nomal Human. His Human blood gives him a shorter lifespan, even at 28, he can feel his lifespan beginning to end.

    History: Thanus was born the bastard son of a Human male and a raped Elf female. His mother was looked upon in disgust during pregnancy and died giving birth to Thanus. He was adopted by a sympathetic Elf couple in Larna and was raised as a Elf. The bastard son of a Human was the only thing any other elf would see him as.

    The adults were the main antagonist in Thanus' story of childhood. They were the ones who knew of his parentage, and their actions towards him reflected on their children. He was never able to play with them, and lived a remote childhood.

    When he came of age, Thanus left Larna and swore to never return. He began his adventure into the world in searching out his true father. He recieved rumors and tips on his wear abouts but they led to more tips and rumors. He always seemed to take one step forward and three steps backward. He eventually gave up on his quest and became a mercenary, working for what ever money he could get his hands on.

  8. #8
    This is my sin... Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Lucid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Silent Hill
    I finally posted my profile. Took long enough, eh?

    Good job on the other profiles and thanks for joining.
    I hope this turns out to be an interesting RP and I look forward to the possibility of more people joining.

  9. #9
    Finding Answers Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Fehrant's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Name: Kuma
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Race: Beastman - Werebear.
    Height: 7' 11" (human) / 10' (bear)
    Weight: 410lb (human) / 1300lb (bear)
    Birthplace/Hometown (optional): Unknown.
    Class: Fighter.
    Weapon: None.
    Spells (if applicable): N/A.

    Appearance: For a human, he towers over most. He has a thick brown beard and short, bushy hair. His brown eyes are fierce, his nose big, and he has a huge gaping mouth underneath it. He has thick, hairy arms, and a wide back. He has big hands that could easily grab a grown man's skull. His legs, while sturdy, look thin in comparison with his massive torso and arms. His skin has a slight tan, and he uncannily resembles the totem (animal figure) he was born under: the bear.

    Clothing is a complicated matter for him. Not only does most standard attire fit tightly, but transformation usually ends up tearing any piece of cloth donning his upper torso. He does wear a pair of cream-colored loose cloth pants, though, since his legs don't change drastically, and the pants can withstand the stretching. The pants are tied to his waist by the way of a simple brown colored sash that matches his hair. His hairy feet are always bear; he feels more comfortable that way. He dons a mid-size (or normal-sized for a man of standard size) cloak, and has on his neck a pendant made of a rope and a single, simple accessory that somehow resembles a tooth, but is brown with a bit of gold.

    Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses: For a werebear he possesses a calm character, and will not give in to anger so easily. However, if it is to help someone, he will fight fiercely if he believes what he is doing is helping that someone in need. He is very kind, although lacking a bit of tact, and is crude when trying to communicate. He is good-willed overall, and generally has no bias towards other races. He is unexperienced in how the world works, making him a bit naive, but he can distinguish those with ill-intent. He has a keen sense of smell, and very good eyes and ears that sometimes help him notice what normal human beings would not.

    History: His brothers, mother and him were traveling when a group of hunters spotted them, and decided to kill them for sport and renown. They chased them down, and shot arrows at the distance, but the huge mother withstood the repeated attacks. The group of hunters charged in, wounding the mother fatally, but running scared and overpowered. The cubs stood with the mother's corpse, until they decided to migrate on their own. They died one after the other, unbeknown to the ways of the world. And when his turn was about to come, he spotted an old woman. The old woman looked at the cub bear, and felt sorry, tossing at his side a piece of bread. The bear ate it, and cried, slowing morphing into a human baby. The old woman, who had recently lost her husband, and had no sons to call her own anymore, decided to take care of the young werebear.

    The old woman lived in a small village were everyone was a farmer. She was at an age in which she couldn't work, so she spend most of her time with him. It was a difficult task educating the young werebear. When the villagers found out and threatened to kill the cub, she told them they would have to kill her first. They understood the poor widow who had lost husband and son, and made a deal: he could stay as long as she had him under control.

    The boy grew up fast physically. He could understand basic words at first, but it took him a while before he could manage a complete sentence. He was a good-willed kid, and calm. The villagers took a liking to him after he defended everyone from a band of pillagers who passed by. From that moment they trusted him completely, and made him one of them, even protecting him against outsiders.

