The above advice is all great advice, and is so good because I can only assume it's from experience. I'm gonna break this down piece by piece because there is a lot of info to tackle.
1. You're not a jerk. You liked her, she didn't share those feelings, you both want to move on as friends. End of story. You weren't a jerk here, shit just didn't go your way, and you're trying to man up and preserve the friendship. Props to you, I'd more often than not say **** it.
2.A lot of the things that have happened are all fairly common when you have HS crushes like that. What I do recommend though, for future reference, is to scale back on all of the devotion and the constant posting on every one of her statuses. You may think it's sweet and romantic, but it can get overwhelming and kind of annoying. Plus, you've gotta be considerate of her. I know it seems awesome that someone would have that much attention to give a person, but most girls are interested in well-rounded guys.
3.Also, not gonna lie, your friend is kind of right on the stalker call, but at least you can see it. The constant facebook checking and replying to her statuses is a little stalkerish. Wanting her to like you and flirting and all of that isn't though. It's just normal stuff.
4. Just drop the entire thing. Constantly bringing it up will only keep those vibes around, and will only work against you guys being friends. Just lay low for a few days while shit blows over, and then pretend it never happened. Just try to leave things as they were before the entire fiasco went down.
5. You'll find someone new, and probably soon. That's how HS is.
6. And Rocky, I'm "Iloveandrew" on FFXI
