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Thread: I want to make something crystal clear..

  1. #1
    Spoony Bard
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    I want to make something crystal clear.. Incognitus's Avatar
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    I want to make something crystal clear..

    First and foremost, I appreciate the interest of everyone wanting to join the Evil Bad Guys/Girls. It's nice seeing that there's interest in the EBG again. However, from a sample of what I've seen, this interest may be for all of the wrong reasons.

    I can't help but notice that many people are applying because they have some sort of vendetta against SOLDIER, ranging from the assertion that "All SOLDIER members are elitist pricks" to "I'm against all selective groups." Whatever the case may be, it isn't going to fly well with me in the voting round. To have something against specific members of SOLDIER for reasons beyond their membership is one thing, but to carry the grudge while applying for a group that's clearly wanting to stay out of the whole SOLDIER v.s. anti-SOLDIER debate pushes it a little too far.

    I'll not have the EBG turned into some anti-SOLDIER group. That wasn't my vision when I brought up the idea to revive the EBG and that isn't how I want to see the EBG turn out. It's either going to be non-anti-SOLDIER or it isn't going to exist. Fierce rivalries existed in Clan Wars, but Clan Wars is dead. Those fierce rivalries are also dead. That said, there shouldn't be a fierce rivalry with SOLDIER since SOLDIER is a group who wants to do its own thing, and when it comes down to it, the EBG is doing the exact same thing.

    Ideally, I wanted this application thing to work, but if I keep getting people applying with reasons leaning more towards "I hate SOLDIER" than "I like EBG," it might have to go a selective route as well. That is not fun, but if it has to be done, it will be done.

    ** Note to those of you who have already applied: I'm going to speak with all of the current EBG members tomorrow to get the voting thing going. It's been tough getting everything organized with school starting for me and a few others.
    Hero façade. Villain at heart.

  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior I want to make something crystal clear.. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Thank you for bringing your attention to our issue. I'm all up for some playful debates now and again, but some of the things which were said in the application thread were way out of line. With this (hopefully) resolved, our "factions" can screw each other over in an intelligent way instead of via flaming.

    Anywho... I'm done messing around in all of your business now. Thanks again.
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus I want to make something crystal clear.. Victoria's Avatar
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    On the note about being Anti-SOLDIER. Though I've mentioned it before, but since this thread is to make things clear, I want people to realize right now, that we're not Anti-SOLDIER any longer, more of the Anti-Elitist aspect, really. I'd remake our banners and everything, but I'm too lazy right now. Though I'll have a talk with Faye and Divi-Dead and ask what they think about changing our point of view. Because to me, I've realized SOLDIER nowadays, is actually pretty awesome. Even my friends are in it. (I'm sharing your 'crystal clear' thread because...well...why would I post my own thread about the same thing really? ) So, I've decided soley that we'll be against all Elitist ways from this day forward. *bows*
    I still have to put together a decent history of the Red Wings. Though I think I have a general direction I want to go in my mind, I just have to, erm...start writing it.

    With all that said, I shall say thanks for letting me use this thread for a similar purpose, as to keep things clean. *bows*

    (If I hadn't begun the RW, I'd probably apply for EBG, actually. *bows once again*)

  4. #4
    I'm not an Anti-Soldier person, I just want a group I can actually be in...

  5. #5
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    I also want it to be known that I supported the creation of EBG, as it was probably one of the most memorable groups in our history. I for one have some very good friends in this group, your leaders as a mention. No SOLDIER member will be allowed to attack any sort of organization unless provoked upon, where we will only defend our own reputation. Even so, this would be under extreme cases like a direct targeting and attack upon a particular member for being in SOLDIER... friends standing up for friends. Many of the members of EBG I consider friends, and will be willing to stand by them.

    I also encourage those interested to join EBG... they have a lot of fun and carry a very good reputation for being quite creative in the kinds of things you do.

    And note... membership in EBG does not exclude from SOLDIER... SOLDIER is about being a TFF veteran, and is not related to EBG in any way.

  6. #6
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    *burns every single member of SOLDIER*

    Oh we arent anti-SOLDIER?

    *picks up a fire extinguisher and and sprays it on them*

    Sorry about that..Seriously, anything that's created based on hating something or in this case , a group, wouldnt last long. Of course, Im with Kaz on this one. Some SOLDIER members are my friends too. It would be fun to have an invitational RPB of some sort at some time though. (to kick some SOLDIER jk)

    *mumbles to self* Im not anti-SOLDIER

    PS: I am not anti-SOLDIER (seriously. lol)

  7. #7
    Hanna Barbarian I want to make something crystal clear.. True Omega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psychosyd
    And note... membership in EBG does not exclude from SOLDIER... SOLDIER is about being a TFF veteran, and is not related to EBG in any way.
    Do I detect a hint of someone wanting to join syd? =p

    Yeah, don't let SOLDIER membership or a hope to be in joining in the future stop you, I used to be in both long long ago, when the earth was pockmarked with craters caused by the explosion of a dying planet.
    This user is running Jason version T.0. and is subject to frequent freezeups, illegal operations, and dissapearing off the face of the planet at any time.

    And by all means, drama with bad taste.

  8. #8
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    TO you're 'back'. Now, torment me. jk.

    Sorry I had to say

    *mumbles to self* I am not anti-SOLDIER.

    *huggles Syd*

  9. #9
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    Hehe, alas TO, though now you are here, and Quistis is in EBG, there are other locations where I can find you guys... its more reverse

    I was opening up membership to both you and Q...

    And I just wanted people to know there is no issue on our side if you have membership into both, though I have been told people who are in SOLDIER are or won't be allowed in EBG.

  10. #10
    The Old Skool Warrior I want to make something crystal clear.. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    *points at rules*
    Things that will disqualify a person from membership:

    1. Bad forum reputation. Being "evil" does not necessarily mean being bad. ALL members MUST follow the forum rules.
    2. Inactivity. We don't want to recruit any ghosts.
    3. Being a part of SOLDIER. We feel one membership to an exclusive group is enough for one person.
    Now... can we leave them to their business?

  11. #11
    Magically Delicous I want to make something crystal clear.. Merlin's Avatar
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    Why are SOLDIER members posting in here for... did S like royally screw up the access masks? Ugh... More work for the weary.

    EDIT: The hell.. this forum isn't even private... did you guys not want it private or is that another goofup? Let me know. Thanks.

  12. #12
    Lady Succubus I want to make something crystal clear.. Victoria's Avatar
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    The way I was led to believe, was that the subs are meant to be the actual Private Members Only forums. While this one here, is the Application Forum, if you will.

    Am I right, Kaz?

  13. #13
    Spoony Bard
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    I want to make something crystal clear.. Incognitus's Avatar
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    You are correct, Shadow.

    This portion is meant to be public. We figured this was the best way to do it, given the application format of our little group. The actual forum for the clan is a private forum, subbed in this one. This forum is for applications, questions, and for anything concerning EBG. So yes, SOLDIER members and any non-aligned member may access this public forum, but it's really only going to be a place to apply and ask questions or stir up some sort of challenge.
    Hero façade. Villain at heart.


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