    The old woman died when her time came, by then he was 17. He had always felt an urge to explore the world, and when she died, after several days of mourning, he ventured out properly exchanging farewells with everyone. By going out in the world, he had hopes of helping other people in need.

    Three years passed since then...
    Last edited by Fehrant; 02-27-2008 at 11:38 PM.

  10. #10
    Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Anomaly's Avatar
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    Hellish Heaven
    Mainly this is a place holder. A few things may change, in my profile at least.

    Name: Dakatsu
    Age: unknown
    Gender: male
    Race: Vyerna, Half Fae (plot twists likely)
    Height: 7'10
    Weight: 240 lbs.
    Class: Rogue
    Weapon: Claws, kris bladed daggers, bladed tail weapon, grappling hooks
    Spells (if applicable): Despite being a rogue, there are several reports of this particular bandit using magic. This may be tied to some rare artifacts the thief is known to own, but this has not yet been proven.

    Appearance: A striking figure, clothed from head to toe in crimson, with black scales covering what little of his skin shows.

    Dakatsu is a very greedy being and will do anything to secure rare treasures for himself. The rarer or more important the item, the harder he'll work to recover it. He is actually reviled by many in the rogue community because he is well known for double crossing those he partners with.
    He is, however, and extremely skilled rogue and has secured several rare and magical artifacts. Add to this his fearsome hit and run battle tactics and he is truly a force to be reckoned with.
    Dakatsu, being a thief, is very protective of his face and will not let anyone see his features. A battle with him will end rather quickly if you can slash his mask off or remove his wrap from his head.

    History: It is well known he desires the object that was previously used to protect the land that the council of the Fae protect.

    Trylle - A haunted land far to the West, located on the island of Quesh. The forests grow wild and thick just on the verge of burning destruction and the mist shrouded mountains tower to the heavens. Many strange animals exist here, as do many bizarre plants and rare minerals. It is always damp and hot. Few explorers ever cross the sea and return to tell the least with all four limbs.

    This is the home of a race of people who elsewhere in the world live as roving nomads. Even here there are few permanent settlements, save those dread burrows and crevices known to those of a more occult turn of mind to be the homes of the Troll-folk, deep int the heart of long dead volcano's. The only exports from this land are rare magical artifacts, ingredients, and talismans and those mutilated in body, or soul, who seek them. That and the mysterious Troll-folk themselves.

    Trolls - These are creatures who range in size from the smallest child to the towering mountains. They're skin can be any color, or many colors, but their features are all the same...long of ear, long of nose, jutting of chin, and extremely sharp of tooth. They are often powerfully muscled entity's with sharp finger and toe nails. They rarely bother wearing clothing outside of Trylle, unless they are trying to blend in with other races, as their thick, shaggy hair that extends down their back, their chest(on the males) and their crotch tends to be enough in any weather. Fierce hunters, Trolls often are armed with spears or other weapons of the hunt, such as slings, bow and arrow, or nets. Their skin is soft and yielding when young, but quickly becomes hard and leathery, difficult to pierce and partially immune to many spells.

    Inately magical creatures, they can become invisible, ride laughing on the winds, become one with the earth, and cast mischievous spells that are largely illusion...but not totally. They can appear incredibly beautiful and dress themselves in astonishing finery (which has lead to many a Trolls downfall trying to pass themselves off as a noble wandering the woods or wastelands). It is also said, however, that if a Troll spends too much time in the sun, they will turn to stone. Truly a Trolls greatest strength is their raw power...capable of ripping apart a single opponent of any other race with relative ease and little skill. A Troll happened upon at night is a warriors worst nightmare.

    Little is known of Troll society within Trylle. There are rumors of a great Trollish King beneath the mountains who rules over a perfect sorcerers kingdom forged from magic and dreams. Others speculate that the nature of the kingdom may be far more savage by half, a land of eternal suffering and dark delights given the savage nature of Trolls.

    Outside of Trylle, Trolls live in small roving family clans similar to wolf packs. They stalk the land, terrorizing travelers in their hunts and creating chaos throughout any land they travel. Though many societies have sought to exspell and destroy this menace, there is the difficulty that despite the Trolls natural brutish nature, they are innately tied to the magic of the land. Female trolls in particular can appear as the loveliest female of any species she chooses. Usually females spend much of their time in this disguise, stealing food from villages and farms while exciting the passions of the men there only to lead them into ambushes...and add their bodies to their larder.(Many children are told if they are not good the Troll hag will come for them and carve their bodies up for her dinner.) That is, unless a wary observer spots the troll hags tail or other distinguishing features. This has lead to the custom, now considered largely a matter of manners, of holding a door open for females. Originally, this was intended to be a chance to watch for the tell-tale slither of an appendage that could not otherwise be seen.

    A truly disturbing quality of the Troll is how they rear their young. They do not, and instead steal babes from their mothers crib to sate their own monstrous appetites and replace the youngling with one of their own. Like the females, they possess the innate ability to appear as a beautiful being of any other species (a trait that seems to wear off in the males around puberty). For all this, the Trolls do not seem to breed often, and more than once a child of another species has been spotted aiding Trolls in the countryside, raised perhaps by a mothering Troll. Raised for the slaughter or to be one of them, who can say?

    Trolls are full of mysterious magic and tricks. They hold an abiding hatred for all the other species of the world. This coupled with their diet, which consists almost completely of meat, leads them to be horrible harbingers of death and chaos. It is only a thankful coincidence that the only place they exist in any large numbers is across the sea.

    Coming of Age - It is generally believed that when a Troll comes of age, they will murder the family that has raised them and any friends they have made in the past. Eating their flesh will mark them forever as Troll-borne, and they will then begin the long journey of slaughter back across the Sea to their homeland...or become a lone wolf Troll, or Wight (named so for their ghastly appearance, neither troll nor the species that they originally impersonated. It is believed many Wight's are half Trolls, half beast and half man, and both halves filled to overflowing with madness because of the other). In reality, when the truth of a Trolls linage becomes apparent, many races have been taught that the child must die...and the child will use its new found strength to escape...or perish.

    Some Troll girls, or female half trolls, go onto leave completely normal lives by their adoptive species standards. The flaw in their lineage only discovered later down their family line when a grotesque monster springs from the womb of a great granddaughter.

    If a Troll does make it back to Trylle, they will be greeted by the land...the mists will roll back, and the calls of the spirits will finally cease. He or she will be clothed, fed, and taught the history of their people. Here many will stay forever more, but some will learn the way of the druid and go out and help their people in the outside world. Others will grow weary of a world they barely know and long to return to that outside world...these tend to make up the bulk of the roving bands, who though they hate the races that shun them, miss them terribly.

    Marriage - Wedlock within Troll society is a rare thing. Many females seem to never be able to love the gruffer, beastly males of their race. Raised by other standards of beauty, a Troll female will often disdain her brothers, and instead copulate with males of other races. Yet Trollish marriages do sometimes take place. A trollish Druid or Witch Priestess must preside over the ceremony at midnight in an open space to be observed by father sky and mother earth, both in accord beneath a half gnawed moon. After the saga of the first trolls is told, the two must find each other by only the light of the moon. If they cannot, then the ceremony ends, and the marriage is called off. If they can find one another, they must then make their declaration of love, of hope, and give thanks to the spirits for bringing them together. The ceremony ends with the pair using their power to become invisible, and be swept up naked by the wind. In the air, high above, cradled by father sky, they will consummate their marriage in love-making. If a child is conceived thanks to this ceremony the child is considered to be especially blessed, and instead of being left for another mother to raise will be raised by the clans themselves to be Druid of Father Sky, Witch Priestess of Mother Earth, or even Clan Lords.

    Death - Despite their enmity with other races, many trolls live to be thousands of years old. These Old Ones grow massive, their skins harden and gnarled, at first like the bark of trees and then like the mountain rock. Death does not come for the Troll like with other races. When a Old One grows large enough, they enter a dormant state and join with the land that they love...yet even then they're spirits do not die. It is said, one day, long in the future, the Old Ones will rise up and sweep the world clean with their mighty hands and bring about the end of all time. (It is rumored that one such Old One is the Frostmount, which causes no end of trouble between Dwarf and Troll.)
    Though some believe Trolls to be truly immortal, they are not invulnerable. They fall to sword and spell like any other being. Though their race is tied closely to the supernatural and the spirits in all things, the most revered spirit is Father Sky. When a Troll warrior/hunter dies in battle, if at all possible, the body is recovered and buried at sky. The ritual is a short ceremony of remembrance conducted by the Druids of the sky, followed by taking the body to the top of the nearest sacred mountain. There the warriors family and friends will fast, tell stories, and mourn all while they dismember the noble corpse and feed it to the hunting and carrion birds. Only after every scrap of flesh has been eaten and the bones have been ground to dust by a Druid and cast to the wind will the clan break its fast, and still covered in the Trolls gore partake of flesh and drink (for to wash before eating would show disrespect to the departed). It is said that this adds to the flavor of the repast. This is the Ceremony of Bergtroll and is considered a great honor that links all Troll kind to Father Sky.

    A Troll that dies in disgrace, either executed as a criminal or finds their death as an outcast, will instead be reclaimed by Mother Earth in a different ceremony. These are those who are buried beneath the strange mounds of stone and earth in the haunted countryside. The body is first completely skinned...then the meat is rubbed with salt and butter and left to cure in a chimney (if the nearest be that of another race, so be it). After seven days and seven nights, the body is laid at a point dictated by the stars, and there it is covered with earth and and stone. This is the Ceremony of Haugtrold, and serves as a potent source of magic for the Trollish Witch Priestess's, harnessing the power of the tormented spirits of their brethren for their wicked curses and healing magics, until their penance is paid for their crime and their souls seep peacefully into the womb of Mother Earth. Or so this is their belief.

    Druids - These are those who have devoted themselves to the worship of the land, the sky, the sea, the wild beasts and the forces that govern them. Though much of their powers are passive or protective, they can be truly fearsome on the battlefield.

    Witch Priestess - These are those who harness the power of the spirits and the natural world and twist them to their own will, to create truly unnatural and often unpredictable spells. They specialize in spells that distort matter, space, and time, but their bodies pay a terrible price for their power. Their curses are less specific than a necromancers, but can be far more potent and enduring.

    HeadHunter - A more primitive class of warrior, these tend to abound in forested areas and are adept at the use of spears and javelin. While these are usually used for catching fish and wild game, they can be employed with truly deadly accuracy to down warriors of any species. The heads of which can be taken and used to create fetishes that increase a headhunters power and strikes fear into their enemies. More heads mean more power.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 02-29-2008 at 02:47 AM.
    As I stood here at the break of eternity
    The planets realigned to hide the sun
    The moon was red and the sky turns black -
    The Dragon roared in rage
    And I was silent, waiting for a sign
    But on the ninth day the earth did not open
    There was thunder but no rain -
    The Dragon howled five names

  11. #11
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Lunasa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Long Island, NY
    Name: Xanaphia Andrudii
    Age: visably 24 or 25
    Gender: Female
    Race: Elf
    Height: 4'10"
    Weight: 120
    Birthplace/Hometown (optional): Larna
    Class: Cleric
    Weapon: Staff
    Spells (if applicable):
    Heal - Able to heal more serious wounds, such as deeper cuts, injured muscles, fractures, 2nd degree burns, moderate infections and minor physical ailments.

    Holy Light [Holy] - Gives the user the ability to light dark areas with their staff. This spell can also blind some weaker Shadow creatures and undead.

    Holy Spark [Holy] - A small blast of white fire that inflicts minor damage to the target Shadow creatures or undead and also has a small chance to blind them.

    Protect - Casts a protective barrier which lowers magical damage for a short time.

    Appearance: I used the hero machine to create her, which can be found here
    In order view her, click load character (Icon on the upper left) and copy and paste this into the box:

    2.5b5*f1*Xanaphia*Hair:Standard,cavalier,732C00,73 4901,100,100,28,Eyebrows:Expansion1,hulk,734901,73 2C00,100,100,19,Eyes:Standard,newplain,007622,0076 22,100,100,18,Nose:Standard,slash,FFFA9C,FFFA9C,10 0,100,23,Mouth:Standard,pursed,538610,CEA66B,100,1 00,17,Beard:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,10 0,22,Ears:Standard,elfring,FFFA9C,696901,100,100,2 9,Skin:Standard,fraBlank,FFFA9C,FFFA9C,100,100,6,M ask:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,20,Hea dgear:Standard,wings,538610,FFFFFF,100,100,25,Unde rshirt:Standard,wrap,5A3410,5A3410,100,100,7,Overs hirt:Standard,fraBlank,7AC721,696901,100,100,9,Coa t:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,21,Right Glove:Standard,wrought,696901,696901,100,100,16,Le ftGlove:Standard,wrought,696901,696901,100,100,15, Insignia:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,1 0,Neckwear:Standard,gemscarf,538610,5A3410,100,100 ,30,Belt:Standard,sash1,696901,5A3410,100,100,14,L eggings:Standard,wrap,5A3410,5A3410,100,100,8,Over leggings:Standard,fraBlank,5A3410,8C8C8C,100,100,3 1,Pants:Standard,longcloth,7AC721,696901,100,100,1 3,RightFoot:Standard,sandal,696901,7AC721,100,100, 12,LeftFoot:Standard,sandal,696901,7AC721,100,100, 11,Back:Standard,flarecape,395C08,395C08,100,100,3 ,Wings:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,4,T ail:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,5,Aura :Standard,vines,034829,007622,100,100,2,Companion: Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,27,Backgro und:Standard,fullscreen,006938,01B3F1,100,100,1,Ri ghtHand:Standard,staff,5A3410,696901,100,100,26,Le ftHand:Standard,fraBlank,5A3410,696901,100,100,24, #

    Other than what's displayed, she has a slighter build and green eyes.

    Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses:((more later))

    History:((more later))
    Last edited by Lunasa; 02-28-2008 at 06:27 PM.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  12. #12
    Lady Succubus Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Victoria's Avatar
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    Inland Empire
    Blog Entries
    I'm sorry, but that hero machine thing doesn't work. I don't know if it's because the way you copied the data or what, but it screws up and doesn't work properly. Either take a screenshot of it or describe it to the best of your ability.

  13. #13
    Professional Klutz. Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Holy Kharlan
    I'm aching to get started Lucid. How's progress on the intro?

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  14. #14
    This is my sin... Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Lucid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Silent Hill
    I wrote my intro post. I hope it's all right... T_T

  15. #15
    Professional Klutz. Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Holy Kharlan
    I liked your post.

    Mines also up. I'm afraid mine is mostly characterizing and building. It's also a build up to something big. I'm starting to wonder how I'm going to be found by any of you, ha ha.

    Anyway, hope you like.


  16. #16
    Here we go...^^

    Name: Alexander (Alex) Zach

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Race: Asura

    Height: 5'10

    Weight: 9st

    Birthplace/Hometown (optional): Atarylis

    Class: Exorcist

    Weapon: Sister Blades:
    Ashi: A navy wooden Tanto, the symbol of death is on the gap between the scabbard and the holster.
    Ishi: A crimson wooden Tanto, a sideways cross seal is placed in the same position that the death symbol is on Ashi.

    Spells (if applicable):

    Call: Increases voice control, allowing soft sounds of any kind or large earth shattering blasts of noise. He also knows several Songs and Ballads that can calm the mood of the person, alos allowing him to throw his voice etc.

    Channel: Can channel spirit energies around him, allowing him to perform 'Soul Spells'. It also allows him to detect any spiritual aura's around him, be them living or dead, allowing him to detect people, Undead etc. He can also invoke the abilites of fallen deities and spirits.
    -Raine: Having an affinity to the Element of Water, Alex usually envokes and commands a fallen deity of the Rain, allowing him to form some quantities of water in its three forms and control it to his will. However this can drain him spiritualy and therefore physically, so the skill used is often little.

    Exorcist Spells:

    Lesser Heal - Able to heal light wounds, such as shallow cuts, fatigue, 1st degree burns and lesser infections.

    Exorcise [Holy] - Gives the ability to draw Shadow spirits out of people, animals, monsters and items which have been possessed. The success rate is based on the user's experience.

    Appearance: Unlike typical Asura, Alex's wings are on either sides of his head and are moderately small in comparison to others. This means that he has difficulty flying long distances, so he uses them to glide and aid him in jumping and acrobatics. They are more translucent than usual also and tend to take on a similar shade to his surroundings, also being fairly small to the size of his lower back. He has a gentle face, his left eye grey and his right taking on a shade corresponding with his mood at any given time. He also has slightly longer canines. Physically, he is well built but fairly skinny with an in built desire for speed, havng a great running speed helped with his wings. One major feature about Alex is that he has several positive messages in the Fae language tattooed along his back, left peck and some on his arm, ending at his wrist. These are to remind him of his duty as an exorcist and as a person that does good.

    Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses: Alex is a fairly quiet person with a warm heart that is accepting of the goodness of everything. He respects alot, but will never be undermimed, especially not from his mission of eradicating oppression and evil. If someone stands in his way he will challenge them verbally, not usually ending in a fight, however if required to do so, he will defeat but not kill. He is very friendly and enjoys making friends and helping them. However, his bloodlust in battle is unmatched at times. He can be brought forward to be deemed heretic as he has been known to flay his victims alive and act on certain horrific torture methods to those deemed 'Judged'. Being from the asura, under Ashtara, he feels he is made from both, and has no specific affinity for either, perhaps being the reasoning behind his two very different sides.

    History: Alex's history is a very slippery one, as he does not remember much of what happened to him as a small child. However, at the age of five, he remembers being kept in a small, quaint church, in which the Priest took him in, gave him shelter and treated him as his own. The man was an old Paladin, of Human race, and he had found peace in worship. He taught Alex his infatuation, and taught him the ways of a worshipper. He would occasionally help in his own way with his fathers sermons, singing in a hidden alcove. The church goers there loved it, and brought more people to the sermons, making it quite popular. It wasnt good for long, and it brought the attraction of bandits hearing a rumour about a singing gold statue, given by Ishtara Herself. They broke in after a sermon, seeing Alex helping to tidy the church after a sermon. His father sent him into the back, the robbers being confused at the winged creature they had seen. Going after him, his Father stepped in, giving his life for Alex. Unfortuantely, Alex had seen him die, watching as they repeatedly stabbed him until he died. Something snapped within Alex, and his wings began to glow a sickly green and black, his right eye truning to red and black, swirling with his hatred and loss. As the robbers moved away from his Father, he opened the door, revealing himself to them. He sung a low, grinding song, of loss and sorrow, of grief and punishment. He continued to sing as he killed them, using their own weapons, chopping off limbs, shattering bones, and eating parts of flesh. When he had finished, and blood stained the walls, he lay by his Fathers side, wishing for his life to be given back. Trying to wake him fitfully, squeezing his life blood from him, he stood, his right eye turning to a bright blue. It rained all day. Covered in blood, he walked several miles to the nearby village, collapsing. He was taken in by a small religious school, as they knew of his Fathers secret. There they taught him, cared for him, until he left, with his one true aspiration, to destory all forms of evil, horror and sadness.

    I'll begin my post now! ^^
    Last edited by ~WP-Night; 03-07-2008 at 10:54 AM.
    (M) Kieron Sumner. says:
    strudel? :|
    Maxi(L) says:
    strudel ^^
    (M) Kieron Sumner. says:
    whats that haha
    Maxi(L) says:
    like apple pie but pastry instead of....pie stuff

  17. #17
    Lady Succubus Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Victoria's Avatar
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    I find it kind of ironic that you're of an evil race, yet you want to destroy your own kind and things like that.

    I don't know where your hometown is, but if it's in Vale, I have no idea why there would be a golden statue given by Ishtara, seeing as the sisters hate each other.

  18. #18
    I think I stated that it was a rumour about the statue Toph. And yeah, I kinda forgot to put it in. Its in Atarylis, a little lower than the northern-most point far in the mainland.

    And thanks, I never seem to do evil characters, but this time I thought about good and evil pretty hard, and to be honest its really all simply points of view. So with that I tried to move that into a character. Its not necessarily a need to have a race that must be evil, it just is, whatever Ishtara does, right? Thats what I think anyway. ^^

    (M) Kieron Sumner. says:
    strudel? :|
    Maxi(L) says:
    strudel ^^
    (M) Kieron Sumner. says:
    whats that haha
    Maxi(L) says:
    like apple pie but pastry instead of....pie stuff

  19. #19
    Lady Succubus Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Victoria's Avatar
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    ...I really didn't understand the last sentence you just said. And yeah, I just saw that it was a rumor. Haha.

  20. #20
    Actually neither did I now that I look at it. O.o I cant even remember what I was talking about. O_O; Well we've all had a drink =P

    (M) Kieron Sumner. says:
    strudel? :|
    Maxi(L) says:
    strudel ^^
    (M) Kieron Sumner. says:
    whats that haha
    Maxi(L) says:
    like apple pie but pastry instead of....pie stuff

  21. #21
    Magically Delicous Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Merlin's Avatar
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    After much deliberation (with myself) I have decided I would like to join. This is more of a placeholder than anything, since I am on my way to work at the moment. As per usual, I leave most of the details of my characters' history to my writing. Such information is best left to be described as a story progresses. At least, that's my thought on the matter. ^_^

    In any case, I will update this tomorrow, or perhaps create a new one. I need to do some brainstorming on character ideas.

  22. #22
    Professional Klutz. Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Good lord, look at the following this is getting now. There are going to be 10 of us writing now, I actually think that's the largest I've seen in a year.

    Welcome Waterprince, welcome Merlin.

    Ha ha, Waterprince. For some reason the first part of your post made me imagine your character going...

    "The hills are alive, with the sound of mmuuuuusiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic"


    Btw, guys. Would you mind if I altered my post, I want to prolong things before I get kidnapped. I have a new idea... I'll edit it anyway and change back if there are major issues. All I'm doing is deleting the last part.

    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 03-07-2008 at 04:18 PM. Reason: edit.

  23. #23
    This is my sin... Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Lucid's Avatar
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    I don't mind, since it's just a post introducing your character and won't really have any effect on things right now.

    Welcome to the RP, Merlin and WaterPrince!
    Last edited by Lucid; 03-14-2008 at 10:21 PM. Reason: Typo

  24. #24

    @Hyzenthlay: Well thank you.^^ If it causes some kind of a reaction thats good right? =P

    @Lucid: Thanks for accepting me. =] Looking forward to posting more. ^^

    (M) Kieron Sumner. says:
    strudel? :|
    Maxi(L) says:
    strudel ^^
    (M) Kieron Sumner. says:
    whats that haha
    Maxi(L) says:
    like apple pie but pastry instead of....pie stuff

  25. #25
    Magically Delicous Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Merlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post
    Good lord, look at the following this is getting now. There are going to be 10 of us writing now, I actually think that's the largest I've seen in a year.
    The number you start with is irrelevant. Its the number that matters is the amount of people you end up with after the RP progresses past the intro stuff and starts getting serious. If all 10 people actively participate, then this could be quite interesting. It might break a record or two. Who knows.

  26. #26
    This is my sin... Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Lucid's Avatar
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    I added three short lines at the end of the story to make it sound a bit better, and I also added a disclaimer at the top to let people know about the violence and adult themes that the story will contain.

  27. #27
    Magically Delicous Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Merlin's Avatar
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    Heh. I typically mark R-rated posts that I write for such reasons.

    In other news, I have decided what my char(s) will be like and will post them tomorrow once I write it all up. Its all in my head. ^_^

  28. #28
    Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Anomaly's Avatar
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    This is just a quick note to say I've read over everyones posts and like what I see so far. I'll likely be joining the RP properly later on.

    A thief has to make an entrance, after all.
    As I stood here at the break of eternity
    The planets realigned to hide the sun
    The moon was red and the sky turns black -
    The Dragon roared in rage
    And I was silent, waiting for a sign
    But on the ninth day the earth did not open
    There was thunder but no rain -
    The Dragon howled five names

  29. #29
    I wanted to inform you that I have decided to change a few things in my profile after finding out a few details. I believe it'll make things...more interesting...
    <img src="">

    Natu's Profile

  30. #30
    Professional Klutz. Sisters of Tella (Original RP) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melin
    The number you start with is irrelevant. Its the number that matters is the amount of people you end up with after the RP progresses past the intro stuff and starts getting serious. If all 10 people actively participate, then this could be quite interesting. It might break a record or two. Who knows.
    Yeah, but we have some great writers here. So even if only half actually write often/ past the intro we still have a good number of good writers participating. I hope everyone does write though.

    I can't wait for it to get going, fully.


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